This section describes the behavior for each RPC-method supported with incubed.

The core of incubed is to execute rpc-requests which will be send to the incubed nodes and verified. This means the available RPC-Requests are defined by the clients itself.


Account Handling includes handling signers and preparing and signing transacrtion and data.

Signers are Plugins able to create signatures. Those functions will use the registered plugins.


returns a array of account-addresss the incubed client is able to sign with.

In order to add keys, you can use in3_addRawKey or configure them in the config. The result also contains the addresses of any signer signer-supporting the PLGN_ACT_SIGN_ACCOUNT action.

Parameters: -

Returns: address[]

the array of addresses of all registered signers.


> in3 eth_accounts  | jq
//---- Request -----

  "method": "eth_accounts",
  "params": []

//---- Response -----

  "result": [
# ---- Request -----

method: eth_accounts
params: []

//---- Response -----

  - "0x2e988a386a799f506693793c6a5af6b54dfaabfb"
  - "0x93793c6a5af6b54dfaabfb2e988a386a799f5066"


The sign method calculates an Ethereum specific signature with:

sign(keccak256("\x19Ethereum Signed Message:\n" + len(message) + message))).

By adding a prefix to the message makes the calculated signature recognisable as an Ethereum specific signature. This prevents misuse where a malicious DApp can sign arbitrary data (e.g. transaction) and use the signature to impersonate the victim.

For the address to sign a signer must be registered.


  1. account : address - the account to sign with
  2. message : bytes - the message to sign


the signature (65 bytes) for the given message.


> in3 eth_sign 0x9b2055d370f73ec7d8a03e965129118dc8f5bf83 0xdeadbeaf
//---- Request -----

  "method": "eth_sign",
  "params": [

//---- Response -----

  "result": "0xa3f20717a250c2b0b729b7e5becbff67fdaef7e0699da4de7ca5895b02a170a12d887fd3b17bfdce3481f10bea41f45ba9f709d39ce8325427b57afcfc994cee1b"
# ---- Request -----

method: eth_sign
  - "0x9b2055d370f73ec7d8a03e965129118dc8f5bf83"
  - "0xdeadbeaf"

//---- Response -----

result: "0xa3f20717a250c2b0b729b7e5becbff67fdaef7e0699da4de7ca5895b02a170a12d88\


Signs a transaction that can be submitted to the network at a later time using with eth_sendRawTransaction.


  1. tx : eth_transaction - transaction to sign The tx object supports the following properties :
    • to : address? (optional) - receipient of the transaction.
    • from : address? (optional) - sender of the address (if not sepcified, the first signer will be the sender)
    • wallet : address? (optional) - if specified, the transaction will be send through the specified wallet.
    • value : uint256? (optional) - value in wei to send
    • gas : uint64? (optional) - the gas to be send along (default: 21000)
    • gasPrice : uint64? (optional) - the price in wei for one gas-unit. If not specified it will be fetched using eth_gasPrice
    • type : uint32? (optional) - the transaction type ( See EIP- 1559 ) , 0 (default), 1 or 2
    • maxFeePerGas : uint64? (optional) - the max fees per gas ( See EIP- 1559 )
    • maxPriorityFeePerGas : uint64? (optional) - the max Prioritiyfees per gas ( See EIP- 1559 )
    • accessList : eth_accesslist[]? (optional) - the access list of storage values The accessList object supports the following properties :
      • address : address - the address of the contract
      • storageKeys : bytes32[] - list of storageKeys
    • nonce : uint64? (optional) - the current nonce of the sender. If not specified it will be fetched using eth_getTransactionCount
    • data : bytes? (optional) - the data-section of the transaction
    • signatures : bytes? (optional) - additional signatures which should be used when sending through a multisig


the raw signed transaction


> in3 eth_signTransaction '{"data":"0xd46e8dd67c5d32be8d46e8dd67c5d32be8058bb8eb970870f072445675058bb8eb970870f072445675","from":"0xb60e8dd61c5d32be8058bb8eb970870f07233155","gas":"0x76c0","gasPrice":"0x9184e72a000","to":"0xd46e8dd67c5d32be8058bb8eb970870f07244567","value":"0x9184e72a"}'
//---- Request -----

  "method": "eth_signTransaction",
  "params": [
      "data": "0xd46e8dd67c5d32be8d46e8dd67c5d32be8058bb8eb970870f072445675058bb8eb970870f072445675",
      "from": "0xb60e8dd61c5d32be8058bb8eb970870f07233155",
      "gas": "0x76c0",
      "gasPrice": "0x9184e72a000",
      "to": "0xd46e8dd67c5d32be8058bb8eb970870f07244567",
      "value": "0x9184e72a"

//---- Response -----

  "result": "0xa3f20717a250c2b0b729b7e5becbff67fdaef7e0699da4de7ca5895b02a170a12d887fd3b17bfdce3481f10bea41f45ba9f709d39ce8325427b57afcfc994cee1b"
# ---- Request -----

method: eth_signTransaction
  - data: "0xd46e8dd67c5d32be8d46e8dd67c5d32be8058bb8eb970870f072445675058bb8eb9708\
    from: "0xb60e8dd61c5d32be8058bb8eb970870f07233155"
    gas: "0x76c0"
    gasPrice: "0x9184e72a000"
    to: "0xd46e8dd67c5d32be8058bb8eb970870f07244567"
    value: "0x9184e72a"

//---- Response -----

result: "0xa3f20717a250c2b0b729b7e5becbff67fdaef7e0699da4de7ca5895b02a170a12d88\


adds a raw private key as signer, which allows signing transactions.


  1. pk : bytes32 - the 32byte long private key as hex string.

Returns: address

the address of given key.


> in3 in3_addRawKey 0x1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234
//---- Request -----

  "method": "in3_addRawKey",
  "params": [

//---- Response -----

  "result": "0x2e988a386a799f506693793c6a5af6b54dfaabfb"
# ---- Request -----

method: in3_addRawKey
  - "0x1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234"

//---- Response -----

result: "0x2e988a386a799f506693793c6a5af6b54dfaabfb"


Generates 32 random bytes. If /dev/urandom is available it will be used and should generate a secure random number. If not the number should not be considered sceure or used in production.


  1. seed : bytes? (optional) - the seed. If given the result will be deterministic.


the 32byte random data


> in3 in3_createKey 
//---- Request -----

  "method": "in3_createKey",
  "params": []

//---- Response -----

  "result": "0x6c450e037e79b76f231a71a22ff40403f7d9b74b15e014e52fe1156d3666c3e6"
# ---- Request -----

method: in3_createKey
params: []

//---- Response -----

result: "0x6c450e037e79b76f231a71a22ff40403f7d9b74b15e014e52fe1156d3666c3e6"


decrypts a JSON Keystore file as defined in the Web3 Secret Storage Definition. The result is the raw private key.


  1. key : keyparams - the keyparams The key object supports the following properties :
    • version : string - the version
    • id : string - the id
    • address : string - the address
    • crypto : cryptoParams - the cryptoparams The crypto object supports the following properties :
      • ciphertext : string - the cipher text
      • cipherparams : cipherParams - the cipherparams The cipherparams object supports the following properties :
        • iv : string - the iv
      • cipher : string - the cipher
      • kdf : string - the kdf
      • kdfparams : kdfParams - the kdfparams The kdfparams object supports the following properties :
        • dklen : uint64 - the dklen
        • salt : string - the salt
        • c : uint64 - the c
        • prf : string - the prf
      • mac : string - the mac
  2. passphrase : string - the password to decrypt it.


a raw private key (32 bytes)


> in3 in3_decryptKey '{"version":"3,","id":"f6b5c0b1-ba7a-4b67-9086-a01ea54ec638","address":"08aa30739030f362a8dd597fd3fcde283e36f4a1","crypto":{"ciphertext":"d5c5aafdee81d25bb5ac4048c8c6954dd50c595ee918f120f5a2066951ef992d","cipherparams":{"iv":"415440d2b1d6811d5c8a3f4c92c73f49"},"cipher":"aes-128-ctr","kdf":"pbkdf2","kdfparams":{"dklen":32,"salt":"691e9ad0da2b44404f65e0a60cf6aabe3e92d2c23b7410fd187eeeb2c1de4a0d","c":16384,"prf":"hmac-sha256"},"mac":"de651c04fc67fd552002b4235fa23ab2178d3a500caa7070b554168e73359610"}}' test
//---- Request -----

  "method": "in3_decryptKey",
  "params": [
      "version": "3,",
      "id": "f6b5c0b1-ba7a-4b67-9086-a01ea54ec638",
      "address": "08aa30739030f362a8dd597fd3fcde283e36f4a1",
      "crypto": {
        "ciphertext": "d5c5aafdee81d25bb5ac4048c8c6954dd50c595ee918f120f5a2066951ef992d",
        "cipherparams": {
          "iv": "415440d2b1d6811d5c8a3f4c92c73f49"
        "cipher": "aes-128-ctr",
        "kdf": "pbkdf2",
        "kdfparams": {
          "dklen": 32,
          "salt": "691e9ad0da2b44404f65e0a60cf6aabe3e92d2c23b7410fd187eeeb2c1de4a0d",
          "c": 16384,
          "prf": "hmac-sha256"
        "mac": "de651c04fc67fd552002b4235fa23ab2178d3a500caa7070b554168e73359610"

//---- Response -----

  "result": "0x1ff25594a5e12c1e31ebd8112bdf107d217c1393da8dc7fc9d57696263457546"
# ---- Request -----

method: in3_decryptKey
  - version: 3,
    id: f6b5c0b1-ba7a-4b67-9086-a01ea54ec638
    address: 08aa30739030f362a8dd597fd3fcde283e36f4a1
      ciphertext: d5c5aafdee81d25bb5ac4048c8c6954dd50c595ee918f120f5a2066951ef992d
        iv: 415440d2b1d6811d5c8a3f4c92c73f49
      cipher: aes-128-ctr
      kdf: pbkdf2
        dklen: 32
        salt: 691e9ad0da2b44404f65e0a60cf6aabe3e92d2c23b7410fd187eeeb2c1de4a0d
        c: 16384
        prf: hmac-sha256
      mac: de651c04fc67fd552002b4235fa23ab2178d3a500caa7070b554168e73359610
  - test

//---- Response -----

result: "0x1ff25594a5e12c1e31ebd8112bdf107d217c1393da8dc7fc9d57696263457546"


extracts the public key and address from signature.


  1. msg : hex - the message the signature is based on.
  2. sig : bytes - the 65 bytes signature as hex.
  3. sigtype : string? (optional) - the type of the signature data : eth_sign (use the prefix and hash it), raw (hash the raw data), hash (use the already hashed data). Default: raw (default: "raw")

Returns: object

the extracted public key and address

The return value contains the following properties :

  • publicKey : bytes - the public Key of the signer (64 bytes)
  • address : address - the address


> in3 in3_ecrecover 0x487b2cbb7997e45b4e9771d14c336b47c87dc2424b11590e32b3a8b9ab327999 0x0f804ff891e97e8a1c35a2ebafc5e7f129a630a70787fb86ad5aec0758d98c7b454dee5564310d497ddfe814839c8babd3a727692be40330b5b41e7693a445b71c hash | jq
  "publicKey": "0x94b26bafa6406d7b636fbb4de4edd62a2654eeecda9505e9a478a66c4f42e504c4481bad171e5ba6f15a5f11c26acfc620f802c6768b603dbcbe5151355bbffb",
  "address": "0xf68a4703314e9a9cf65be688bd6d9b3b34594ab4"
//---- Request -----

  "method": "in3_ecrecover",
  "params": [

//---- Response -----

  "result": {
    "publicKey": "0x94b26bafa6406d7b636fbb4de4edd62a2654eeecda9505e9a478a66c4f42e504c4481bad171e5ba6f15a5f11c26acfc620f802c6768b603dbcbe5151355bbffb",
    "address": "0xf68a4703314e9a9cf65be688bd6d9b3b34594ab4"
# ---- Request -----

method: in3_ecrecover
  - "0x487b2cbb7997e45b4e9771d14c336b47c87dc2424b11590e32b3a8b9ab327999"
  - "0x0f804ff891e97e8a1c35a2ebafc5e7f129a630a70787fb86ad5aec0758d98c7b454dee55\
  - hash

//---- Response -----

  publicKey: "0x94b26bafa6406d7b636fbb4de4edd62a2654eeecda9505e9a478a66c4f42e504c\
  address: "0xf68a4703314e9a9cf65be688bd6d9b3b34594ab4"


extracts the address from a private key.


  1. pk : bytes32 - the 32 bytes private key as hex.


the address


> in3 in3_pk2address 0x0fd65f7da55d811634495754f27ab318a3309e8b4b8a978a50c20a661117435a
//---- Request -----

  "method": "in3_pk2address",
  "params": [

//---- Response -----

  "result": "0xdc5c4280d8a286f0f9c8f7f55a5a0c67125efcfd"
# ---- Request -----

method: in3_pk2address
  - "0x0fd65f7da55d811634495754f27ab318a3309e8b4b8a978a50c20a661117435a"

//---- Response -----

result: "0xdc5c4280d8a286f0f9c8f7f55a5a0c67125efcfd"


extracts the public key from a private key.


  1. pk : bytes32 - the 32 bytes private key as hex.


the public key as 64 bytes


> in3 in3_pk2public 0x0fd65f7da55d811634495754f27ab318a3309e8b4b8a978a50c20a661117435a
//---- Request -----

  "method": "in3_pk2public",
  "params": [

//---- Response -----

  "result": "0x0903329708d9380aca47b02f3955800179e18bffbb29be3a644593c5f87e4c7fa960983f78186577eccc909cec71cb5763acd92ef4c74e5fa3c43f3a172c6de1"
# ---- Request -----

method: in3_pk2public
  - "0x0fd65f7da55d811634495754f27ab318a3309e8b4b8a978a50c20a661117435a"

//---- Response -----

result: "0x0903329708d9380aca47b02f3955800179e18bffbb29be3a644593c5f87e4c7fa960\


prepares a Transaction by filling the unspecified values and returens the unsigned raw Transaction.


  1. tx : eth_transaction - the tx-object, which is the same as specified in eth_sendTransaction. The tx object supports the following properties :
    • to : address? (optional) - receipient of the transaction.
    • from : address? (optional) - sender of the address (if not sepcified, the first signer will be the sender)
    • wallet : address? (optional) - if specified, the transaction will be send through the specified wallet.
    • value : uint256? (optional) - value in wei to send
    • gas : uint64? (optional) - the gas to be send along (default: 21000)
    • gasPrice : uint64? (optional) - the price in wei for one gas-unit. If not specified it will be fetched using eth_gasPrice
    • type : uint32? (optional) - the transaction type ( See EIP- 1559 ) , 0 (default), 1 or 2
    • maxFeePerGas : uint64? (optional) - the max fees per gas ( See EIP- 1559 )
    • maxPriorityFeePerGas : uint64? (optional) - the max Prioritiyfees per gas ( See EIP- 1559 )
    • accessList : eth_accesslist[]? (optional) - the access list of storage values The accessList object supports the following properties :
      • address : address - the address of the contract
      • storageKeys : bytes32[] - list of storageKeys
    • nonce : uint64? (optional) - the current nonce of the sender. If not specified it will be fetched using eth_getTransactionCount
    • data : bytes? (optional) - the data-section of the transaction
    • signatures : bytes? (optional) - additional signatures which should be used when sending through a multisig


the unsigned raw transaction as hex.


> in3 in3_prepareTx '{"to":"0x63f666a23cbd135a91187499b5cc51d589c302a0","value":"0x100000000","from":"0xc2b2f4ad0d234b8c135c39eea8409b448e5e496f"}'
//---- Request -----

  "method": "in3_prepareTx",
  "params": [
      "to": "0x63f666a23cbd135a91187499b5cc51d589c302a0",
      "value": "0x100000000",
      "from": "0xc2b2f4ad0d234b8c135c39eea8409b448e5e496f"

//---- Response -----

  "result": "0xe980851a13b865b38252089463f666a23cbd135a91187499b5cc51d589c302a085010000000080018080"
# ---- Request -----

method: in3_prepareTx
  - to: "0x63f666a23cbd135a91187499b5cc51d589c302a0"
    value: "0x100000000"
    from: "0xc2b2f4ad0d234b8c135c39eea8409b448e5e496f"

//---- Response -----

result: "0xe980851a13b865b38252089463f666a23cbd135a91187499b5cc51d589c302a08501\


signs the given data.


  1. msg : hex - the message to sign.
  2. account : address | bytes32 - the account to sign if the account is a bytes32 it will be used as private key
  3. msgType : string? (optional) - the type of the signature data : eth_sign (use the prefix and hash it), raw (hash the raw data), hash (use the already hashed data) (default: "raw")

Returns: object

the signature

The return value contains the following properties :

  • message : bytes - original message used
  • messageHash : bytes32 - the hash the signature is based on
  • signature : bytes - the signature (65 bytes)
  • r : bytes32 - the x-value of the EC-Point
  • s : bytes32 - the y-value of the EC-Point
  • v : uint32 - the recovery value (0|1) + 27


> in3 in3_signData 0x0102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f 0xa8b8759ec8b59d7c13ef3630e8530f47ddb47eba12f00f9024d3d48247b62852 raw | jq
  "message": "0x0102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f",
  "messageHash": "0x1d4f6fccf1e27711667605e29b6f15adfda262e5aedfc5db904feea2baa75e67",
  "signature": "0xa5dea9537d27e4e20b6dfc89fa4b3bc4babe9a2375d64fb32a2eab04559e95792264ad1fb83be70c145aec69045da7986b95ee957fb9c5b6d315daa5c0c3e1521b",
  "r": "0xa5dea9537d27e4e20b6dfc89fa4b3bc4babe9a2375d64fb32a2eab04559e9579",
  "s": "0x2264ad1fb83be70c145aec69045da7986b95ee957fb9c5b6d315daa5c0c3e152",
  "v": 27
//---- Request -----

  "method": "in3_signData",
  "params": [

//---- Response -----

  "result": {
    "message": "0x0102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f",
    "messageHash": "0x1d4f6fccf1e27711667605e29b6f15adfda262e5aedfc5db904feea2baa75e67",
    "signature": "0xa5dea9537d27e4e20b6dfc89fa4b3bc4babe9a2375d64fb32a2eab04559e95792264ad1fb83be70c145aec69045da7986b95ee957fb9c5b6d315daa5c0c3e1521b",
    "r": "0xa5dea9537d27e4e20b6dfc89fa4b3bc4babe9a2375d64fb32a2eab04559e9579",
    "s": "0x2264ad1fb83be70c145aec69045da7986b95ee957fb9c5b6d315daa5c0c3e152",
    "v": 27
# ---- Request -----

method: in3_signData
  - "0x0102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f"
  - "0xa8b8759ec8b59d7c13ef3630e8530f47ddb47eba12f00f9024d3d48247b62852"
  - raw

//---- Response -----

  message: "0x0102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f"
  messageHash: "0x1d4f6fccf1e27711667605e29b6f15adfda262e5aedfc5db904feea2baa75e67"
  signature: "0xa5dea9537d27e4e20b6dfc89fa4b3bc4babe9a2375d64fb32a2eab04559e95792\
  r: "0xa5dea9537d27e4e20b6dfc89fa4b3bc4babe9a2375d64fb32a2eab04559e9579"
  s: "0x2264ad1fb83be70c145aec69045da7986b95ee957fb9c5b6d315daa5c0c3e152"
  v: 27


signs the given raw Tx (as prepared by in3_prepareTx ). The resulting data can be used in eth_sendRawTransaction to publish and broadcast the transaction.


  1. tx : hex - the raw unsigned transactiondata
  2. from : address - the account to sign


the raw transaction with signature.


> in3 in3_signTx 0xe980851a13b865b38252089463f666a23cbd135a91187499b5cc51d589c302a085010000000080018080 0xc2b2f4ad0d234b8c135c39eea8409b448e5e496f
//---- Request -----

  "method": "in3_signTx",
  "params": [

//---- Response -----

  "result": "0xf86980851a13b865b38252089463f666a23cbd135a91187499b5cc51d589c302a08501000000008026a03c5b094078383f3da3f65773ab1314e89ee76bc41f827f2ef211b2d3449e4435a077755f8d9b32966e1ad8f6c0e8c9376a4387ed237bdbf2db6e6b94016407e276"
# ---- Request -----

method: in3_signTx
  - "0xe980851a13b865b38252089463f666a23cbd135a91187499b5cc51d589c302a085010000\
  - "0xc2b2f4ad0d234b8c135c39eea8409b448e5e496f"

//---- Response -----

result: "0xf86980851a13b865b38252089463f666a23cbd135a91187499b5cc51d589c302a085\


Important: This feature is still experimental and not considered stable yet. In order to use it, you need to set the experimental-flag (-x on the comandline or "experimental":true!

For bitcoin incubed follows the specification as defined in https://bitcoincore.org/en/doc/0.18.0/. Internally the in3-server will add proofs as part of the responses. The proof data differs between the methods. You will read which proof data will be provided and how the data can be used to prove the result for each method.

Proofs will add a special in3-section to the response containing a proof- object. This object will contain parts or all of the following properties:

  • block
  • final
  • txIndex
  • merkleProof
  • cbtx
  • cbtxMerkleProof


Whenever the client is not able to trust the changes of the target (which is the case if a block can’t be found in the verified target cache and the value of the target changed more than the client’s limit max_diff) he will call this method. It will return additional proof data to verify the changes of the target on the side of the client. This is not a standard Bitcoin rpc-method like the other ones, but more like an internal method.


  1. target_dap : uint64 - the number of the difficulty adjustment period (dap) we are looking for
  2. verified_dap : uint64 - the number of the closest already verified dap
  3. max_diff : int? (optional) - the maximum target difference between 2 verified daps (default: 5)
  4. max_dap : int? (optional) - the maximum amount of daps between 2 verified daps (default: 5)
  5. limit : int? (optional) - the maximum amount of daps to return (0 = no limit) - this is important for embedded devices since returning all daps might be too much for limited memory

The following in3-configuration will have an impact on the result:

  • finality : int - defines the amount of finality headers
  • verification : string - defines the kind of proof the client is asking for (must be never or proof)
  • preBIP34 : bool - defines if the client wants to verify blocks before BIP34 (height < 227836)


  • difference between target_dap and verified_dap should be greater than 1
  • target_dap and verified_dap have to be greater than 0
  • limit will be set to 40 internaly when the parameter is equal to 0 or greater than 40
  • max_dap can’t be equal to 0
  • max_diff equal to 0 means no tolerance regarding the change of the target - the path will contain every dap between target_dap and verified_dap (under consideration of limit)
  • total possible amount of finality headers (in3.finaliy * limit) can’t be greater than 1000
  • changes of a target will always be accepted if it decreased from one dap to another (i.e. difficulty to mine a block increased)
  • in case a dap that we want to verify next (i.e. add it to the path) is only 1 dap apart from a verified dap (i.e. verified_dap or latest dap of the path) but not within the given limit (max_diff) it will still be added to the path (since we can’t do even smaller steps)

This graph shows the usage of this method and visualizes the result from above. The client is not able to trust the changes of the target due to his limits (max_diff and max_dap). This method provides a path of daps in which the limits are fulfilled from dap to another. The client is going to trust the target of the target dap since he is able to perform a step by step verification of the target by using the path of daps.


Returns: object[]

A path of daps from the verified_dap to the target_dap which fulfils the conditions of max_diff, max_dap and limit. Each dap of the path is a dap-object with corresponding proof data.

The return value contains the following properties :

  • dap : uint64 - the difficulty adjustement period
  • block : bytes - the first blockheader
  • final : bytes - the finality header
  • cbtx : bytes - the coinbase transaction as hex
  • cbtxMerkleProof : bytes - the coinbasetx merkle proof


Each dap-object contains the following properties:

  • for blocks before BIP34 (height < 227836) and in3.preBIP34 = false
    • dap - the numer of the difficulty adjustment period
    • block - a hex string with 80 bytes representing the (always the first block of a dap)
    • final - the finality headers, which are hexcoded bytes of the following headers (80 bytes each) concatenated, the number depends on the requested finality (finality-property in the in3-section of the request)
  • for blocks before BIP34 (height < 227836) and in3.preBIP34 = true
    • dap - the numer of the difficulty adjustment period
    • block - a hex string with 80 bytes representing the blockheader
    • final - the finality headers, which are hexcoded bytes of the following headers (80 bytes each) concatenated up to the next checkpoint (maximum of 200 finality headers, since the distance between checkpoints = 200)
    • height - the height of the block (block number)
  • for blocks after BIP34 (height >= 227836), the value of in3.preBIP34 does not matter
    • dap - the numer of the difficulty adjustment period
    • block - a hex string with 80 bytes representing the (always the first block of a dap)
    • final - the finality headers, which are hexcoded bytes of the following headers (80 bytes each) concatenated, the number depends on the requested finality (finality-property in the in3-section of the request)
    • cbtx - the serialized coinbase transaction of the block (this is needed to get the verified block number)
    • cbtxMerkleProof - the merkle proof of the coinbase transaction, proving the correctness of the cbtx

The goal is to verify the target of the target_dap. We will use the daps of the result to verify the target step by step starting with the verified_dap. For old blocks (height < 227,836) with in3.preBIP34 disabled the target cannot be verified (proving the finality does not provide any security as explained in preBIP34 proof). For old blocks with in.preBIP34 enabled the block header can be verified by performing a preBIP34 proof. Verifying newer blocks requires multiple proofs. The block header from the block-field and the finality headers from the final-field will be used to perform a finality proof. Having a verified block header allows us to consider the target of the block header as verified. Therefore, we have a verified target for the whole dap. Having a verified block header (and therefore a verified merkle root) enables the possibility of a block number proof using the coinbase transaction (cbtx-field) and the merkle proof for the coinbase transaction (cbtxMerkleProof-field). This proof is needed to verify the dap number (dap). Having a verified dap number allows us to verify the mapping between the target and the dap number.


> in3 -x -c btc -f 8 btc_proofTarget 230 200 5 5 15 | jq
    "dap": 205,
    "block": "0x04000000e62ef28cb9793f4f9cd2a67a58c1e7b593129b9b...0ab284",
    "final": "0x04000000cc69b68b702321adf4b0c485fdb1f3d6c1ddd140...090a5b",
    "cbtx": "0x01000000...1485ce370573be63d7cc1b9efbad3489eb57c8...000000",
    "cbtxMerkleProof": "0xc72dffc1cb4cbeab960d0d2bdb80012acf7f9c...affcf4"
    "dap": 210,
    "block": "0x0000003021622c26a4e62cafa8e434c7e083f540bccc8392...b374ce",
    "final": "0x00000020858f8e5124cd516f4d5e6a078f7083c12c48e8cd...308c3d",
    "cbtx": "0x01000000...c075061b4b6e434d696e657242332d50314861...000000",
    "cbtxMerkleProof": "0xf2885d0bac15fca7e1644c1162899ecd43d52b...93761d"
    "dap": 215,
    "block": "0x000000202509b3b8e4f98290c7c9551d180eb2a463f0b978...f97b64",
    "final": "0x0000002014c7c0ed7c33c59259b7b508bebfe3974e1c99a5...eb554e",
    "cbtx": "0x01000000...90133cf94b1b1c40fae077a7833c0fe0ccc474...000000",
    "cbtxMerkleProof": "0x628c8d961adb157f800be7cfb03ffa1b53d3ad...ca5a61"
    "dap": 220,
    "block": "0x00000020ff45c783d09706e359dcc76083e15e51839e4ed5...ddfe0e",
    "final": "0x0000002039d2f8a1230dd0bee50034e8c63951ab812c0b89...5670c5",
    "cbtx": "0x01000000...b98e79fb3e4b88aefbc8ce59e82e99293e5b08...000000",
    "cbtxMerkleProof": "0x16adb7aeec2cf254db0bab0f4a5083fb0e0a3f...63a4f4"
    "dap": 225,
    "block": "0x02000020170fad0b6b1ccbdc4401d7b1c8ee868c6977d6ce...1e7f8f",
    "final": "0x0400000092945abbd7b9f0d407fcccbf418e4fc20570040c...a9b240",
    "cbtx": "0x01000000...cf6e8f930acb8f38b588d76cd8c3da3258d5a7...000000",
    "cbtxMerkleProof": "0x25575bcaf3e11970ccf835e88d6f97bedd6b85...bfdf46"
//---- Request -----

  "method": "btc_proofTarget",
  "params": [
  "in3": {
    "verification": "proof"

//---- Response -----

  "result": [
      "dap": 205,
      "block": "0x04000000e62ef28cb9793f4f9cd2a67a58c1e7b593129b9b...0ab284",
      "final": "0x04000000cc69b68b702321adf4b0c485fdb1f3d6c1ddd140...090a5b",
      "cbtx": "0x01000000...1485ce370573be63d7cc1b9efbad3489eb57c8...000000",
      "cbtxMerkleProof": "0xc72dffc1cb4cbeab960d0d2bdb80012acf7f9c...affcf4"
      "dap": 210,
      "block": "0x0000003021622c26a4e62cafa8e434c7e083f540bccc8392...b374ce",
      "final": "0x00000020858f8e5124cd516f4d5e6a078f7083c12c48e8cd...308c3d",
      "cbtx": "0x01000000...c075061b4b6e434d696e657242332d50314861...000000",
      "cbtxMerkleProof": "0xf2885d0bac15fca7e1644c1162899ecd43d52b...93761d"
      "dap": 215,
      "block": "0x000000202509b3b8e4f98290c7c9551d180eb2a463f0b978...f97b64",
      "final": "0x0000002014c7c0ed7c33c59259b7b508bebfe3974e1c99a5...eb554e",
      "cbtx": "0x01000000...90133cf94b1b1c40fae077a7833c0fe0ccc474...000000",
      "cbtxMerkleProof": "0x628c8d961adb157f800be7cfb03ffa1b53d3ad...ca5a61"
      "dap": 220,
      "block": "0x00000020ff45c783d09706e359dcc76083e15e51839e4ed5...ddfe0e",
      "final": "0x0000002039d2f8a1230dd0bee50034e8c63951ab812c0b89...5670c5",
      "cbtx": "0x01000000...b98e79fb3e4b88aefbc8ce59e82e99293e5b08...000000",
      "cbtxMerkleProof": "0x16adb7aeec2cf254db0bab0f4a5083fb0e0a3f...63a4f4"
      "dap": 225,
      "block": "0x02000020170fad0b6b1ccbdc4401d7b1c8ee868c6977d6ce...1e7f8f",
      "final": "0x0400000092945abbd7b9f0d407fcccbf418e4fc20570040c...a9b240",
      "cbtx": "0x01000000...cf6e8f930acb8f38b588d76cd8c3da3258d5a7...000000",
      "cbtxMerkleProof": "0x25575bcaf3e11970ccf835e88d6f97bedd6b85...bfdf46"
# ---- Request -----

method: btc_proofTarget
  - 230
  - 200
  - 5
  - 5
  - 15
  verification: proof

//---- Response -----

  - dap: 205
    block: 0x04000000e62ef28cb9793f4f9cd2a67a58c1e7b593129b9b...0ab284
    final: 0x04000000cc69b68b702321adf4b0c485fdb1f3d6c1ddd140...090a5b
    cbtx: 0x01000000...1485ce370573be63d7cc1b9efbad3489eb57c8...000000
    cbtxMerkleProof: 0xc72dffc1cb4cbeab960d0d2bdb80012acf7f9c...affcf4
  - dap: 210
    block: 0x0000003021622c26a4e62cafa8e434c7e083f540bccc8392...b374ce
    final: 0x00000020858f8e5124cd516f4d5e6a078f7083c12c48e8cd...308c3d
    cbtx: 0x01000000...c075061b4b6e434d696e657242332d50314861...000000
    cbtxMerkleProof: 0xf2885d0bac15fca7e1644c1162899ecd43d52b...93761d
  - dap: 215
    block: 0x000000202509b3b8e4f98290c7c9551d180eb2a463f0b978...f97b64
    final: 0x0000002014c7c0ed7c33c59259b7b508bebfe3974e1c99a5...eb554e
    cbtx: 0x01000000...90133cf94b1b1c40fae077a7833c0fe0ccc474...000000
    cbtxMerkleProof: 0x628c8d961adb157f800be7cfb03ffa1b53d3ad...ca5a61
  - dap: 220
    block: 0x00000020ff45c783d09706e359dcc76083e15e51839e4ed5...ddfe0e
    final: 0x0000002039d2f8a1230dd0bee50034e8c63951ab812c0b89...5670c5
    cbtx: 0x01000000...b98e79fb3e4b88aefbc8ce59e82e99293e5b08...000000
    cbtxMerkleProof: 0x16adb7aeec2cf254db0bab0f4a5083fb0e0a3f...63a4f4
  - dap: 225
    block: 0x02000020170fad0b6b1ccbdc4401d7b1c8ee868c6977d6ce...1e7f8f
    final: 0x0400000092945abbd7b9f0d407fcccbf418e4fc20570040c...a9b240
    cbtx: 0x01000000...cf6e8f930acb8f38b588d76cd8c3da3258d5a7...000000
    cbtxMerkleProof: 0x25575bcaf3e11970ccf835e88d6f97bedd6b85...bfdf46


Returns the hash of the best (tip) block in the longest blockchain.

Parameters: -

The following in3-configuration will have an impact on the result:

  • finality : int - defines the amount of finality headers
  • verification : string - defines the kind of proof the client is asking for (must be never or proof)
  • preBIP34 : bool - defines if the client wants to verify blocks before BIP34 (height < 227836)

Returns: bytes32

the hash of the best block


Since we can’t prove the finality of the latest block we consider the current block count - amount of finality (set in in3.finality-field) as the latest block. The hash of this block will be returned. Setting in3.finality=0 will return will return the hash of the actual latest block.

The proof-object contains the following properties:

  • block - a hex string with 80 bytes representing the blockheader
  • final - the finality headers, which are hexcoded bytes of the following headers (80 bytes each) concatenated, the number depends on the requested finality (finality-property in the in3-section of the request)
  • cbtx - the serialized coinbase transaction of the block (this is needed to get the verified block number)
  • *cbtxMerkleProof - the merkle proof of the coinbase transaction, proving the correctness of the cbtx

The server is not able to prove the finality for the latest block (obviously there are no finality headers available yet). Instead the server will fetch the number of the latest block and subtracts the amount of finality headers (set in in3.finality-field) and returns the hash of this block to the client (the result is considered as the latest block hash). By doing so the server is able to provide finality headers. The block header from the block-field and the finality headers from the final-field will be used to perform a finality proof. Having a verified block header (and therefore a verified merkle root) enables the possibility of a block number proof using the coinbase transaction (cbtx-field) and the merkle proof for the coinbase transaction (cbtxMerkleProof-field).

The client can set in3.finality equal to 0 to get the actual latest block hash. Caution: This block is not final and could no longer be part of the blockchain later on due to the possibility of a fork. Additionally, there may already be a newer block that the server does not yet know about due to latency in the network.


The actual latest block is block #640395 and in3.finality is set to 8. The server is going to calculate 640395 - 8 and returns the hash of block #640387 to the client. The headers of block 640388..640395 will be returned as finality headers.

> in3 -x -c btc -f 8 getbestblockhash 
//---- Request -----

  "method": "getbestblockhash",
  "params": [],
  "in3": {
    "verification": "proof",
    "finality": 8

//---- Response -----

  "result": "000000000000000000039cbb4e842de0de9651852122b117d7ae6d7ac4fc1df6",
  "in3": {
    "proof": {
      "block": "0x0000e020bd3eecbd741522e1aa78cd7b375744590502939aef9b...9c8b18",
      "final": "0x00008020f61dfcc47a6daed717b12221855196dee02d844ebb9c...774f4c",
      "cbtx": "0x02000000000101000000000000000000000000000000000000000...000000",
      "cbtxMerkleProof": "0xa3d607b274770911e53f06dbdb76440580ff968239...0ba297"
# ---- Request -----

method: getbestblockhash
params: []
  verification: proof
  finality: 8

//---- Response -----

result: 000000000000000000039cbb4e842de0de9651852122b117d7ae6d7ac4fc1df6
    block: 0x0000e020bd3eecbd741522e1aa78cd7b375744590502939aef9b...9c8b18
    final: 0x00008020f61dfcc47a6daed717b12221855196dee02d844ebb9c...774f4c
    cbtx: 0x02000000000101000000000000000000000000000000000000000...000000
    cbtxMerkleProof: 0xa3d607b274770911e53f06dbdb76440580ff968239...0ba297


Returns data of block for given block hash. The returned level of details depends on the argument verbosity.


  1. hash : bytes32 - The block hash
  2. verbosity : int - 0 or false for hex-encoded data, 1 or true for a json object, and 2 for json object with transaction data

The following in3-configuration will have an impact on the result:

  • finality : int - defines the amount of finality headers
  • verification : string - defines the kind of proof the client is asking for (must be never or proof)
  • preBIP34 : bool - defines if the client wants to verify blocks before BIP34 (height < 227836)

Returns: btcblockWithTx

the block.

  • verbose 0 or false: a hex string with 80 bytes representing the blockheader
  • verbose 1 or true: an object representing the blockheader.

The return value contains the following properties :

  • hash : bytes32 - the block hash (same as provided)
  • confirmations : int - The number of confirmations, or -1 if the block is not on the main chain
  • height : uint64 - The block height or index
  • version : int - The block version
  • versionHex : hex - The block version formatted in hexadecimal
  • merkleroot : bytes32 - The merkle root ( 32 bytes )
  • time : uint64 - The block time in seconds since epoch (Jan 1 1970 GMT)
  • mediantime : uint64 - The median block time in seconds since epoch (Jan 1 1970 GMT)
  • nonce : uint64 - The nonce
  • bits : bytes4 - The bits ( 4 bytes as hex) representing the target
  • difficulty : double - The difficulty
  • chainwork : hex - Expected number of hashes required to produce the current chain (in hex)
  • nTx : int - The number of transactions in the block.
  • tx : btcblocktransaction[] - the array of transactions either as ids (verbose=1) or full transaction (verbose=2) The tx object supports the following properties :
    • txid : bytes32 - txid
    • hex : bytes - The serialized, hex-encoded data for txid
    • hash : bytes32 - The transaction hash (differs from txid for witness transactions)
    • size : uint64 - The serialized transaction size
    • vsize : uint64 - The virtual transaction size (differs from size for witness transactions)
    • weight : uint64 - The transaction’s weight (between vsize*4-3 and vsize*4)
    • version : int - The version
    • locktime : uint64 - The lock time
    • vin : object[] - array of json objects of incoming txs to be used The vin object supports the following properties :
      • txid : bytes32? (optional) - the transaction id
      • vout : uint64? (optional) - the index of the transaction out to be used
      • scriptSig : object? (optional) - the script The scriptSig object supports the following properties :
        • asm : string - the asm-codes
        • hex : string - hex representation
      • sequence : uint64 - The script sequence number
      • txinwitness : string[]? (optional) - hex-encoded witness data (if any)
      • coinbase : bytes32? (optional) - the coinbase
    • vout : object[] - array of json objects describing the tx outputs The vout object supports the following properties :
      • value : float - The Value in BTC
      • n : int - the index
      • scriptPubKey : object - the script pubkey The scriptPubKey object supports the following properties :
        • asm : string - asm
        • hex : string - hex representation of the script
        • reqSigs : int? (optional) - the required signatures
        • type : string - The type, eg ‘pubkeyhash’
        • addresses : string[]? (optional) - Array of address(each representing a bitcoin adress)
  • previousblockhash : bytes32 - The hash of the previous block
  • nextblockhash : bytes32 - The hash of the next block
  • strippedsize : int - The block size excluding witness data
  • weight : int - The block weight as defined in BIP 141
  • size : int - The block size


The proof will be calculated as described in getblockheader. See Details there.


> in3 -x -c btc -f 8 getblock 000000000000000000103b2395f6cd94221b10d02eb9be5850303c0534307220 1 | jq
  "hash": "000000000000000000103b2395f6cd94221b10d02eb9be5850303c0534307220",
  "confirmations": 8268,
  "height": 624958,
  "version": 536928256,
  "versionHex": 2000,
  "merkleroot": "d786a334ea8c65f39272d5b9be505ac3170f3904842bd52525538a9377b359cb",
  "time": 1586333924,
  "mediantime": 1586332639,
  "nonce": 1985217615,
  "bits": "17143b41",
  "difficulty": 13912524048945.91,
  "chainwork": "00000000000000000000000000000000000000000e4c88b66c5ee78deff0d494",
  "tx": [
  "nTx": 33,
  "previousblockhash": "00000000000000000013cba040837778744ce66961cfcf2e7c34bb3d194c7f49",
  "nextblockhash": "0000000000000000000c799dc0e36302db7fbb471711f140dc308508ef19e343"
//---- Request -----

  "method": "getblock",
  "params": [
  "in3": {
    "verification": "proof",
    "finality": 8,
    "preBIP34": true

//---- Response -----

  "result": {
    "hash": "000000000000000000103b2395f6cd94221b10d02eb9be5850303c0534307220",
    "confirmations": 8268,
    "height": 624958,
    "version": 536928256,
    "versionHex": 2000,
    "merkleroot": "d786a334ea8c65f39272d5b9be505ac3170f3904842bd52525538a9377b359cb",
    "time": 1586333924,
    "mediantime": 1586332639,
    "nonce": 1985217615,
    "bits": "17143b41",
    "difficulty": 13912524048945.91,
    "chainwork": "00000000000000000000000000000000000000000e4c88b66c5ee78deff0d494",
    "tx": [
    "nTx": 33,
    "previousblockhash": "00000000000000000013cba040837778744ce66961cfcf2e7c34bb3d194c7f49",
    "nextblockhash": "0000000000000000000c799dc0e36302db7fbb471711f140dc308508ef19e343"
  "in3": {
    "proof": {
      "final": "0x00e0ff2720723034053c305058beb92ed010...276470",
      "cbtx": "0x0100000000010100000000000000000000000...39da2fc",
      "cbtxMerkleProof": "0x6a8077bb4ce76b71d7742ddd368770279a64667b...52e688"
# ---- Request -----

method: getblock
  - 000000000000000000103b2395f6cd94221b10d02eb9be5850303c0534307220
  - 1
  verification: proof
  finality: 8
  preBIP34: true

//---- Response -----

  hash: 000000000000000000103b2395f6cd94221b10d02eb9be5850303c0534307220
  confirmations: 8268
  height: 624958
  version: 536928256
  versionHex: 2000
  merkleroot: d786a334ea8c65f39272d5b9be505ac3170f3904842bd52525538a9377b359cb
  time: 1586333924
  mediantime: 1586332639
  nonce: 1985217615
  bits: 17143b41
  difficulty: 13912524048945.91
  chainwork: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000e4c88b66c5ee78deff0d494
    - d79ffc80e07fe9e0083319600c59d47afe69995b1357be6e5dba035675780290
    - ...
    - 6456819bfa019ba30788620153ea9a361083cb888b3662e2ff39c0f7adf16919
  nTx: 33
  previousblockhash: 00000000000000000013cba040837778744ce66961cfcf2e7c34bb3d194c7f49
  nextblockhash: 0000000000000000000c799dc0e36302db7fbb471711f140dc308508ef19e343
    final: 0x00e0ff2720723034053c305058beb92ed010...276470
    cbtx: 0x0100000000010100000000000000000000000...39da2fc
    cbtxMerkleProof: 0x6a8077bb4ce76b71d7742ddd368770279a64667b...52e688


Returns the number of blocks in the longest blockchain.

Parameters: -

The following in3-configuration will have an impact on the result:

  • finality : int - defines the amount of finality headers
  • verification : string - defines the kind of proof the client is asking for (must be never or proof)

Returns: uint64

the current blockheight


Since we can’t prove the finality of the latest block we consider the current block count - amount of finality (set in in3.finality-field) as the latest block. The number of this block will be returned. Setting in3.finality=0 will return the actual current block count.

The proof-object contains the following properties:

  • block - a hex string with 80 bytes representing the blockheader
  • final - the finality headers, which are hexcoded bytes of the following headers (80 bytes each) concatenated, the number depends on the requested finality (finality-property in the in3-section of the request)
  • cbtx - the serialized coinbase transaction of the block (this is needed to get the verified block number)
  • vcbtxMerkleProof** - the merkle proof of the coinbase transaction, proving the correctness of the cbtx

The server is not able to prove the finality for the latest block (obviously there are no finality headers available yet). Instead the server will fetch the number of the latest block and subtracts the amount of finality headers (set in in3.finality-field) and returns the result to the client (the result is considered as the latest block number). By doing so the server is able to provide finality headers. The block header from the block-field and the finality headers from the final-field will be used to perform a finality proof. Having a verified block header (and therefore a verified merkle root) enables the possibility of a block number proof using the coinbase transaction (cbtx-field) and the merkle proof for the coinbase transaction (cbtxMerkleProof-field).

The client can set in3.finality equal to 0 to get the actual latest block number. Caution: This block is not final and could no longer be part of the blockchain later on due to the possibility of a fork. Additionally, there may already be a newer block that the server does not yet know about due to latency in the network.


The actual latest block is block #640395 and in3.finality is set to 8. The server is going to calculate 640395 - 8 and returns 640387 as the latest block number to the client. The headers of block 640388..640395 will be returned as finality headers.

> in3 -x -c btc -f 8 getblockcount 
//---- Request -----

  "method": "getblockcount",
  "params": [],
  "in3": {
    "verification": "proof",
    "finality": 8

//---- Response -----

  "result": 640387,
  "in3": {
    "proof": {
      "block": "0x0000e020bd3eecbd741522e1aa78cd7b375744590502939aef9b...9c8b18",
      "final": "0x00008020f61dfcc47a6daed717b12221855196dee02d844ebb9c...774f4c",
      "cbtx": "0x02000000000101000000000000000000000000000000000000000...000000",
      "cbtxMerkleProof": "0xa3d607b274770911e53f06dbdb76440580ff968239...0ba297"
# ---- Request -----

method: getblockcount
params: []
  verification: proof
  finality: 8

//---- Response -----

result: 640387
    block: 0x0000e020bd3eecbd741522e1aa78cd7b375744590502939aef9b...9c8b18
    final: 0x00008020f61dfcc47a6daed717b12221855196dee02d844ebb9c...774f4c
    cbtx: 0x02000000000101000000000000000000000000000000000000000...000000
    cbtxMerkleProof: 0xa3d607b274770911e53f06dbdb76440580ff968239...0ba297


Returns data of block header for given block hash. The returned level of details depends on the argument verbosity.


  1. hash : bytes32 - The block hash
  2. verbosity : bool - 0 or false for the hex-encoded data, 1 or true for a json object

The following in3-configuration will have an impact on the result:

  • verification : string - defines the kind of proof the client is asking for (must be never or proof)
  • preBIP34 : bool - defines if the client wants to verify blocks before BIP34 (height < 227836)

Returns: btcblockheader

the blockheader.

  • verbose 0 or false: a hex string with 80 bytes representing the blockheader
  • verbose 1 or true: an object representing the blockheader.

The return value contains the following properties :

  • hash : bytes32 - the block hash (same as provided)
  • confirmations : int - The number of confirmations, or -1 if the block is not on the main chain
  • height : uint64 - The block height or index
  • version : int - The block version
  • versionHex : hex - The block version formatted in hexadecimal
  • merkleroot : bytes32 - The merkle root ( 32 bytes )
  • time : uint64 - The block time in seconds since epoch (Jan 1 1970 GMT)
  • mediantime : uint64 - The median block time in seconds since epoch (Jan 1 1970 GMT)
  • nonce : uint64 - The nonce
  • bits : bytes4 - The bits ( 4 bytes as hex) representing the target
  • difficulty : double - The difficulty
  • chainwork : hex - Expected number of hashes required to produce the current chain (in hex)
  • nTx : int - The number of transactions in the block.
  • previousblockhash : bytes32 - The hash of the previous block
  • nextblockhash : bytes32 - The hash of the next block


The proof-object contains the following properties:

  • for blocks before BIP34 (height < 227,836) and in3.preBIP34 = false
    • final - the finality headers, which are hexcoded bytes of the following headers (80 bytes each) concatenated, the number depends on the requested finality (finality-property in the in3-section of the request)
  • for blocks before BIP34 (height < 227,836) and in3.preBIP34 = true
    • final - the finality headers, which are hexcoded bytes of the following headers (80 bytes each) concatenated up to the next checkpoint (maximum of 200 finality headers, since the distance between checkpoints = 200)
    • height - the height of the block (block number)
  • for blocks after BIP34 (height >= 227,836), the value of in3.preBIP34 does not matter
    • final - the finality headers, which are hexcoded bytes of the following headers (80 bytes each) concatenated, the number depends on the requested finality (finality-property in the in3-section of the request)
    • cbtx - the serialized coinbase transaction of the block (this is needed to get the verified block number)
    • cbtxMerkleProof - the merkle proof of the coinbase transaction, proofing the correctness of the cbtx.

Old blocks (height < 227,836) with in3.preBIP34 disabled cannot be verified (proving the finality does not provide any security as explained in preBIP34 proof). Old blocks with in.preBIP34 enabled can be verified by performing a preBIP34 proof. Verifying newer blocks requires multiple proofs. The finality headers from the final-field will be used to perform a finality proof. To verify the block number we are going to perform a block number proof using the coinbase transaction (cbtx-field) and the merkle proof for the coinbase transaction (cbtxMerkleProof-field).

This proof section contains the following properties:

  • final : bytes - the finality headers, which are hexcoded bytes of the following headers (80 bytes each) concatenated, the number depends on the requested finality (finality-property in the in3-section of the request)
  • cbtx : bytes - the serialized coinbase transaction of the block (this is needed to get the verified block number). It will only be included if the blocknumber supports BIP34 and is higher 227,836)
  • cbtxMerkleProof : bytes - the merkle proof of the coinbase transaction, proofing the correctness of the cbtx.
  • height : uint64 - the height of the block (block number)


> in3 -x -c btc -f 8 getblockheader 000000000000000000103b2395f6cd94221b10d02eb9be5850303c0534307220 true | jq
  "hash": "000000000000000000103b2395f6cd94221b10d02eb9be5850303c0534307220",
  "confirmations": 8268,
  "height": 624958,
  "version": 536928256,
  "versionHex": 2000,
  "merkleroot": "d786a334ea8c65f39272d5b9be505ac3170f3904842bd52525538a9377b359cb",
  "time": 1586333924,
  "mediantime": 1586332639,
  "nonce": 1985217615,
  "bits": "17143b41",
  "difficulty": 13912524048945.91,
  "chainwork": "00000000000000000000000000000000000000000e4c88b66c5ee78deff0d494",
  "nTx": 33,
  "previousblockhash": "00000000000000000013cba040837778744ce66961cfcf2e7c34bb3d194c7f49",
  "nextblockhash": "0000000000000000000c799dc0e36302db7fbb471711f140dc308508ef19e343"
//---- Request -----

  "method": "getblockheader",
  "params": [
  "in3": {
    "verification": "proof",
    "finality": 8,
    "preBIP34": true

//---- Response -----

  "result": {
    "hash": "000000000000000000103b2395f6cd94221b10d02eb9be5850303c0534307220",
    "confirmations": 8268,
    "height": 624958,
    "version": 536928256,
    "versionHex": 2000,
    "merkleroot": "d786a334ea8c65f39272d5b9be505ac3170f3904842bd52525538a9377b359cb",
    "time": 1586333924,
    "mediantime": 1586332639,
    "nonce": 1985217615,
    "bits": "17143b41",
    "difficulty": 13912524048945.91,
    "chainwork": "00000000000000000000000000000000000000000e4c88b66c5ee78deff0d494",
    "nTx": 33,
    "previousblockhash": "00000000000000000013cba040837778744ce66961cfcf2e7c34bb3d194c7f49",
    "nextblockhash": "0000000000000000000c799dc0e36302db7fbb471711f140dc308508ef19e343"
  "in3": {
    "proof": {
      "final": "0x00e0ff2720723034053c305058beb92ed010...276470",
      "cbtx": "0x0100000000010100000000000000000000000...39da2fc",
      "cbtxMerkleProof": "0x6a8077bb4ce76b71d7742ddd368770279a64667b...52e688"
# ---- Request -----

method: getblockheader
  - 000000000000000000103b2395f6cd94221b10d02eb9be5850303c0534307220
  - true
  verification: proof
  finality: 8
  preBIP34: true

//---- Response -----

  hash: 000000000000000000103b2395f6cd94221b10d02eb9be5850303c0534307220
  confirmations: 8268
  height: 624958
  version: 536928256
  versionHex: 2000
  merkleroot: d786a334ea8c65f39272d5b9be505ac3170f3904842bd52525538a9377b359cb
  time: 1586333924
  mediantime: 1586332639
  nonce: 1985217615
  bits: 17143b41
  difficulty: 13912524048945.91
  chainwork: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000e4c88b66c5ee78deff0d494
  nTx: 33
  previousblockhash: 00000000000000000013cba040837778744ce66961cfcf2e7c34bb3d194c7f49
  nextblockhash: 0000000000000000000c799dc0e36302db7fbb471711f140dc308508ef19e343
    final: 0x00e0ff2720723034053c305058beb92ed010...276470
    cbtx: 0x0100000000010100000000000000000000000...39da2fc
    cbtxMerkleProof: 0x6a8077bb4ce76b71d7742ddd368770279a64667b...52e688


Returns the proof-of-work difficulty as a multiple of the minimum difficulty.

Parameters: -

The following in3-configuration will have an impact on the result:

  • finality : int - defines the amount of finality headers
  • verification : string - defines the kind of proof the client is asking for (must be never or proof)
  • preBIP34 : bool - defines if the client wants to verify blocks before BIP34 (height < 227836)

Returns: double

  • blocknumber is a certain number: the difficulty of this block
  • blocknumber is latest, earliest, pending or empty: the difficulty of the latest block (actual latest block minus in3.finality)


The proof-object contains the following properties:

  • for blocks before BIP34 (height < 227,836) and in3.preBIP34 = false
    • final - the finality headers, which are hexcoded bytes of the following headers (80 bytes each) concatenated, the number depends on the requested finality (finality-property in the in3-section of the request)
  • for blocks before BIP34 (height < 227,836) and in3.preBIP34 = true
    • final - the finality headers, which are hexcoded bytes of the following headers (80 bytes each) concatenated up to the next checkpoint (maximum of 200 finality headers, since the distance between checkpoints = 200)
    • height - the height of the block (block number)
  • for blocks after BIP34 (height >= 227,836), the value of in3.preBIP34 does not matter
    • final - the finality headers, which are hexcoded bytes of the following headers (80 bytes each) concatenated, the number depends on the requested finality (finality-property in the in3-section of the request)
    • cbtx - the serialized coinbase transaction of the block (this is needed to get the verified block number)
    • cbtxMerkleProof - the merkle proof of the coinbase transaction, proofing the correctness of the cbtx.

In case the client requests the diffictuly of a certain block (blocknumber is a certain number) the block-field will contain the block header of this block and the final-field the corresponding finality headers. For old blocks (height < 227,836) with in3.preBIP34 disabled the result cannot be verified (proving the finality does not provide any security as explained in preBIP34 proof). The result of old blocks with in.preBIP34 enabled can be verified by performing a preBIP34 proof. In case the client requests the difficulty of the latest block the server is not able to prove the finality for this block (obviously there are no finality headers available yet). The server considers the latest block minus in3.finality as the latest block and returns its difficulty. The result can be verified by performing multiple proof. The block header from the block-field and the finality headers from the final-field will be used to perform a finality proof. Having a verified block header (and therefore a verified merkle root) enables the possibility of a block number proof using the coinbase transaction (cbtx-field) and the merkle proof for the coinbase transaction (cbtxMerkleProof-field).

The result itself (the difficulty) can be verified in two ways:

  • by converting the difficulty into a target and check whether the block hash is lower than the target (since we proved the finality we consider the block hash as verified)
  • by converting the difficulty and the bits (part of the block header) into a target and check if both targets are similar (they will not be equal since the target of the bits is not getting saved with full precision - leading bytes are equal)

This proof section contains the following properties:

  • final : bytes - the finality headers, which are hexcoded bytes of the following headers (80 bytes each) concatenated, the number depends on the requested finality (finality-property in the in3-section of the request)
  • cbtx : bytes - the serialized coinbase transaction of the block (this is needed to get the verified block number). It will only be included if the blocknumber supports BIP34 and is higher 227,836)
  • cbtxMerkleProof : bytes - the merkle proof of the coinbase transaction, proofing the correctness of the cbtx.
  • height : uint64 - the height of the block (block number)


> in3 -x -c btc -f 8 getdifficulty 
//---- Request -----

  "method": "getdifficulty",
  "params": [],
  "in3": {
    "verification": "proof",
    "finality": 8

//---- Response -----

  "result": 15138043247082.88,
  "in3": {
    "proof": {
      "block": "0x0000e020bd3eecbd741522e1aa78cd7b375744590502939aef9b...9c8b18",
      "final": "0x00008020f61dfcc47a6daed717b12221855196dee02d844ebb9c...774f4c",
      "cbtx": "0x02000000000101000000000000000000000000000000000000000...000000",
      "cbtxMerkleProof": "0xa3d607b274770911e53f06dbdb76440580ff968239...0ba297"
# ---- Request -----

method: getdifficulty
params: []
  verification: proof
  finality: 8

//---- Response -----

result: 15138043247082.88
    block: 0x0000e020bd3eecbd741522e1aa78cd7b375744590502939aef9b...9c8b18
    final: 0x00008020f61dfcc47a6daed717b12221855196dee02d844ebb9c...774f4c
    cbtx: 0x02000000000101000000000000000000000000000000000000000...000000
    cbtxMerkleProof: 0xa3d607b274770911e53f06dbdb76440580ff968239...0ba297


Returns the raw transaction data. The returned level of details depends on the argument verbosity.


  1. txid : bytes32 - The transaction id
  2. verbosity : int? (optional) - 0 or false for the hex-encoded data for txid, 1 or true for a json object with information about txid (default: 1)
  3. blockhash : bytes32? (optional) - The block in which to look for the transaction

The following in3-configuration will have an impact on the result:

  • finality : int - defines the amount of finality headers
  • verification : string - defines the kind of proof the client is asking for (must be never or proof)
  • preBIP34 : bool - defines if the client wants to verify blocks before BIP34 (height < 227836)

Returns: btctransaction

  • verbose 0 or false: a string that is serialized, hex-encoded data for txid
  • verbose 1 or false: an object representing the transaction.

The return value contains the following properties :

  • txid : bytes32 - txid
  • in_active_chain : bool? (optional) - Whether specified block is in the active chain or not (only present with explicit “blockhash” argument)
  • hex : bytes - The serialized, hex-encoded data for txid
  • hash : bytes32 - The transaction hash (differs from txid for witness transactions)
  • size : uint64 - The serialized transaction size
  • vsize : uint64 - The virtual transaction size (differs from size for witness transactions)
  • weight : uint64 - The transaction’s weight (between vsize*4-3 and vsize*4)
  • version : int - The version
  • locktime : uint64 - The lock time
  • vin : object[] - array of json objects of incoming txs to be used The vin object supports the following properties :
    • txid : bytes32? (optional) - the transaction id
    • vout : uint64? (optional) - the index of the transaction out to be used
    • scriptSig : object? (optional) - the script The scriptSig object supports the following properties :
      • asm : string - the asm-codes
      • hex : string - hex representation
    • sequence : uint64 - The script sequence number
    • txinwitness : string[]? (optional) - hex-encoded witness data (if any)
    • coinbase : bytes32? (optional) - the coinbase
  • vout : object[] - array of json objects describing the tx outputs The vout object supports the following properties :
    • value : float - The Value in BTC
    • n : int - the index
    • scriptPubKey : object - the script pubkey The scriptPubKey object supports the following properties :
      • asm : string - asm
      • hex : string - hex representation of the script
      • reqSigs : int - the required signatures
      • type : string - The type, eg ‘pubkeyhash’
      • addresses : string[] - Array of address(each representing a bitcoin adress)
  • blockhash : bytes32 - the block hash
  • confirmations : int - The confirmations
  • blocktime : uint64 - The block time in seconds since epoch (Jan 1 1970 GMT)
  • time : uint64 - Same as “blocktime”


  • for blocks before BIP34 (height < 227836) and in3.preBIP34 = false
    • block - a hex string with 80 bytes representing the blockheader
    • final - the finality headers, which are hexcoded bytes of the following headers (80 bytes each) concatenated, the number depends on the requested finality (finality-property in the in3-section of the request)
    • txIndex - index of the transaction (txIndex=0 for coinbase transaction, necessary to create/verify the merkle proof)
    • merkleProof - the merkle proof of the requested transaction, proving the correctness of the transaction
  • for blocks before BIP34 (height < 227836) and in3.preBIP34 = true
    • block - a hex string with 80 bytes representing the blockheader
    • final - the finality headers, which are hexcoded bytes of the following headers (80 bytes each) concatenated up to the next checkpoint (maximum of 200 finality headers, since the distance between checkpoints = 200)
    • txIndex - index of the transaction (txIndex=0 for coinbase transaction, necessary to create/verify the merkle proof)
    • merkleProof - the merkle proof of the requested transaction, proving the correctness of the transaction
    • height - the height of the block (block number)
  • for blocks after BIP34 (height >= 227836), the value of in3.preBIP34 does not matter
    • block - a hex string with 80 bytes representing the blockheader
    • final - the finality headers, which are hexcoded bytes of the following headers (80 bytes each) concatenated, the number depends on the requested finality (finality-property in the in3-section of the request)
    • txIndex - index of the transaction (txIndex=0 for coinbase transaction, necessary to create/verify the merkle proof)
    • merkleProof - the merkle proof of the requested transaction, proving the correctness of the transaction
    • cbtx - the serialized coinbase transaction of the block (this is needed to get the verified block number)
    • cbtxMerkleProof - the merkle proof of the coinbase transaction, proving the correctness of the cbtx

Transactions of old blocks (height < 227836) with in3.preBIP34 disabled cannot be verified (proving the finality does not provide any security as explained in preBIP34 proof and relying on the merkle proof is only possible when the block is final). Transactions of old blocks with in3.preBIP34 enabled can be verified by performing a preBIP34 proof and a merkle proof. Verifying newer blocks requires multiple proofs. The block header from the block-field and the finality headers from the final-field will be used to perform a finality proof. By doing a merkle proof using the txIndex-field and the merkleProof-field the correctness of the requested transation can be proven. Furthermore we are going to perform a block number proof using the coinbase transaction (cbtx-field) and the merkle proof for the coinbase transaction (cbtxMerkleProof-field).


> in3 -x -c btc -f 8 getrawtransaction f3c06e17b04ef748ce6604ad68e5b9f68ca96914b57c2118a1bb9a09a194ddaf | jq
  "in_active_chain": true,
  "txid": "f3c06e17b04ef748ce6604ad68e5b9f68ca96914b57c2118a1bb9a09a194ddaf",
  "hash": "f3c06e17b04ef748ce6604ad68e5b9f68ca96914b57c2118a1bb9a09a194ddaf",
  "version": 1,
  "size": 518,
  "vsize": 518,
  "weight": 2072,
  "locktime": 0,
  "vin": [
      "txid": "0a74f6e5f99bc69af80da9f0d9878ea6afbfb5fbb2d43f1ff899bcdd641a098c",
      "vout": 0,
      "scriptSig": {
        "asm": "30440220481f2b3a49b202e26c73ac1b7bce022e4a74aff08473228cc...254874",
        "hex": "4730440220481f2b3a49b202e26c73ac1b7bce022e4a74aff08473228...254874"
      "sequence": 4294967295
      "txid": "869c5e82d4dfc3139c8a153d2ee126e30a467cf791718e6ea64120e5b19e5044",
      "vout": 0,
      "scriptSig": {
        "asm": "3045022100ae5bd019a63aed404b743c9ebcc77fbaa657e481f745e4...f3255d",
        "hex": "483045022100ae5bd019a63aed404b743c9ebcc77fbaa657e481f745...f3255d"
      "sequence": 4294967295
      "txid": "8a03d29a1b8ae408c94a2ae15bef8329bc3d6b04c063d36b2e8c997273fa8eff",
      "vout": 1,
      "scriptSig": {
        "asm": "304402200bf7c5c7caec478bf6d7e9c5127c71505034302056d1284...0045da",
        "hex": "47304402200bf7c5c7caec478bf6d7e9c5127c71505034302056d12...0045da"
      "sequence": 4294967295
  "vout": [
      "value": 0.00017571,
      "n": 0,
      "scriptPubKey": {
        "asm": "OP_DUP OP_HASH160 53196749b85367db9443ef9a5aec25cf0bdceedf OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG",
        "hex": "76a91453196749b85367db9443ef9a5aec25cf0bdceedf88ac",
        "reqSigs": 1,
        "type": "pubkeyhash",
        "addresses": [
      "value": 0.00915732,
      "n": 1,
      "scriptPubKey": {
        "asm": "OP_HASH160 8bb2b4b848d0b6336cc64ea57ae989630f447cba OP_EQUAL",
        "hex": "a9148bb2b4b848d0b6336cc64ea57ae989630f447cba87",
        "reqSigs": 1,
        "type": "scripthash",
        "addresses": [
  "hex": "01000000038c091a64ddbc99f81f3fd4b2fbb5bfafa68e8...000000",
  "blockhash": "000000000000000000103b2395f6cd94221b10d02eb9be5850303c0534307220",
  "confirmations": 15307,
  "time": 1586333924,
  "blocktime": 1586333924
//---- Request -----

  "method": "getrawtransaction",
  "params": [
  "in3": {
    "verification": "proof",
    "finality": 8

//---- Response -----

  "result": {
    "in_active_chain": true,
    "txid": "f3c06e17b04ef748ce6604ad68e5b9f68ca96914b57c2118a1bb9a09a194ddaf",
    "hash": "f3c06e17b04ef748ce6604ad68e5b9f68ca96914b57c2118a1bb9a09a194ddaf",
    "version": 1,
    "size": 518,
    "vsize": 518,
    "weight": 2072,
    "locktime": 0,
    "vin": [
        "txid": "0a74f6e5f99bc69af80da9f0d9878ea6afbfb5fbb2d43f1ff899bcdd641a098c",
        "vout": 0,
        "scriptSig": {
          "asm": "30440220481f2b3a49b202e26c73ac1b7bce022e4a74aff08473228cc...254874",
          "hex": "4730440220481f2b3a49b202e26c73ac1b7bce022e4a74aff08473228...254874"
        "sequence": 4294967295
        "txid": "869c5e82d4dfc3139c8a153d2ee126e30a467cf791718e6ea64120e5b19e5044",
        "vout": 0,
        "scriptSig": {
          "asm": "3045022100ae5bd019a63aed404b743c9ebcc77fbaa657e481f745e4...f3255d",
          "hex": "483045022100ae5bd019a63aed404b743c9ebcc77fbaa657e481f745...f3255d"
        "sequence": 4294967295
        "txid": "8a03d29a1b8ae408c94a2ae15bef8329bc3d6b04c063d36b2e8c997273fa8eff",
        "vout": 1,
        "scriptSig": {
          "asm": "304402200bf7c5c7caec478bf6d7e9c5127c71505034302056d1284...0045da",
          "hex": "47304402200bf7c5c7caec478bf6d7e9c5127c71505034302056d12...0045da"
        "sequence": 4294967295
    "vout": [
        "value": 0.00017571,
        "n": 0,
        "scriptPubKey": {
          "asm": "OP_DUP OP_HASH160 53196749b85367db9443ef9a5aec25cf0bdceedf OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG",
          "hex": "76a91453196749b85367db9443ef9a5aec25cf0bdceedf88ac",
          "reqSigs": 1,
          "type": "pubkeyhash",
          "addresses": [
        "value": 0.00915732,
        "n": 1,
        "scriptPubKey": {
          "asm": "OP_HASH160 8bb2b4b848d0b6336cc64ea57ae989630f447cba OP_EQUAL",
          "hex": "a9148bb2b4b848d0b6336cc64ea57ae989630f447cba87",
          "reqSigs": 1,
          "type": "scripthash",
          "addresses": [
    "hex": "01000000038c091a64ddbc99f81f3fd4b2fbb5bfafa68e8...000000",
    "blockhash": "000000000000000000103b2395f6cd94221b10d02eb9be5850303c0534307220",
    "confirmations": 15307,
    "time": 1586333924,
    "blocktime": 1586333924
  "in3": {
    "proof": {
      "block": "0x00e00020497f4c193dbb347c2ecfcf6169e64c747877...045476",
      "final": "0x00e0ff2720723034053c305058beb92ed0101b2294cd...276470",
      "txIndex": 7,
      "merkleProof": "0x348d4bb04943400a80f162c4ef64b746bc4af0...52e688",
      "cbtx": "0x010000000001010000000000000000000000000000000...9da2fc",
      "cbtxMerkleProof": "0x6a8077bb4ce76b71d7742ddd368770279a...52e688"
# ---- Request -----

method: getrawtransaction
  - f3c06e17b04ef748ce6604ad68e5b9f68ca96914b57c2118a1bb9a09a194ddaf
  verification: proof
  finality: 8

//---- Response -----

  in_active_chain: true
  txid: f3c06e17b04ef748ce6604ad68e5b9f68ca96914b57c2118a1bb9a09a194ddaf
  hash: f3c06e17b04ef748ce6604ad68e5b9f68ca96914b57c2118a1bb9a09a194ddaf
  version: 1
  size: 518
  vsize: 518
  weight: 2072
  locktime: 0
    - txid: 0a74f6e5f99bc69af80da9f0d9878ea6afbfb5fbb2d43f1ff899bcdd641a098c
      vout: 0
        asm: 30440220481f2b3a49b202e26c73ac1b7bce022e4a74aff08473228cc...254874
        hex: 4730440220481f2b3a49b202e26c73ac1b7bce022e4a74aff08473228...254874
      sequence: 4294967295
    - txid: 869c5e82d4dfc3139c8a153d2ee126e30a467cf791718e6ea64120e5b19e5044
      vout: 0
        asm: 3045022100ae5bd019a63aed404b743c9ebcc77fbaa657e481f745e4...f3255d
        hex: 483045022100ae5bd019a63aed404b743c9ebcc77fbaa657e481f745...f3255d
      sequence: 4294967295
    - txid: 8a03d29a1b8ae408c94a2ae15bef8329bc3d6b04c063d36b2e8c997273fa8eff
      vout: 1
        asm: 304402200bf7c5c7caec478bf6d7e9c5127c71505034302056d1284...0045da
        hex: 47304402200bf7c5c7caec478bf6d7e9c5127c71505034302056d12...0045da
      sequence: 4294967295
    - value: 0.00017571
      n: 0
        asm: OP_DUP OP_HASH160 53196749b85367db9443ef9a5aec25cf0bdceedf OP_EQUALVERIFY
        hex: 76a91453196749b85367db9443ef9a5aec25cf0bdceedf88ac
        reqSigs: 1
        type: pubkeyhash
          - 18aPWzBTq1nzs9o86oC9m3BQbxZWmV82UU
    - value: 0.00915732
      n: 1
        asm: OP_HASH160 8bb2b4b848d0b6336cc64ea57ae989630f447cba OP_EQUAL
        hex: a9148bb2b4b848d0b6336cc64ea57ae989630f447cba87
        reqSigs: 1
        type: scripthash
          - 3ERfvuzAYPPpACivh1JnwYbBdrAjupTzbw
  hex: 01000000038c091a64ddbc99f81f3fd4b2fbb5bfafa68e8...000000
  blockhash: 000000000000000000103b2395f6cd94221b10d02eb9be5850303c0534307220
  confirmations: 15307
  time: 1586333924
  blocktime: 1586333924
    block: 0x00e00020497f4c193dbb347c2ecfcf6169e64c747877...045476
    final: 0x00e0ff2720723034053c305058beb92ed0101b2294cd...276470
    txIndex: 7
    merkleProof: 0x348d4bb04943400a80f162c4ef64b746bc4af0...52e688
    cbtx: 0x010000000001010000000000000000000000000000000...9da2fc
    cbtxMerkleProof: 0x6a8077bb4ce76b71d7742ddd368770279a...52e688


sends a transaction to a btc node


  1. transaction : string - the signed raw transaction

Returns: bytes32

the transactionhash


sends a transaction to a btc node


  1. from : address - the public key derived from the private key used to sign
  2. outputs : output[] - the desired outputs of the transaction The outputs object supports the following properties :
    • tx_index : uint - the block hash (same as provided)
    • value : uint64 - the block hash (same as provided)
    • tx_hash : string - the block hash (same as provided)
    • script : string - the block hash (same as provided)
  3. utxo : utxo[] - the utxo used to proove liquidity for the transaction The utxo object supports the following properties :
    • tx_index : uint - the transaction index that this utxo refers to
    • value : uint64 - the value
    • tx_hash : string - the transaction hash (same as provided)
    • script : string - the script

Returns: bytes32

the transactionhash


There are also some Incubed specific rpc-methods, which will help the clients to bootstrap and update the nodeLists.

The incubed client itself offers special RPC-Methods, which are mostly handled directly inside the client:


changes the configuration of a client. The configuration is passed as the first param and may contain only the values to change.


  1. config : object - a Object with config-params. The config object supports the following properties :

    • chainId : string | uint? (optional) - the chainId or the name of a known chain. It defines the nodelist to connect to. (default: "mainnet") Possible Values are:
      • mainnet : Mainnet Chain
      • goerli : Goerli Testnet
      • ewc : Energy WebFoundation
      • btc : Bitcoin
      • ipfs : ipfs
      • local : local-chain

    This option can also be used in its short-form in the comandline client -c .

     *Example* : chainId: "goerli"
    • finality : int? (optional) - the number in percent needed in order reach finality (% of signature of the validators). This option can also be used in its short-form in the comandline client -f .

      Example : finality: 50

    • includeCode : bool? (optional) - if true, the request should include the codes of all accounts. otherwise only the the codeHash is returned. In this case the client may ask by calling eth_getCode() afterwards.

      Example : includeCode: true

    • debug : bool? (optional) - if true, debug messages will be written to stderr.

      Example : debug: true

    • maxAttempts : int? (optional) - max number of attempts in case a response is rejected. (default: 7) This option can also be used in its short-form in the comandline client -a .

      Example : maxAttempts: 1

    • keepIn3 : bool? (optional) - if true, requests sent to the input sream of the comandline util will be send theor responses in the same form as the server did. This option can also be used in its short-form in the comandline client -kin3 .

      Example : keepIn3: true

    • stats : bool? (optional) - if true, requests sent will be used for stats. (default: true)

    • useBinary : bool? (optional) - if true the client will use binary format. This will reduce the payload of the responses by about 60% but should only be used for embedded systems or when using the API, since this format does not include the propertynames anymore.

      Example : useBinary: true

    • experimental : bool? (optional) - if true the client allows to use use experimental features, otherwise a exception is thrown if those would be used. This option can also be used in its short-form in the comandline client -x .

      Example : experimental: true

    • timeout : uint64? (optional) - specifies the number of milliseconds before the request times out. increasing may be helpful if the device uses a slow connection. (default: 20000)

      Example : timeout: 100000

    • proof : string? (optional) - if true the nodes should send a proof of the response. If set to none, verification is turned off completly. (default: "standard") Possible Values are:

      • none : no proof will be generated or verfiied. This also works with standard rpc-endpoints.
      • standard : Stanbdard Proof means all important properties are verfiied
      • full : In addition to standard, also some rarly needed properties are verfied, like uncles. But this causes a bigger payload.

    This option can also be used in its short-form in the comandline client -p .

     *Example* : proof: "none"
    • replaceLatestBlock : int? (optional) - if specified, the blocknumber latest will be replaced by blockNumber- specified value. This option can also be used in its short-form in the comandline client -l .

      Example : replaceLatestBlock: 6

    • autoUpdateList : bool? (optional) - if true the nodelist will be automaticly updated if the lastBlock is newer. (default: true)

    • signatureCount : int? (optional) - number of signatures requested in order to verify the blockhash. (default: 1) This option can also be used in its short-form in the comandline client -s .

      Example : signatureCount: 2

    • bootWeights : bool? (optional) - if true, the first request (updating the nodelist) will also fetch the current health status and use it for blacklisting unhealthy nodes. This is used only if no nodelist is availabkle from cache. (default: true) This option can also be used in its short-form in the comandline client -bw .

      Example : bootWeights: true

    • useHttp : bool? (optional) - if true the client will try to use http instead of https.

      Example : useHttp: true

    • minDeposit : uint256? (optional) - min stake of the server. Only nodes owning at least this amount will be chosen.

      Example : minDeposit: 10000000

    • nodeProps : hex? (optional) - used to identify the capabilities of the node.

      Example : nodeProps: “0xffff”

    • requestCount : int? (optional) - the number of request send in parallel when getting an answer. More request will make it more expensive, but increase the chances to get a faster answer, since the client will continue once the first verifiable response was received. (default: 2) This option can also be used in its short-form in the comandline client -rc .

      Example : requestCount: 3

    • rpc : string? (optional) - url of one or more direct rpc-endpoints to use. (list can be comma seperated). If this is used, proof will automaticly be turned off.

      Example : rpc: “http://loalhost:8545”

    • nodes : object? (optional) - defining the nodelist. collection of JSON objects with chain Id (hex string) as key. The nodes object supports the following properties :

      • contract : address? (optional) - address of the registry contract. (This is the data-contract!)
      • whiteListContract : address? (optional) - address of the whiteList contract. This cannot be combined with whiteList!
      • whiteList : address[]? (optional) - manual whitelist.
      • registryId : bytes32? (optional) - identifier of the registry.
      • needsUpdate : bool? (optional) - if set, the nodeList will be updated before next request.
      • avgBlockTime : int? (optional) - average block time (seconds) for this chain.
      • verifiedHashes : object[]? (optional) - if the client sends an array of blockhashes the server will not deliver any signatures or blockheaders for these blocks, but only return a string with a number. This is automaticly updated by the cache, but can be overriden per request. The verifiedHashes object supports the following properties :
        • block : uint64 - block number
        • hash : bytes32 - verified hash corresponding to block number.
      • nodeList : object[]? (optional) - manual nodeList. As Value a array of Node-Definitions is expected. The nodeList object supports the following properties :
        • url : string - URL of the node.
        • address : string - address of the node
        • props : hex - used to identify the capabilities of the node (defaults to 0xFFFF).

      Example : nodes: {”contract”:”0xac1b824795e1eb1f6e609fe0da9b9af8beaab60f”,”nodeList”:[{”address”:”0x45d45e6ff99e6c34a235d263965910298985fcfe”,”url”:”https://in3-v2.slock.it/mainnet/nd-1”,”props”:”0xFFFF”}]}

    • zksync : object - configuration for zksync-api ( only available if build with -DZKSYNC=true, which is on per default). The zksync object supports the following properties :

      • provider_url : string? (optional) - url of the zksync-server (if not defined it will be choosen depending on the chain) (default: "https://api.zksync.io/jsrpc") This option can also be used in its short-form in the comandline client -zks .

      • rest_api : string? (optional) - url of the zksync rest api (if not defined it will be choosen depending on the chain) This option can also be used in its short-form in the comandline client -zkr .

        Example : rest_api: “https://rinkeby-api.zksync.io/api/v0.1/”

      • account : address? (optional) - the account to be used. if not specified, the first signer will be used. This option can also be used in its short-form in the comandline client -zka .

      • sync_key : bytes32? (optional) - the seed used to generate the sync_key. This way you can explicitly set the pk instead of derriving it from a signer. This option can also be used in its short-form in the comandline client -zsk .

      • main_contract : address? (optional) - address of the main contract- If not specified it will be taken from the server.

      • signer_type : string? (optional) - type of the account. Must be either pk(default), contract (using contract signatures) or create2 using the create2-section. (default: "pk") Possible Values are:

        • pk : Private matching the account is used ( for EOA)
        • contract : Contract Signature based EIP 1271
        • create2 : create2 optionas are used

      This option can also be used in its short-form in the comandline client -zkat .

      • musig_pub_keys : bytes? (optional) - concatenated packed public keys (32byte) of the musig signers. if set the pubkey and pubkeyhash will based on the aggregated pubkey. Also the signing will use multiple keys. This option can also be used in its short-form in the comandline client -zms .
      • musig_urls : string[]? (optional) - a array of strings with urls based on the musig_pub_keys. It is used so generate the combined signature by exchaing signature data (commitment and signatureshares) if the local client does not hold this key. This option can also be used in its short-form in the comandline client -zmu .
      • create2 : object? (optional) - create2-arguments for sign_type create2. This will allow to sign for contracts which are not deployed yet. This option can also be used in its short-form in the comandline client -zc2 . The create2 object supports the following properties :
        • creator : address - The address of contract or EOA deploying the contract ( for example the GnosisSafeFactory )
        • saltarg : bytes32 - a salt-argument, which will be added to the pubkeyhash and create the create2-salt.
        • codehash : bytes32 - the hash of the actual deploy-tx including the constructor-arguments.
      • verify_proof_method : string? (optional) - rpc-method, which will be used to verify the incomming proof before cosigning. This option can also be used in its short-form in the comandline client -zvpm .
      • create_proof_method : string? (optional) - rpc-method, which will be used to create the proof needed for cosigning. This option can also be used in its short-form in the comandline client -zcpm .

      Example : zksync: [{”account”:”0x995628aa92d6a016da55e7de8b1727e1eb97d337”,”sync_key”:”0x9ad89ac0643ffdc32b2dab859ad0f9f7e4057ec23c2b17699c9b27eff331d816”,”signer_type”:”contract”},{”account”:”0x995628aa92d6a016da55e7de8b1727e1eb97d337”,”sync_key”:”0x9ad89ac0643ffdc32b2dab859ad0f9f7e4057ec23c2b17699c9b27eff331d816”,”signer_type”:”create2”,”create2”:{”creator”:”0x6487c3ae644703c1f07527c18fe5569592654bcb”,”saltarg”:”0xb90306e2391fefe48aa89a8e91acbca502a94b2d734acc3335bb2ff5c266eb12”,”codehash”:”0xd6af3ee91c96e29ddab0d4cb9b5dd3025caf84baad13bef7f2b87038d38251e5”}},{”account”:”0x995628aa92d6a016da55e7de8b1727e1eb97d337”,”signer_type”:”pk”,”musig_pub_keys”:”0x9ad89ac0643ffdc32b2dab859ad0f9f7e4057ec23c2b17699c9b27eff331d8160x9ad89ac0643ffdc32b2dab859ad0f9f7e4057ec23c2b17699c9b27eff331d816”,”sync_key”:”0xe8f2ee64be83c0ab9466b0490e4888dbf5a070fd1d82b567e33ebc90457a5734”,”musig_urls”:[null,”https://approver.service.com”]}]

    • key : bytes32? (optional) - the client key to sign requests. (only availble if build with -DPK_SIGNER=true , which is on per default) This option can also be used in its short-form in the comandline client -k .

      Example : key: “0xc9564409cbfca3f486a07996e8015124f30ff8331fc6dcbd610a050f1f983afe”

    • pk : bytes32[]? (optional) - registers raw private keys as signers for transactions. (only availble if build with -DPK_SIGNER=true , which is on per default) This option can also be used in its short-form in the comandline client -pk .

      Example : pk: [”0xc9564409cbfca3f486a07996e8015124f30ff8331fc6dcbd610a050f1f983afe”]

    • btc : object - configure the Bitcoin verification The btc object supports the following properties :

      • maxDAP : int? (optional) - max number of DAPs (Difficulty Adjustment Periods) allowed when accepting new targets. (default: 20)

        Example : maxDAP: 10

      • maxDiff : int? (optional) - max increase (in percent) of the difference between targets when accepting new targets. (default: 10)

        Example : maxDiff: 5

      Example : btc: {”maxDAP”:30,”maxDiff”:5}


an boolean confirming that the config has changed.


> in3 in3_config '{"chainId":"0x5","maxAttempts":4,"nodeLimit":10,"nodes":{"nodeList":[{"address":"0x1234567890123456789012345678901234567890","url":"https://mybootnode-A.com","props":"0xFFFF"},{"address":"0x1234567890123456789012345678901234567890","url":"https://mybootnode-B.com","props":"0xFFFF"}]}}'
//---- Request -----

  "method": "in3_config",
  "params": [
      "chainId": "0x5",
      "maxAttempts": 4,
      "nodeLimit": 10,
      "nodes": {
        "nodeList": [
            "address": "0x1234567890123456789012345678901234567890",
            "url": "https://mybootnode-A.com",
            "props": "0xFFFF"
            "address": "0x1234567890123456789012345678901234567890",
            "url": "https://mybootnode-B.com",
            "props": "0xFFFF"

//---- Response -----

  "result": true
# ---- Request -----

method: in3_config
  - chainId: "0x5"
    maxAttempts: 4
    nodeLimit: 10
        - address: "0x1234567890123456789012345678901234567890"
          url: https://mybootnode-A.com
          props: "0xFFFF"
        - address: "0x1234567890123456789012345678901234567890"
          url: https://mybootnode-B.com
          props: "0xFFFF"

//---- Response -----

result: true


Standard JSON-RPC calls as described in https://eth.wiki/json-rpc/API.

Whenever a request is made for a response with verification: proof, the node must provide the proof needed to validate the response result. The proof itself depends on the chain.

For ethereum, all proofs are based on the correct block hash. That’s why verification differentiates between Verifying the blockhash (which depends on the user consensus) the actual result data.

There is another reason why the BlockHash is so important. This is the only value you are able to access from within a SmartContract, because the evm supports a OpCode (BLOCKHASH), which allows you to read the last 256 blockhashes, which gives us the chance to verify even the blockhash onchain.

Depending on the method, different proofs are needed, which are described in this document.

Proofs will add a special in3-section to the response containing a proof- object. Each in3-section of the response containing proofs has a property with a proof-object with the following properties:

  • type string (required) - The type of the proof.Must be one of the these values : 'transactionProof’, 'receiptProof’, 'blockProof’, 'accountProof’, 'callProof’, 'logProof
  • block string - The serialized blockheader as hex, required in most proofs.
  • finalityBlocks array - The serialized following blockheaders as hex, required in case of finality asked (only relevant for PoA-chains). The server must deliver enough blockheaders to cover more then 50% of the validators. In order to verify them, they must be linkable (with the parentHash).
  • transactions array - The list of raw transactions of the block if needed to create a merkle trie for the transactions.
  • uncles array - The list of uncle-headers of the block. This will only be set if full verification is required in order to create a merkle tree for the uncles and so prove the uncle_hash.
  • merkleProof string[] - The serialized merkle-nodes beginning with the root-node (depending on the content to prove).
  • merkleProofPrev string[] - The serialized merkle-nodes beginning with the root-node of the previous entry (only for full proof of receipts).
  • txProof string[] - The serialized merkle-nodes beginning with the root-node in order to proof the transactionIndex (only needed for transaction receipts).
  • logProof LogProof - The Log Proof in case of a eth_getLogs-request.
  • accounts object - A map of addresses and their AccountProof.
  • txIndex integer - The transactionIndex within the block (for transaactions and receipts).
  • signatures Signature[] - Requested signatures.


returns the number of the most recent block.

See eth_blockNumber for spec.

No proof returned, since there is none, but the client should verify the result by comparing it to the current blocks returned from others. With the blockTime from the chainspec, including a tolerance, the current blocknumber may be checked if in the proposed range.

Parameters: -

Returns: uint64

the highest known blocknumber


> in3 eth_blockNumber 
//---- Request -----

  "method": "eth_blockNumber",
  "params": []

//---- Response -----

  "result": "0xb8a2a5"
# ---- Request -----

method: eth_blockNumber
params: []

//---- Response -----

result: "0xb8a2a5"


calls a function of a contract (or simply executes the evm opcodes) and returns the result. for spec see eth_call


  1. tx : eth_transaction - the tx-object, which is the same as specified in eth_sendTransaction. The tx object supports the following properties :
    • to : address? (optional) - receipient of the transaction.
    • from : address? (optional) - sender of the address (if not sepcified, the first signer will be the sender)
    • wallet : address? (optional) - if specified, the transaction will be send through the specified wallet.
    • value : uint256? (optional) - value in wei to send
    • gas : uint64? (optional) - the gas to be send along (default: 21000)
    • gasPrice : uint64? (optional) - the price in wei for one gas-unit. If not specified it will be fetched using eth_gasPrice
    • type : uint32? (optional) - the transaction type ( See EIP- 1559 ) , 0 (default), 1 or 2
    • maxFeePerGas : uint64? (optional) - the max fees per gas ( See EIP- 1559 )
    • maxPriorityFeePerGas : uint64? (optional) - the max Prioritiyfees per gas ( See EIP- 1559 )
    • accessList : eth_accesslist[]? (optional) - the access list of storage values The accessList object supports the following properties :
      • address : address - the address of the contract
      • storageKeys : bytes32[] - list of storageKeys
    • nonce : uint64? (optional) - the current nonce of the sender. If not specified it will be fetched using eth_getTransactionCount
    • data : bytes? (optional) - the data-section of the transaction
    • signatures : bytes? (optional) - additional signatures which should be used when sending through a multisig
  2. block : uint64 - the blockNumber or latest


the abi-encoded result of the function.


Verifying the result of an eth_call is a little bit more complex because the response is a result of executing opcodes in the vm. The only way to do so is to reproduce it and execute the same code. That’s why a call proof needs to provide all data used within the call. This means:

  • All referred accounts including the code (if it is a contract), storageHash, nonce and balance.
  • All storage keys that are used (this can be found by tracing the transaction and collecting data based on the SLOAD-opcode).
  • All blockdata, which are referred at (besides the current one, also the BLOCKHASH-opcodes are referring to former blocks).

For verifying, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Serialize all used blockheaders and compare the blockhash with the signed hashes. (See BlockProof)
  2. Verify all used accounts and their storage as showed in Account Proof.
  3. Create a new VM with a MerkleTree as state and fill in all used value in the state:
  // create new state for a vm
  const state = new Trie()
  const vm = new VM({ state })

  // fill in values
  for (const adr of Object.keys(accounts)) {
    const ac = accounts[adr]

    // create an account-object
    const account = new Account([ac.nonce, ac.balance, ac.stateRoot, ac.codeHash])

    // if we have a code, we will set the code
    if (ac.code) account.setCode( state, bytes( ac.code ))

    // set all storage-values
    for (const s of ac.storageProof)
      account.setStorage( state, bytes32( s.key ), rlp.encode( bytes32( s.value )))

    // set the account data
    state.put( address( adr ), account.serialize())

  // add listener on each step to make sure it uses only values found in the proof
  vm.on('step', ev => {
    if (ev.opcode.name === 'SLOAD') {
        const contract = toHex( ev.address ) // address of the current code
        const storageKey = bytes32( ev.stack[ev.stack.length - 1] ) // last element on the stack is the key
        if (!getStorageValue(contract, storageKey))
          throw new Error(`incomplete data: missing key ${storageKey}`)
    /// ... check other opcodes as well

  // create a transaction
  const tx = new Transaction(txData)

  // run it
  const result = await vm.runTx({ tx, block: new Block([block, [], []]) })

  // use the return value
  return result.vm.return

In the future, we will be using the same approach to verify calls with ewasm.

If the request requires proof (verification: proof) the node will provide an Call Proof as part of the in3-section of the response. Details on how create the proof can be found in the CallProof-Chapter.

This proof section contains the following properties:

  • type : string - proof type, which is callProof
  • block : bytes - serialized blockheader
  • accounts : object - Object with the addresses of all accounts required to run the call as keys. This includes also all storage values (SLOAD) including proof used. The DataStructure of the Proof for each account is exactly the same as the result of - eth_getProof. The accounts object supports the following properties :
    • address : address - address of the account
    • balance : uint256 - the balance
    • nonce : uint64 - nonce of the account
    • codeHash : bytes32 - codehash of the account
    • storageHash : bytes32 - MerkleRoot of the Storage Trie
    • accountProof : bytes[] - MerkleProof of this account-node
    • storageProof : object[] - Array of Proofs for all required storage values The storageProof object supports the following properties :
      • key : bytes32 - the storage key (or hash)
      • value : bytes32 - the storage value
      • proof : bytes[] - the merkleProof of the value down to the storageHash as MerkleRoot
  • signatures : signature[] - the array of signatures for all used blocks in the result.
  • finalityBlocks : bytes[] - a array of blockHeaders which were mined after the requested block. The number of blocks depends on the request-property finality. If this is not specified, this property will not be defined.


> in3 eth_call '{"to":"0x2736D225f85740f42D17987100dc8d58e9e16252","data":"0x5cf0f3570000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001"}' latest
//---- Request -----

  "method": "eth_call",
  "params": [
      "to": "0x2736D225f85740f42D17987100dc8d58e9e16252",
      "data": "0x5cf0f3570000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001"
  "in3": {
    "verification": "proof"

//---- Response -----

  "result": "0x0000000000000000000000000...",
  "in3": {
    "proof": {
      "type": "callProof",
      "block": "0xf90215a0c...",
      "signatures": [
      "accounts": {
        "0x2736D225f85740f42D17987100dc8d58e9e16252": {
          "accountProof": [
          "address": "0x2736d225f85740f42d17987100dc8d58e9e16252",
          "balance": "0x4fffb",
          "codeHash": "0x2b8bdc59ce78fd8c248da7b5f82709e04f2149c39e899c4cdf4587063da8dc69",
          "nonce": "0x1",
          "storageHash": "0xbf904e79d4ebf851b2380d81aab081334d79e231295ae1b87f2dd600558f126e",
          "storageProof": [
              "key": "0x0",
              "proof": [
              "value": "0x5"
              "key": "0x290decd9548b62a8d60345a988386fc84ba6bc95484008f6362f93160ef3e569",
              "proof": [
              "value": "0x43"
              "key": "0xaaab8540682e3a537d17674663ea013e92c83fdd69958f314b4521edb3b76f1a",
              "proof": [
              "value": "0x68747470733a2f2f696e332e736c6f636b2e69742f6d61696e6e65742f6e642d"
# ---- Request -----

method: eth_call
  - to: "0x2736D225f85740f42D17987100dc8d58e9e16252"
    data: "0x5cf0f35700000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\
  - latest
  verification: proof

//---- Response -----

result: 0x0000000000000000000000000...
    type: callProof
    block: 0xf90215a0c...
      - ...
          - 0xf90211a095...
          - 0xf90211a010...
          - 0xf90211a062...
          - 0xf90211a091...
          - 0xf90211a03a...
          - 0xf901f1a0d1...
          - 0xf8b18080808...
        address: "0x2736d225f85740f42d17987100dc8d58e9e16252"
        balance: "0x4fffb"
        codeHash: "0x2b8bdc59ce78fd8c248da7b5f82709e04f2149c39e899c4cdf4587063da8dc69"
        nonce: "0x1"
        storageHash: "0xbf904e79d4ebf851b2380d81aab081334d79e231295ae1b87f2dd600558f126e"
          - key: "0x0"
              - 0xf901f1a0db74...
              - 0xf87180808080...
              - 0xe2a0200decd9....05
            value: "0x5"
          - key: "0x290decd9548b62a8d60345a988386fc84ba6bc95484008f6362f93160ef3e569"
              - 0xf901f1a0db74...
              - 0xf891a0795a99...
              - 0xe2a020ab8540...43
            value: "0x43"
          - key: "0xaaab8540682e3a537d17674663ea013e92c83fdd69958f314b4521edb3b76f1a"
              - 0xf901f1a0db747...
              - 0xf891808080808...
              - 0xf843a0207bd5ee...
            value: "0x68747470733a2f2f696e332e736c6f636b2e69742f6d61696e6e65742f6e642d"


calculates the gas needed to execute a transaction. for spec see eth_estimateGas


  1. tx : eth_transaction - the tx-object, which is the same as specified in eth_sendTransaction. The tx object supports the following properties :
    • to : address? (optional) - receipient of the transaction.
    • from : address? (optional) - sender of the address (if not sepcified, the first signer will be the sender)
    • wallet : address? (optional) - if specified, the transaction will be send through the specified wallet.
    • value : uint256? (optional) - value in wei to send
    • gas : uint64? (optional) - the gas to be send along (default: 21000)
    • gasPrice : uint64? (optional) - the price in wei for one gas-unit. If not specified it will be fetched using eth_gasPrice
    • type : uint32? (optional) - the transaction type ( See EIP- 1559 ) , 0 (default), 1 or 2
    • maxFeePerGas : uint64? (optional) - the max fees per gas ( See EIP- 1559 )
    • maxPriorityFeePerGas : uint64? (optional) - the max Prioritiyfees per gas ( See EIP- 1559 )
    • accessList : eth_accesslist[]? (optional) - the access list of storage values The accessList object supports the following properties :
      • address : address - the address of the contract
      • storageKeys : bytes32[] - list of storageKeys
    • nonce : uint64? (optional) - the current nonce of the sender. If not specified it will be fetched using eth_getTransactionCount
    • data : bytes? (optional) - the data-section of the transaction
    • signatures : bytes? (optional) - additional signatures which should be used when sending through a multisig
  2. block : uint64 - the blockNumber or latest

Returns: uint64

the amount of gass needed.


The proof will be calculated as described in eth_call. See Details there.


base fee per gas and transaction effective priority fee per gas history for the requested block range if available. The range between headBlock-4 and headBlock is guaranteed to be available while retrieving data from the pending block and older history are optional to support. For pre-EIP-1559 blocks the gas prices are returned as rewards and zeroes are returned for the base fee per gas


  1. blockCount : uint64 - Number of blocks in the requested range. Between 1 and 1024 blocks can be requested in a single query. Less than requested may be returned if not all blocks are available.
  2. newestBlock : uint64? (optional) - the Highest blockNumber or one of latest, earliestor pending
  3. rewardPercentiles : double[]? (optional) - A monotonically increasing list of percentile values to sample from each block’s effective priority fees per gas in ascending order, weighted by gas used.

Returns: object

Fee history for the returned block range. This can be a subsection of the requested range if not all blocks are available.

The return value contains the following properties :

  • oldestBlock : uint64 - Lowest number block of the returned range.
  • baseFeePerGas : uint64[] - An array of block base fees per gas. This includes the next block after the newest of the returned range, because this value can be derived from the newest block. Zeroes are returned for pre-EIP-1559 blocks.
  • gasUsedRatio : double[] - An array of block gas used ratios. These are calculated as the ratio of gasUsed and gasLimit.
  • reward : uint64[] - An array of rewards


returns the current gasPrice in wei per gas


Returns: uint64

the current gasPrice in wei per gas


> in3 eth_gasPrice 
//---- Request -----

  "method": "eth_gasPrice",
  "params": []

//---- Response -----

  "result": "0x0625900800"
# ---- Request -----

method: eth_gasPrice
params: []

//---- Response -----

result: "0x0625900800"


gets the balance of an account for a given block


  1. account : address - address of the account
  2. block : uint64 - the blockNumber or latest

Returns: uint256

the balance


The proof will be calculated as described in eth_getStorageAt. See Details there.


> in3 eth_getBalance 0x2e333ec090f1028df0a3c39a918063443be82b2b latest
//---- Request -----

  "method": "eth_getBalance",
  "params": [
  "in3": {
    "verification": "proof"

//---- Response -----

  "result": "0x20599832af6ec00",
  "in3": {
    "proof": {
      "type": "accountProof",
      "block": "0xf90212a0af...5643f426d",
      "signatures": [],
      "accounts": {
        "0x2e333EC090f1028df0a3c39a918063443Be82B2b": {
          "address": "0x2e333ec090f1028df0a3c39a918063443be82b2b",
          "accountProof": [
          "balance": "0x20599832af6ec00",
          "codeHash": "0xc5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a470",
          "nonce": "0x5",
          "storageHash": "0x56e81f171bcc55a6ff8345e692c0f86e5b48e01b996cadc001622fb5e363b421",
          "storageProof": []
# ---- Request -----

method: eth_getBalance
  - "0x2e333ec090f1028df0a3c39a918063443be82b2b"
  - latest
  verification: proof

//---- Response -----

result: "0x20599832af6ec00"
    type: accountProof
    block: 0xf90212a0af...5643f426d
    signatures: []
        address: "0x2e333ec090f1028df0a3c39a918063443be82b2b"
          - 0xf90211a099a5e...6d9f924480
          - 0xf90211a052b61...b19ff23445180
          - 0xf90211a0cc125...7e7afd9170280
          - 0xf90211a088c91...555f0b76fc6ec80
          - 0xf90211a0641a3...477d355d557a180
          - 0xf90211a0619e5...5977318c9487280
          - 0xf90111a0e25a1...641683d34adae808080
          - 0xf86e9d3f681a18...2273b7bfad8045d85a470
        balance: "0x20599832af6ec00"
        codeHash: "0xc5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a470"
        nonce: "0x5"
        storageHash: "0x56e81f171bcc55a6ff8345e692c0f86e5b48e01b996cadc001622fb5e363b421"
        storageProof: []


Returns information about a block by hash.

See eth_getBlockByHash for spec.


  1. blockHash : bytes32 - the blockHash of the block
  2. fullTx : bool - if true the full transactions are contained in the result.

Returns: eth_blockdata?

the blockdata, or in case the block with that number does not exist, null will be returned.

The return value contains the following properties :

  • transactions : eth_transactiondata[] - Array of transaction objects The transactions object supports the following properties :
    • to : address - receipient of the transaction.
    • from : address - sender or signer of the transaction
    • value : uint256 - value in wei to send
    • gas : uint64 - the gas to be send along
    • gasPrice : uint64 - the price in wei for one gas-unit. If not specified it will be fetched using eth_gasPrice
    • nonce : uint64 - the current nonce of the sender. If not specified it will be fetched using eth_getTransactionCount
    • blockHash : bytes32 - blockHash of the block holding this transaction or null if still pending.
    • blockNumber : uint64 - blockNumber of the block holding this transaction or null if still pending.
    • hash : bytes32 - transactionHash
    • input : bytes - data of the transaaction
    • transactionIndex : uint64 - index of the transaaction in the block
    • v : byte - recovery-byte of the signature
    • r : bytes32 - x-value of the EC-Point of the signature
    • s : bytes32 - y-value of the EC-Point of the signature
    • accessList : eth_accesslist[]? (optional) - the list of storage keys accesses as defined in EIP-2930 transactions of type 0x1 or 0x2. Will only be included if the type>0 The accessList object supports the following properties :
      • address : address - the address of the contract
      • storageKeys : bytes32[] - list of storageKeys
    • type : int? (optional) - the transaction type (0 = legacy tx, 1 = EIP-2930, 2= EIP-1559)
    • chainId : uint64? (optional) - the chainId the transaction is to operate on.
    • maxFeePerGas : uint64? (optional) - the max Fee gas as defined in EIP-1559
    • maxPriorityFeePerGas : uint64? (optional) - the max priority Fee gas as defined in EIP-1559
  • number : uint64 - the block number. null when its pending block.
  • hash : bytes32 - hash of the block. null when its pending block.
  • parentHash : bytes32 - hash of the parent block.
  • nonce : uint256? (optional) - hash of the generated proof-of-work. null when its pending block.
  • sha3Uncles : bytes32 - SHA3 of the uncles Merkle root in the block.
  • logsBloom : bytes256 - the bloom filter for the logs of the block. null when its pending block.
  • transactionsRoot : bytes32 - the root of the transaction trie of the block.
  • stateRoot : bytes32 - the root of the final state trie of the block.
  • receiptsRoot : bytes32 - the root of the receipts trie of the block.
  • miner : address - the address of the beneficiary to whom the mining rewards were given.
  • difficulty : uint256 - integer of the difficulty for this block.
  • totalDifficulty : uint256 - integer of the total difficulty of the chain until this block.
  • extraData : bytes - the “extra data” field of this block.
  • size : uint64 - integer the size of this block in bytes.
  • gasLimit : uint64 - the maximum gas allowed in this block.
  • gasUsed : uint64 - the total used gas by all transactions in this block.
  • timestamp : uint64 - the unix timestamp for when the block was collated.
  • uncles : bytes32[] - Array of uncle hashes.
  • baseFeePerGas : uint64? (optional) - block fees based on EIP 1559 starting with the London hard fork


The proof will be calculated as described in eth_getBlockByNumber. See Details there.


> in3 eth_getBlockByHash 0x2baa54adcd8a105cdedfd9c6635d48d07b8f0e805af0a5853190c179e5a18585 false | jq
  "author": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
  "difficulty": "0x2",
  "extraData": "0x696e667572612d696f0000000000000...31570f1e500",
  "gasLimit": "0x7a1200",
  "gasUsed": "0x20e145",
  "hash": "0x2baa54adcd8a105cdedfd9c6635d48d07b8f0e805af0a5853190c179e5a18585",
  "logsBloom": "0x000008000000000000...00400100000000080",
  "miner": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
  "number": "0x449956",
  "parentHash": "0x2c2a4fcd11aa9aea6b9767651a10e7dbd2bcddbdaba703c74458ad6faf7c2694",
  "receiptsRoot": "0x0240b90272b5600bef7e25d0894868f85125174c2f387ef3236fc9ed9bfb3eff",
  "sealFields": [
  "sha3Uncles": "0x1dcc4de8dec75d7aab85b567b6ccd41ad312451b948a7413f0a142fd40d49347",
  "size": "0x74b",
  "stateRoot": "0xf44699575afd2668060be5ba77e66e1e80edb77ad1b5070969ddfa63da6a4910",
  "timestamp": "0x605aec86",
  "totalDifficulty": "0x6564de",
  "transactions": [
  "transactionsRoot": "0xddbbd7bf723abdfe885539406540671c2c0eb97684972175ad199258c75416cc",
  "uncles": []
//---- Request -----

  "method": "eth_getBlockByHash",
  "params": [
  "in3": {
    "verification": "proof"

//---- Response -----

  "result": {
    "author": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
    "difficulty": "0x2",
    "extraData": "0x696e667572612d696f0000000000000...31570f1e500",
    "gasLimit": "0x7a1200",
    "gasUsed": "0x20e145",
    "hash": "0x2baa54adcd8a105cdedfd9c6635d48d07b8f0e805af0a5853190c179e5a18585",
    "logsBloom": "0x000008000000000000...00400100000000080",
    "miner": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
    "number": "0x449956",
    "parentHash": "0x2c2a4fcd11aa9aea6b9767651a10e7dbd2bcddbdaba703c74458ad6faf7c2694",
    "receiptsRoot": "0x0240b90272b5600bef7e25d0894868f85125174c2f387ef3236fc9ed9bfb3eff",
    "sealFields": [
    "sha3Uncles": "0x1dcc4de8dec75d7aab85b567b6ccd41ad312451b948a7413f0a142fd40d49347",
    "size": "0x74b",
    "stateRoot": "0xf44699575afd2668060be5ba77e66e1e80edb77ad1b5070969ddfa63da6a4910",
    "timestamp": "0x605aec86",
    "totalDifficulty": "0x6564de",
    "transactions": [
    "transactionsRoot": "0xddbbd7bf723abdfe885539406540671c2c0eb97684972175ad199258c75416cc",
    "uncles": []
  "in3": {
    "proof": {
      "type": "blockProof",
      "signatures": [],
      "transactions": [
# ---- Request -----

method: eth_getBlockByHash
  - "0x2baa54adcd8a105cdedfd9c6635d48d07b8f0e805af0a5853190c179e5a18585"
  - false
  verification: proof

//---- Response -----

  author: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
  difficulty: "0x2"
  extraData: 0x696e667572612d696f0000000000000...31570f1e500
  gasLimit: "0x7a1200"
  gasUsed: "0x20e145"
  hash: "0x2baa54adcd8a105cdedfd9c6635d48d07b8f0e805af0a5853190c179e5a18585"
  logsBloom: 0x000008000000000000...00400100000000080
  miner: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
  number: "0x449956"
  parentHash: "0x2c2a4fcd11aa9aea6b9767651a10e7dbd2bcddbdaba703c74458ad6faf7c2694"
  receiptsRoot: "0x0240b90272b5600bef7e25d0894868f85125174c2f387ef3236fc9ed9bfb3eff"
    - "0xa00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
    - "0x880000000000000000"
  sha3Uncles: "0x1dcc4de8dec75d7aab85b567b6ccd41ad312451b948a7413f0a142fd40d49347"
  size: "0x74b"
  stateRoot: "0xf44699575afd2668060be5ba77e66e1e80edb77ad1b5070969ddfa63da6a4910"
  timestamp: "0x605aec86"
  totalDifficulty: "0x6564de"
    - "0xcb7edfdb3229c9beeb418ab1ef1a3c9210ecfb22f0157791c3287085d798da58"
    - "0x0fb803696521ba109c40b3eecb773c93dc6ee891172af0f620c8d44c05198641"
    - "0x3ef6725cab4470889c3c7d53609a5d4b263701f5891aa98c9ed48b73b6b2fb75"
    - "0x4010c4c112514756dcdcf14f91117503826dcbe15b03a1636c07aa713da24b8d"
    - "0xd9c14daa5e2e9cc955534865365ef6bde3045c70e3a984a74c298606c4d67bb5"
    - "0xfa2326237ba5dcca2127241562be16b68c48fed93d29add8d62f79a00518c2d8"
  transactionsRoot: "0xddbbd7bf723abdfe885539406540671c2c0eb97684972175ad199258c75416cc"
  uncles: []
    type: blockProof
    signatures: []
      - 0xf8ac830331f78449504f80830186a094f74a...8a83ce8dc
      - 0xf8ac830331f88449504f80830186a094f74a...a81c2f1fee77
      - 0xf8a91e843b9aca008315a92594f0277caffea...c30d64dd139
      - 0xf8c601843b9aca008305573094309906d7b701...62f5e7a2319a
      - 0xf8c680843b9aca008305573094309906d7b701...78289116eac194e
      - 0xf9014b82020a843b9aca0083010f6894786f8d72...b649


returns information about a block by block number.

See eth_getBlockByNumber for spec.


  1. blockNumber : uint64? (optional) - the blockNumber or one of latest, earliestor pending
  2. fullTx : bool - if true the full transactions are contained in the result.

Returns: eth_blockdata?

the blockdata, or in case the block with that number does not exist, null will be returned.

The return value contains the following properties :

  • transactions : eth_transactiondata[] - Array of transaction objects The transactions object supports the following properties :
    • to : address - receipient of the transaction.
    • from : address - sender or signer of the transaction
    • value : uint256 - value in wei to send
    • gas : uint64 - the gas to be send along
    • gasPrice : uint64 - the price in wei for one gas-unit. If not specified it will be fetched using eth_gasPrice
    • nonce : uint64 - the current nonce of the sender. If not specified it will be fetched using eth_getTransactionCount
    • blockHash : bytes32 - blockHash of the block holding this transaction or null if still pending.
    • blockNumber : uint64 - blockNumber of the block holding this transaction or null if still pending.
    • hash : bytes32 - transactionHash
    • input : bytes - data of the transaaction
    • transactionIndex : uint64 - index of the transaaction in the block
    • v : byte - recovery-byte of the signature
    • r : bytes32 - x-value of the EC-Point of the signature
    • s : bytes32 - y-value of the EC-Point of the signature
    • accessList : eth_accesslist[]? (optional) - the list of storage keys accesses as defined in EIP-2930 transactions of type 0x1 or 0x2. Will only be included if the type>0 The accessList object supports the following properties :
      • address : address - the address of the contract
      • storageKeys : bytes32[] - list of storageKeys
    • type : int? (optional) - the transaction type (0 = legacy tx, 1 = EIP-2930, 2= EIP-1559)
    • chainId : uint64? (optional) - the chainId the transaction is to operate on.
    • maxFeePerGas : uint64? (optional) - the max Fee gas as defined in EIP-1559
    • maxPriorityFeePerGas : uint64? (optional) - the max priority Fee gas as defined in EIP-1559
  • number : uint64 - the block number. null when its pending block.
  • hash : bytes32 - hash of the block. null when its pending block.
  • parentHash : bytes32 - hash of the parent block.
  • nonce : uint256? (optional) - hash of the generated proof-of-work. null when its pending block.
  • sha3Uncles : bytes32 - SHA3 of the uncles Merkle root in the block.
  • logsBloom : bytes256 - the bloom filter for the logs of the block. null when its pending block.
  • transactionsRoot : bytes32 - the root of the transaction trie of the block.
  • stateRoot : bytes32 - the root of the final state trie of the block.
  • receiptsRoot : bytes32 - the root of the receipts trie of the block.
  • miner : address - the address of the beneficiary to whom the mining rewards were given.
  • difficulty : uint256 - integer of the difficulty for this block.
  • totalDifficulty : uint256 - integer of the total difficulty of the chain until this block.
  • extraData : bytes - the “extra data” field of this block.
  • size : uint64 - integer the size of this block in bytes.
  • gasLimit : uint64 - the maximum gas allowed in this block.
  • gasUsed : uint64 - the total used gas by all transactions in this block.
  • timestamp : uint64 - the unix timestamp for when the block was collated.
  • uncles : bytes32[] - Array of uncle hashes.
  • baseFeePerGas : uint64? (optional) - block fees based on EIP 1559 starting with the London hard fork


The eth_getBlockBy... methods return the Block-Data. In this case, all we need is somebody verifying the blockhash, which is done by requiring somebody who stored a deposit and would otherwise lose it, to sign this blockhash.

The verification is then done by simply creating the blockhash and comparing this to the signed one.

The blockhash is calculated by blockdata with rlp and hashing it:

blockHeader = rlp.encode([
  bytes32( parentHash ),
  bytes32( sha3Uncles ),
  address( miner || coinbase ),
  bytes32( stateRoot ),
  bytes32( transactionsRoot ),
  bytes32( receiptsRoot || receiptRoot ),
  bytes256( logsBloom ),
  uint( difficulty ),
  uint( number ),
  uint( gasLimit ),
  uint( gasUsed ),
  uint( timestamp ),
  bytes( extraData ),

  ... sealFields
    ? sealFields.map( rlp.decode )
    : [
      bytes32( b.mixHash ),
      bytes8( b.nonce )

For POA-chains, the blockheader will use the sealFields (instead of mixHash and nonce) which are already RLP-encoded and should be added as raw data when using rlp.encode.

if (keccak256(blockHeader) !== singedBlockHash) 
  throw new Error('Invalid Block')

In case of the eth_getBlockTransactionCountBy..., the proof contains the full blockHeader already serilalized plus all transactionHashes. This is needed in order to verify them in a merkle tree and compare them with the transactionRoot.

Requests requiring proof for blocks will return a proof of type blockProof. Depending on the request, the proof will contain the following properties:

  • type : constant : blockProof
  • signatures : a array of signatures from the signers (if requested) of the requested block.
  • transactions: a array of raw transactions of the block. This is only needed the last parameter of the request (includeTransactions) is false, In this case the result only contains the transactionHashes, but in order to verify we need to be able to build the complete merkle-trie, where the raw transactions are needed. If the complete transactions are included the raw transactions can be build from those values.
  • finalityBlocks: a array of blockHeaders which were mined after the requested block. The number of blocks depends on the request-property finality. If this is not specified, this property will not be defined.
  • uncles: only if fullProof is requested we add all blockheaders of the uncles to the proof in order to verify the uncleRoot.


> in3 eth_getBlockByNumber latest false | jq
  "author": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
  "difficulty": "0x2",
  "extraData": "0x696e667572612d696f0000000000000...31570f1e500",
  "gasLimit": "0x7a1200",
  "gasUsed": "0x20e145",
  "hash": "0x2baa54adcd8a105cdedfd9c6635d48d07b8f0e805af0a5853190c179e5a18585",
  "logsBloom": "0x000008000000000000...00400100000000080",
  "miner": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
  "number": "0x449956",
  "parentHash": "0x2c2a4fcd11aa9aea6b9767651a10e7dbd2bcddbdaba703c74458ad6faf7c2694",
  "receiptsRoot": "0x0240b90272b5600bef7e25d0894868f85125174c2f387ef3236fc9ed9bfb3eff",
  "sealFields": [
  "sha3Uncles": "0x1dcc4de8dec75d7aab85b567b6ccd41ad312451b948a7413f0a142fd40d49347",
  "size": "0x74b",
  "stateRoot": "0xf44699575afd2668060be5ba77e66e1e80edb77ad1b5070969ddfa63da6a4910",
  "timestamp": "0x605aec86",
  "totalDifficulty": "0x6564de",
  "transactions": [
  "transactionsRoot": "0xddbbd7bf723abdfe885539406540671c2c0eb97684972175ad199258c75416cc",
  "uncles": []
//---- Request -----

  "method": "eth_getBlockByNumber",
  "params": [
  "in3": {
    "verification": "proof"

//---- Response -----

  "result": {
    "author": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
    "difficulty": "0x2",
    "extraData": "0x696e667572612d696f0000000000000...31570f1e500",
    "gasLimit": "0x7a1200",
    "gasUsed": "0x20e145",
    "hash": "0x2baa54adcd8a105cdedfd9c6635d48d07b8f0e805af0a5853190c179e5a18585",
    "logsBloom": "0x000008000000000000...00400100000000080",
    "miner": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
    "number": "0x449956",
    "parentHash": "0x2c2a4fcd11aa9aea6b9767651a10e7dbd2bcddbdaba703c74458ad6faf7c2694",
    "receiptsRoot": "0x0240b90272b5600bef7e25d0894868f85125174c2f387ef3236fc9ed9bfb3eff",
    "sealFields": [
    "sha3Uncles": "0x1dcc4de8dec75d7aab85b567b6ccd41ad312451b948a7413f0a142fd40d49347",
    "size": "0x74b",
    "stateRoot": "0xf44699575afd2668060be5ba77e66e1e80edb77ad1b5070969ddfa63da6a4910",
    "timestamp": "0x605aec86",
    "totalDifficulty": "0x6564de",
    "transactions": [
    "transactionsRoot": "0xddbbd7bf723abdfe885539406540671c2c0eb97684972175ad199258c75416cc",
    "uncles": []
  "in3": {
    "proof": {
      "type": "blockProof",
      "signatures": [],
      "transactions": [
# ---- Request -----

method: eth_getBlockByNumber
  - latest
  - false
  verification: proof

//---- Response -----

  author: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
  difficulty: "0x2"
  extraData: 0x696e667572612d696f0000000000000...31570f1e500
  gasLimit: "0x7a1200"
  gasUsed: "0x20e145"
  hash: "0x2baa54adcd8a105cdedfd9c6635d48d07b8f0e805af0a5853190c179e5a18585"
  logsBloom: 0x000008000000000000...00400100000000080
  miner: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
  number: "0x449956"
  parentHash: "0x2c2a4fcd11aa9aea6b9767651a10e7dbd2bcddbdaba703c74458ad6faf7c2694"
  receiptsRoot: "0x0240b90272b5600bef7e25d0894868f85125174c2f387ef3236fc9ed9bfb3eff"
    - "0xa00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
    - "0x880000000000000000"
  sha3Uncles: "0x1dcc4de8dec75d7aab85b567b6ccd41ad312451b948a7413f0a142fd40d49347"
  size: "0x74b"
  stateRoot: "0xf44699575afd2668060be5ba77e66e1e80edb77ad1b5070969ddfa63da6a4910"
  timestamp: "0x605aec86"
  totalDifficulty: "0x6564de"
    - "0xcb7edfdb3229c9beeb418ab1ef1a3c9210ecfb22f0157791c3287085d798da58"
    - "0x0fb803696521ba109c40b3eecb773c93dc6ee891172af0f620c8d44c05198641"
    - "0x3ef6725cab4470889c3c7d53609a5d4b263701f5891aa98c9ed48b73b6b2fb75"
    - "0x4010c4c112514756dcdcf14f91117503826dcbe15b03a1636c07aa713da24b8d"
    - "0xd9c14daa5e2e9cc955534865365ef6bde3045c70e3a984a74c298606c4d67bb5"
    - "0xfa2326237ba5dcca2127241562be16b68c48fed93d29add8d62f79a00518c2d8"
  transactionsRoot: "0xddbbd7bf723abdfe885539406540671c2c0eb97684972175ad199258c75416cc"
  uncles: []
    type: blockProof
    signatures: []
      - 0xf8ac830331f78449504f80830186a094f74a...8a83ce8dc
      - 0xf8ac830331f88449504f80830186a094f74a...a81c2f1fee77
      - 0xf8a91e843b9aca008315a92594f0277caffea...c30d64dd139
      - 0xf8c601843b9aca008305573094309906d7b701...62f5e7a2319a
      - 0xf8c680843b9aca008305573094309906d7b701...78289116eac194e
      - 0xf9014b82020a843b9aca0083010f6894786f8d72...b649


returns the number of transactions. For Spec, see eth_getBlockTransactionCountByHash.


  1. blockHash : bytes32 - the blockHash of the block

Returns: int?

the number of transactions in the block


The proof will be calculated as described in eth_getUncleCountByBlockNumber. See Details there.


returns the number of transactions. For Spec, see eth_getBlockTransactionCountByNumber.


  1. blockNumber : uint64 - the blockNumber of the block

Returns: int?

the number of transactions in the block


The proof will be calculated as described in eth_getUncleCountByBlockNumber. See Details there.


gets the code of a given contract


  1. account : address - address of the account
  2. block : uint64? (optional) - the blockNumber or latest


the code as hex


The proof will be calculated as described in eth_getStorageAt. See Details there.


> in3 eth_getCode 0xac1b824795e1eb1f6e609fe0da9b9af8beaab60f latest
//---- Request -----

  "method": "eth_getCode",
  "params": [
  "in3": {
    "verification": "proof"

//---- Response -----

  "result": "0x6080604052348...6c634300050a0040",
  "in3": {
    "proof": {
      "type": "accountProof",
      "block": "0xf9020da02776...8ba1d5458be3b98",
      "signatures": [],
      "accounts": {
        "0xaC1b824795E1EB1F6e609FE0dA9b9af8bEaAb60F": {
          "address": "0xac1b824795e1eb1f6e609fe0da9b9af8beaab60f",
          "accountProof": [
          "balance": "0x0",
          "codeHash": "0x29140efcd5358d1dd75badfaa179e3df0dd53f17a883a30152d82903305697a1",
          "nonce": "0x1",
          "storageHash": "0x4d6c5972bcc0c8229c8b041df4aa70879e37e9f7eb47530e4232b317438524ed",
          "storageProof": []
# ---- Request -----

method: eth_getCode
  - "0xac1b824795e1eb1f6e609fe0da9b9af8beaab60f"
  - latest
  verification: proof

//---- Response -----

result: 0x6080604052348...6c634300050a0040
    type: accountProof
    block: 0xf9020da02776...8ba1d5458be3b98
    signatures: []
        address: "0xac1b824795e1eb1f6e609fe0da9b9af8beaab60f"
          - 0xf90211a03...c41e862bd80
          - 0xf90211a02...c5766ac3ec9180
          - 0xf90211a0f...cdad27ecdfbc1c4c66e680
          - 0xf90211a08...84621739c3777ea1d5080
          - 0xf90211a00...02388c08615b82ef0320614380
          - 0xf90211a03...1b16a8c050f61d80
          - 0xf8f18080a...cafe05823be8080
          - 0xf8669d3ad8...903305697a1
        balance: "0x0"
        codeHash: "0x29140efcd5358d1dd75badfaa179e3df0dd53f17a883a30152d82903305697a1"
        nonce: "0x1"
        storageHash: "0x4d6c5972bcc0c8229c8b041df4aa70879e37e9f7eb47530e4232b317438524ed"
        storageProof: []


searches for events matching the given criteria. See eth_getLogs for the spec.


  1. filter : object - The filter criteria for the events. The filter object supports the following properties :
    • fromBlock : uint64? (optional) - Integer block number, or “latest” for the last mined block or “pending”, “earliest” for not yet mined transactions. (default: "latest")
    • toBlock : uint64? (optional) - Integer block number, or “latest” for the last mined block or “pending”, “earliest” for not yet mined transactions. (default: "latest")
    • address : address? (optional) - Contract address or a list of addresses from which logs should originate.
    • topics : bytes32[]? (optional) - Array of 32 Bytes DATA topics. Topics are order-dependent. Each topic can also be an array of DATA with “or” options.
    • blockhash : bytes32? (optional) - With the addition of EIP-234, blockHash will be a new filter option which restricts the logs returned to the single block with the 32-byte hash blockHash. Using blockHash is equivalent to fromBlock = toBlock = the block number with hash blockHash. If blockHash is present in in the filter criteria, then neither fromBlock nor toBlock are allowed.

Returns: ethlog[]

array with all found event matching the specified filter

The return value contains the following properties :

  • address : address - the address triggering the event.
  • blockNumber : uint64 - the blockNumber
  • blockHash : bytes32 - blockhash if ther containing block
  • data : bytes - abi-encoded data of the event (all non indexed fields)
  • logIndex : int - the index of the even within the block.
  • removed : bool - the reorg-status of the event.
  • topics : bytes32[] - array of 32byte-topics of the indexed fields.
  • transactionHash : bytes32 - requested transactionHash
  • transactionIndex : int - transactionIndex within the containing block.
  • transactionLogIndex : int? (optional) - index of the event within the transaction.
  • type : string? (optional) - mining-status


Since logs or events are based on the TransactionReceipts, the only way to prove them is by proving the TransactionReceipt each event belongs to.

That’s why this proof needs to provide:

  • all blockheaders where these events occured
  • all TransactionReceipts plus their MerkleProof of the logs
  • all MerkleProofs for the transactions in order to prove the transactionIndex

The proof data structure will look like this:

  Proof {
    type: 'logProof',
    logProof: {
      [blockNr: string]: {  // the blockNumber in hex as key
        block : string  // serialized blockheader
        receipts: {
          [txHash: string]: {  // the transactionHash as key
            txIndex: number // transactionIndex within the block
            txProof: string[] // the merkle Proof-Array for the transaction
            proof: string[] // the merkle Proof-Array for the receipts

In order to create the proof, we group all events into their blocks and transactions, so we only need to provide the blockheader once per block. The merkle-proofs for receipts are created as described in the Receipt Proof.

If the request requires proof (verification: proof) the node will provide an Transaction Proof as part of the in3-section of the response.

This proof section contains the following properties:

  • type : string - proofType, which is logProof
  • logProof : object - The proof for all the receipts. This structure contains an object with the blockNumbers as keys. Each block contains the blockheader and the receipt proofs. The logProof object supports the following properties :
    • block : bytes - serialized blockheader
    • receipts : object - array of proofs for the transayctionreceipts within the block The receipts object supports the following properties :
      • txIndex : int - transactionIndex within the block
      • txProof : bytes[] - the merkle Proof-Array for the transaction
      • proof : bytes[] - the merkle Proof-Array for the receipt
  • signatures : signature[] - the array of signatures for all used blocks in the result.
  • finalityBlocks : bytes[] - a array of blockHeaders which were mined after the requested block. The number of blocks depends on the request-property finality. If this is not specified, this property will not be defined.


gets the storage value of a given key


  1. account : address - address of the account
  2. key : bytes32 - key to look for
  3. block : uint64? (optional) - the blockNumber orlatest


the value of the storage slot.


Each of these account values are stored in the account-object:

account = rlp.encode([
  uint( nonce),
  uint( balance),
  bytes32( storageHash || ethUtil.KECCAK256_RLP),
  bytes32( codeHash || ethUtil.KECCAK256_NULL)

The proof of an account is created by taking the state merkle tree and creating a MerkleProof. Since all of the above RPC-methods only provide a single value, the proof must contain all four values in order to encode them and verify the value of the MerkleProof.

For verification, the stateRoot of the blockHeader is used and keccak(accountProof.address) as the path or key within the merkle tree.

block.stateRoot, // expected merkle root
keccak(accountProof.address), // path, which is the hashed address
accountProof.accountProof), // array of Buffer with the merkle-proof-data
isNotExistend(accountProof) ? null : serializeAccount(accountProof), // the expected serialized account

In case the account does not exist yet (which is the case if none == startNonce and codeHash == '0xc5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a470'), the proof may end with one of these nodes:

  • The last node is a branch, where the child of the next step does not exist.
  • The last node is a leaf with a different relative key.

Both would prove that this key does not exist.

For eth_getStorageAt, an additional storage proof is required. This is created by using the storageHash of the account and creating a MerkleProof using the hash of the storage key (keccak(key)) as path.

  bytes32( accountProof.storageHash ),   // the storageRoot of the account
  keccak(bytes32(s.key)),  // the path, which is the hash of the key
  s.proof.map(bytes), // array of Buffer with the merkle-proof-data
  s.value === '0x0' ? null : util.rlp.encode(s.value) // the expected value or none to proof non-existence
digraph minimal_nonplanar_graphs {

  subgraph all {

    node [ fontsize = "12", style="", color=black fontname="Helvetica", shape=record ]

    subgraph cluster_block_header {
        label="Blockheader" color=white  style=filled

        bheader[ label="parentHash|...|<tr>stateRoot|transactionRoot|receiptRoot|..."]

    subgraph cluster_state_trie {
        label="State Trie"  color=lightblue  style=filled


        ta:a -> troot:a
        tb:a -> troot:b 
        tval:a -> ta:a

    subgraph cluster_storage_trie {
        label="Storage Trie"  color=lightblue  style=filled

        sval[label="storage value"]  

        sa:a -> sroot:a
        sb:a -> sroot:b 
        sval:a -> sa:a

    sroot:a -> tval:sr
    troot:a -> bheader:tr 


If the request requires proof (verification: proof) the node will provide an Account Proof as part of the in3-section of the response.

This proof section contains the following properties:

  • type : string - proof type, which is accountProof
  • block : bytes - serialized blockheader
  • accounts : object - object with all required accounts (using the address as keys) The accounts object supports the following properties :
    • address : address - address of the account
    • balance : uint256 - the balance
    • nonce : uint256 - nonce of the account
    • codeHash : bytes32 - codehash of the account
    • storageHash : bytes32 - MerkleRoot of the Storage Trie
    • accountProof : bytes[] - MerkleProof of this account-node
    • storageProof : object - Array of Proofs for all required storage values The storageProof object supports the following properties :
      • key : bytes32 - the storage key (or hash)
      • value : bytes32 - the storage value
      • proof : bytes[] - the merkleProof of the value down to the storageHash as MerkleRoot
  • signatures : signature[] - the array of signatures for all used blocks in the result.
  • finalityBlocks : bytes[] - a array of blockHeaders which were mined after the requested block. The number of blocks depends on the request-property finality. If this is not specified, this property will not be defined.


> in3 eth_getStorageAt 0xac1b824795e1eb1f6e609fe0da9b9af8beaab60f 0x0 latest
//---- Request -----

  "method": "eth_getStorageAt",
  "params": [
  "in3": {
    "verification": "proof"

//---- Response -----

  "result": "0x19",
  "in3": {
    "proof": {
      "type": "accountProof",
      "block": "0xf90218a0e625bee...87a38707dbbc",
      "signatures": [],
      "accounts": {
        "0xaC1b824795E1EB1F6e609FE0dA9b9af8bEaAb60F": {
          "address": "0xac1b824795e1eb1f6e609fe0da9b9af8beaab60f",
          "accountProof": [
          "balance": "0x0",
          "codeHash": "0x29140efcd5358d1dd75badfaa179e3df0dd53f17a883a30152d82903305697a1",
          "nonce": "0x1",
          "storageHash": "0x4d6c5972bcc0c8229c8b041df4aa70879e37e9f7eb47530e4232b317438524ed",
          "storageProof": [
              "key": "0x0",
              "value": "0x19",
              "proof": [
# ---- Request -----

method: eth_getStorageAt
  - "0xac1b824795e1eb1f6e609fe0da9b9af8beaab60f"
  - "0x0"
  - latest
  verification: proof

//---- Response -----

result: "0x19"
    type: accountProof
    block: 0xf90218a0e625bee...87a38707dbbc
    signatures: []
        address: "0xac1b824795e1eb1f6e609fe0da9b9af8beaab60f"
          - 0xf90211a0cef18...56e5cfcf3ef70de80
          - 0xf90211a0b67e01...2a13db20dcf291d533480
          - 0xf90211a05df65...be23ffb94580
          - 0xf90211a0825413...75d61184621739c3777ea1d5080
          - 0xf90211a000a403...82ef0320614380
          - 0xf90211a03b0114...a6e41b16a8c050f61d80
          - 0xf8f18080a01a27...96fcdfe84cafe05823be8080
          - 0xf8669d3ad8a871b...d82903305697a1
        balance: "0x0"
        codeHash: "0x29140efcd5358d1dd75badfaa179e3df0dd53f17a883a30152d82903305697a1"
        nonce: "0x1"
        storageHash: "0x4d6c5972bcc0c8229c8b041df4aa70879e37e9f7eb47530e4232b317438524ed"
          - key: "0x0"
            value: "0x19"
              - 0xf90211a084b9482...1ad85a4f2f1680
              - 0xf901b1a0625f8d3...6e0788855d2780
              - 0xf851a08a14eff77...08080808080808080
              - "0xe19f3decd9548b62a8d60345a988386fc84ba6bc95484008f6362f93160e\


returns the transaction data.

See JSON-RPC-Spec for eth_getTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex for more details.


  1. blockHash : bytes32 - the blockhash containing the transaction.
  2. index : int - the transactionIndex

Returns: eth_transactiondata?

the transactiondata or null if it does not exist

The return value contains the following properties :

  • to : address - receipient of the transaction.
  • from : address - sender or signer of the transaction
  • value : uint256 - value in wei to send
  • gas : uint64 - the gas to be send along
  • gasPrice : uint64 - the price in wei for one gas-unit. If not specified it will be fetched using eth_gasPrice
  • nonce : uint64 - the current nonce of the sender. If not specified it will be fetched using eth_getTransactionCount
  • blockHash : bytes32 - blockHash of the block holding this transaction or null if still pending.
  • blockNumber : uint64 - blockNumber of the block holding this transaction or null if still pending.
  • hash : bytes32 - transactionHash
  • input : bytes - data of the transaaction
  • transactionIndex : uint64 - index of the transaaction in the block
  • v : byte - recovery-byte of the signature
  • r : bytes32 - x-value of the EC-Point of the signature
  • s : bytes32 - y-value of the EC-Point of the signature
  • accessList : eth_accesslist[]? (optional) - the list of storage keys accesses as defined in EIP-2930 transactions of type 0x1 or 0x2. Will only be included if the type>0 The accessList object supports the following properties :
    • address : address - the address of the contract
    • storageKeys : bytes32[] - list of storageKeys
  • type : int? (optional) - the transaction type (0 = legacy tx, 1 = EIP-2930, 2= EIP-1559)
  • chainId : uint64? (optional) - the chainId the transaction is to operate on.
  • maxFeePerGas : uint64? (optional) - the max Fee gas as defined in EIP-1559
  • maxPriorityFeePerGas : uint64? (optional) - the max priority Fee gas as defined in EIP-1559


The proof will be calculated as described in eth_getTransactionByHash. See Details there.


> in3 eth_getTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex 0x4fc08daf8d670a23eba7a1aca1f09591c19147305c64d25e1ddd3dd43ff658ee 0xd5 | jq
  "blockHash": "0x4fc08daf8d670a23eba7a1aca1f09591c19147305c64d25e1ddd3dd43ff658ee",
  "blockNumber": "0xb8a4a9",
  "from": "0xcaa6cfc2ca92cabbdbce5a46901ee8b831e00a98",
  "gas": "0xac6b",
  "gasPrice": "0x1bf08eb000",
  "hash": "0xd635a97452d604f735116d9de29ac946e9987a20f99607fb03516ef267ea0eea",
  "input": "0x095ea7b300000000000000000000000...a7640000",
  "nonce": "0xa",
  "to": "0x95ad61b0a150d79219dcf64e1e6cc01f0b64c4ce",
  "transactionIndex": "0xd5",
  "value": "0x0",
  "type": "0x0",
  "v": "0x25",
  "r": "0xb18e0928c988d898d3217b145d78439072db15ea7de1005a73cf5feaf01a57d4",
  "s": "0x6b530c2613f543f9e26ef9c27a7986c748fbc856aaeacd6000a8ff46d2a2dd78"
//---- Request -----

  "method": "eth_getTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex",
  "params": [
  "in3": {
    "verification": "proof"

//---- Response -----

  "result": {
    "blockHash": "0x4fc08daf8d670a23eba7a1aca1f09591c19147305c64d25e1ddd3dd43ff658ee",
    "blockNumber": "0xb8a4a9",
    "from": "0xcaa6cfc2ca92cabbdbce5a46901ee8b831e00a98",
    "gas": "0xac6b",
    "gasPrice": "0x1bf08eb000",
    "hash": "0xd635a97452d604f735116d9de29ac946e9987a20f99607fb03516ef267ea0eea",
    "input": "0x095ea7b300000000000000000000000...a7640000",
    "nonce": "0xa",
    "to": "0x95ad61b0a150d79219dcf64e1e6cc01f0b64c4ce",
    "transactionIndex": "0xd5",
    "value": "0x0",
    "type": "0x0",
    "v": "0x25",
    "r": "0xb18e0928c988d898d3217b145d78439072db15ea7de1005a73cf5feaf01a57d4",
    "s": "0x6b530c2613f543f9e26ef9c27a7986c748fbc856aaeacd6000a8ff46d2a2dd78"
  "in3": {
    "proof": {
      "type": "eth_transactionProof",
      "block": "0xf90212a033a7afd1b9...fa16cf2",
      "merkleProof": [
      "txIndex": 213,
      "signatures": []
# ---- Request -----

method: eth_getTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex
  - "0x4fc08daf8d670a23eba7a1aca1f09591c19147305c64d25e1ddd3dd43ff658ee"
  - "0xd5"
  verification: proof

//---- Response -----

  blockHash: "0x4fc08daf8d670a23eba7a1aca1f09591c19147305c64d25e1ddd3dd43ff658ee"
  blockNumber: "0xb8a4a9"
  from: "0xcaa6cfc2ca92cabbdbce5a46901ee8b831e00a98"
  gas: "0xac6b"
  gasPrice: "0x1bf08eb000"
  hash: "0xd635a97452d604f735116d9de29ac946e9987a20f99607fb03516ef267ea0eea"
  input: 0x095ea7b300000000000000000000000...a7640000
  nonce: "0xa"
  to: "0x95ad61b0a150d79219dcf64e1e6cc01f0b64c4ce"
  transactionIndex: "0xd5"
  value: "0x0"
  type: "0x0"
  v: "0x25"
  r: "0xb18e0928c988d898d3217b145d78439072db15ea7de1005a73cf5feaf01a57d4"
  s: "0x6b530c2613f543f9e26ef9c27a7986c748fbc856aaeacd6000a8ff46d2a2dd78"
    type: eth_transactionProof
    block: 0xf90212a033a7afd1b9...fa16cf2
      - 0xf90131a0...91604f2f58080808080808080
      - 0xf851a06f...0808080808080808080
      - 0xf8d18080...8a2ac871c5808080
      - 0xf90111a05...0808080808080808080
      - 0xf8ae20b8...000a8ff46d2a2dd78
    txIndex: 213
    signatures: []


returns the transaction data.

See JSON-RPC-Spec for eth_getTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex for more details.


  1. blockNumber : uint64 - the block number containing the transaction.
  2. index : int - the transactionIndex

Returns: eth_transactiondata?

the transactiondata or null if it does not exist

The return value contains the following properties :

  • to : address - receipient of the transaction.
  • from : address - sender or signer of the transaction
  • value : uint256 - value in wei to send
  • gas : uint64 - the gas to be send along
  • gasPrice : uint64 - the price in wei for one gas-unit. If not specified it will be fetched using eth_gasPrice
  • nonce : uint64 - the current nonce of the sender. If not specified it will be fetched using eth_getTransactionCount
  • blockHash : bytes32 - blockHash of the block holding this transaction or null if still pending.
  • blockNumber : uint64 - blockNumber of the block holding this transaction or null if still pending.
  • hash : bytes32 - transactionHash
  • input : bytes - data of the transaaction
  • transactionIndex : uint64 - index of the transaaction in the block
  • v : byte - recovery-byte of the signature
  • r : bytes32 - x-value of the EC-Point of the signature
  • s : bytes32 - y-value of the EC-Point of the signature
  • accessList : eth_accesslist[]? (optional) - the list of storage keys accesses as defined in EIP-2930 transactions of type 0x1 or 0x2. Will only be included if the type>0 The accessList object supports the following properties :
    • address : address - the address of the contract
    • storageKeys : bytes32[] - list of storageKeys
  • type : int? (optional) - the transaction type (0 = legacy tx, 1 = EIP-2930, 2= EIP-1559)
  • chainId : uint64? (optional) - the chainId the transaction is to operate on.
  • maxFeePerGas : uint64? (optional) - the max Fee gas as defined in EIP-1559
  • maxPriorityFeePerGas : uint64? (optional) - the max priority Fee gas as defined in EIP-1559


The proof will be calculated as described in eth_getTransactionByHash. See Details there.


> in3 eth_getTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex 0xb8a4a9 0xd5 | jq
  "blockHash": "0x4fc08daf8d670a23eba7a1aca1f09591c19147305c64d25e1ddd3dd43ff658ee",
  "blockNumber": "0xb8a4a9",
  "from": "0xcaa6cfc2ca92cabbdbce5a46901ee8b831e00a98",
  "gas": "0xac6b",
  "gasPrice": "0x1bf08eb000",
  "hash": "0xd635a97452d604f735116d9de29ac946e9987a20f99607fb03516ef267ea0eea",
  "input": "0x095ea7b300000000000000000000000...a7640000",
  "nonce": "0xa",
  "to": "0x95ad61b0a150d79219dcf64e1e6cc01f0b64c4ce",
  "transactionIndex": "0xd5",
  "value": "0x0",
  "type": "0x0",
  "v": "0x25",
  "r": "0xb18e0928c988d898d3217b145d78439072db15ea7de1005a73cf5feaf01a57d4",
  "s": "0x6b530c2613f543f9e26ef9c27a7986c748fbc856aaeacd6000a8ff46d2a2dd78"
//---- Request -----

  "method": "eth_getTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex",
  "params": [
  "in3": {
    "verification": "proof"

//---- Response -----

  "result": {
    "blockHash": "0x4fc08daf8d670a23eba7a1aca1f09591c19147305c64d25e1ddd3dd43ff658ee",
    "blockNumber": "0xb8a4a9",
    "from": "0xcaa6cfc2ca92cabbdbce5a46901ee8b831e00a98",
    "gas": "0xac6b",
    "gasPrice": "0x1bf08eb000",
    "hash": "0xd635a97452d604f735116d9de29ac946e9987a20f99607fb03516ef267ea0eea",
    "input": "0x095ea7b300000000000000000000000...a7640000",
    "nonce": "0xa",
    "to": "0x95ad61b0a150d79219dcf64e1e6cc01f0b64c4ce",
    "transactionIndex": "0xd5",
    "value": "0x0",
    "type": "0x0",
    "v": "0x25",
    "r": "0xb18e0928c988d898d3217b145d78439072db15ea7de1005a73cf5feaf01a57d4",
    "s": "0x6b530c2613f543f9e26ef9c27a7986c748fbc856aaeacd6000a8ff46d2a2dd78"
  "in3": {
    "proof": {
      "type": "eth_transactionProof",
      "block": "0xf90212a033a7afd1b9...fa16cf2",
      "merkleProof": [
      "txIndex": 213,
      "signatures": []
# ---- Request -----

method: eth_getTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex
  - "0xb8a4a9"
  - "0xd5"
  verification: proof

//---- Response -----

  blockHash: "0x4fc08daf8d670a23eba7a1aca1f09591c19147305c64d25e1ddd3dd43ff658ee"
  blockNumber: "0xb8a4a9"
  from: "0xcaa6cfc2ca92cabbdbce5a46901ee8b831e00a98"
  gas: "0xac6b"
  gasPrice: "0x1bf08eb000"
  hash: "0xd635a97452d604f735116d9de29ac946e9987a20f99607fb03516ef267ea0eea"
  input: 0x095ea7b300000000000000000000000...a7640000
  nonce: "0xa"
  to: "0x95ad61b0a150d79219dcf64e1e6cc01f0b64c4ce"
  transactionIndex: "0xd5"
  value: "0x0"
  type: "0x0"
  v: "0x25"
  r: "0xb18e0928c988d898d3217b145d78439072db15ea7de1005a73cf5feaf01a57d4"
  s: "0x6b530c2613f543f9e26ef9c27a7986c748fbc856aaeacd6000a8ff46d2a2dd78"
    type: eth_transactionProof
    block: 0xf90212a033a7afd1b9...fa16cf2
      - 0xf90131a0...91604f2f58080808080808080
      - 0xf851a06f...0808080808080808080
      - 0xf8d18080...8a2ac871c5808080
      - 0xf90111a05...0808080808080808080
      - 0xf8ae20b8...000a8ff46d2a2dd78
    txIndex: 213
    signatures: []


returns the transaction data.

See JSON-RPC-Spec for eth_getTransactionByHash for more details.


  1. txHash : bytes32 - the transactionHash of the transaction.

Returns: eth_transactiondata?

the transactiondata or null if it does not exist

The return value contains the following properties :

  • to : address - receipient of the transaction.
  • from : address - sender or signer of the transaction
  • value : uint256 - value in wei to send
  • gas : uint64 - the gas to be send along
  • gasPrice : uint64 - the price in wei for one gas-unit. If not specified it will be fetched using eth_gasPrice
  • nonce : uint64 - the current nonce of the sender. If not specified it will be fetched using eth_getTransactionCount
  • blockHash : bytes32 - blockHash of the block holding this transaction or null if still pending.
  • blockNumber : uint64 - blockNumber of the block holding this transaction or null if still pending.
  • hash : bytes32 - transactionHash
  • input : bytes - data of the transaaction
  • transactionIndex : uint64 - index of the transaaction in the block
  • v : byte - recovery-byte of the signature
  • r : bytes32 - x-value of the EC-Point of the signature
  • s : bytes32 - y-value of the EC-Point of the signature
  • accessList : eth_accesslist[]? (optional) - the list of storage keys accesses as defined in EIP-2930 transactions of type 0x1 or 0x2. Will only be included if the type>0 The accessList object supports the following properties :
    • address : address - the address of the contract
    • storageKeys : bytes32[] - list of storageKeys
  • type : int? (optional) - the transaction type (0 = legacy tx, 1 = EIP-2930, 2= EIP-1559)
  • chainId : uint64? (optional) - the chainId the transaction is to operate on.
  • maxFeePerGas : uint64? (optional) - the max Fee gas as defined in EIP-1559
  • maxPriorityFeePerGas : uint64? (optional) - the max priority Fee gas as defined in EIP-1559


digraph minimal_nonplanar_graphs {

  subgraph all {

    node [ fontsize = "12", style="", color=black fontname="Helvetica", shape=record ]

    subgraph block_header {
        label="blockheader" style="" color=black

        bheader[ label="parentHash|...|<tr>transactionRoot|receiptRoot|stateRoot"]
        troot:a -> bheader:tr 

    subgraph cluster_client_registry {
        label="Transaction Trie"  color=lightblue  style=filled

        tval[label="transaction data"]  

        ta:a -> troot:a
        tb:a -> troot:a 
        tval:a -> ta:a


In order to prove the transaction data, each transaction of the containing block must be serialized

transaction = rlp.encode([
  uint( tx.nonce ),
  uint( tx.gasPrice ),
  uint( tx.gas || tx.gasLimit ),
  address( tx.to ),
  uint( tx.value ),
  bytes( tx.input || tx.data ),
  uint( tx.v ),
  uint( tx.r ),
  uint( tx.s )

and stored in a merkle tree with rlp.encode(transactionIndex) as key or path, since the blockheader only contains the transactionRoot, which is the root-hash of the resulting merkle tree. A merkle-proof with the transactionIndex of the target transaction will then be created from this tree.

If the request requires proof (verification: proof) the node will provide an Transaction Proof as part of the in3-section of the response. This proof section contains the following properties:

  • type : constant : transactionProof
  • block : the serialized blockheader of the requested transaction.
  • signatures : a array of signatures from the signers (if requested) of the above block.
  • txIndex : The TransactionIndex as used in the MerkleProof ( not needed if the methode was eth_getTransactionByBlock..., since already given)
  • merkleProof: the serialized nodes of the Transaction trie starting with the root node.
  • finalityBlocks: a array of blockHeaders which were mined after the requested block. The number of blocks depends on the request-property finality. If this is not specified, this property will not be defined.

While there is no proof for a non existing transaction, if the request was a eth_getTransactionByBlock... the node must deliver a partial merkle-proof to verify that this node does not exist.


> in3 eth_getTransactionByHash 0xe9c15c3b26342e3287bb069e433de48ac3fa4ddd32a31b48e426d19d761d7e9b | jq
  "blockHash": "0x4fc08daf8d670a23eba7a1aca1f09591c19147305c64d25e1ddd3dd43ff658ee",
  "blockNumber": "0xb8a4a9",
  "from": "0xcaa6cfc2ca92cabbdbce5a46901ee8b831e00a98",
  "gas": "0xac6b",
  "gasPrice": "0x1bf08eb000",
  "hash": "0xd635a97452d604f735116d9de29ac946e9987a20f99607fb03516ef267ea0eea",
  "input": "0x095ea7b300000000000000000000000...a7640000",
  "nonce": "0xa",
  "to": "0x95ad61b0a150d79219dcf64e1e6cc01f0b64c4ce",
  "transactionIndex": "0xd5",
  "value": "0x0",
  "type": "0x0",
  "v": "0x25",
  "r": "0xb18e0928c988d898d3217b145d78439072db15ea7de1005a73cf5feaf01a57d4",
  "s": "0x6b530c2613f543f9e26ef9c27a7986c748fbc856aaeacd6000a8ff46d2a2dd78"
//---- Request -----

  "method": "eth_getTransactionByHash",
  "params": [
  "in3": {
    "verification": "proof"

//---- Response -----

  "result": {
    "blockHash": "0x4fc08daf8d670a23eba7a1aca1f09591c19147305c64d25e1ddd3dd43ff658ee",
    "blockNumber": "0xb8a4a9",
    "from": "0xcaa6cfc2ca92cabbdbce5a46901ee8b831e00a98",
    "gas": "0xac6b",
    "gasPrice": "0x1bf08eb000",
    "hash": "0xd635a97452d604f735116d9de29ac946e9987a20f99607fb03516ef267ea0eea",
    "input": "0x095ea7b300000000000000000000000...a7640000",
    "nonce": "0xa",
    "to": "0x95ad61b0a150d79219dcf64e1e6cc01f0b64c4ce",
    "transactionIndex": "0xd5",
    "value": "0x0",
    "type": "0x0",
    "v": "0x25",
    "r": "0xb18e0928c988d898d3217b145d78439072db15ea7de1005a73cf5feaf01a57d4",
    "s": "0x6b530c2613f543f9e26ef9c27a7986c748fbc856aaeacd6000a8ff46d2a2dd78"
  "in3": {
    "proof": {
      "type": "eth_transactionProof",
      "block": "0xf90212a033a7afd1b9...fa16cf2",
      "merkleProof": [
      "txIndex": 213,
      "signatures": []
# ---- Request -----

method: eth_getTransactionByHash
  - "0xe9c15c3b26342e3287bb069e433de48ac3fa4ddd32a31b48e426d19d761d7e9b"
  verification: proof

//---- Response -----

  blockHash: "0x4fc08daf8d670a23eba7a1aca1f09591c19147305c64d25e1ddd3dd43ff658ee"
  blockNumber: "0xb8a4a9"
  from: "0xcaa6cfc2ca92cabbdbce5a46901ee8b831e00a98"
  gas: "0xac6b"
  gasPrice: "0x1bf08eb000"
  hash: "0xd635a97452d604f735116d9de29ac946e9987a20f99607fb03516ef267ea0eea"
  input: 0x095ea7b300000000000000000000000...a7640000
  nonce: "0xa"
  to: "0x95ad61b0a150d79219dcf64e1e6cc01f0b64c4ce"
  transactionIndex: "0xd5"
  value: "0x0"
  type: "0x0"
  v: "0x25"
  r: "0xb18e0928c988d898d3217b145d78439072db15ea7de1005a73cf5feaf01a57d4"
  s: "0x6b530c2613f543f9e26ef9c27a7986c748fbc856aaeacd6000a8ff46d2a2dd78"
    type: eth_transactionProof
    block: 0xf90212a033a7afd1b9...fa16cf2
      - 0xf90131a0...91604f2f58080808080808080
      - 0xf851a06f...0808080808080808080
      - 0xf8d18080...8a2ac871c5808080
      - 0xf90111a05...0808080808080808080
      - 0xf8ae20b8...000a8ff46d2a2dd78
    txIndex: 213
    signatures: []


gets the nonce or number of transaction sent from this account at a given block


  1. account : address - address of the account
  2. block : uint64 - the blockNumber or latest

Returns: uint64

the nonce


The proof will be calculated as described in eth_getStorageAt. See Details there.


> in3 eth_getTransactionCount 0x2e333ec090f1028df0a3c39a918063443be82b2b latest
//---- Request -----

  "method": "eth_getTransactionCount",
  "params": [
  "in3": {
    "verification": "proof"

//---- Response -----

  "result": "0x5",
  "in3": {
    "proof": {
      "type": "accountProof",
      "block": "0xf90212a0af...5643f426d",
      "signatures": [],
      "accounts": {
        "0x2e333EC090f1028df0a3c39a918063443Be82B2b": {
          "address": "0x2e333ec090f1028df0a3c39a918063443be82b2b",
          "accountProof": [
          "balance": "0x20599832af6ec00",
          "codeHash": "0xc5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a470",
          "nonce": "0x5",
          "storageHash": "0x56e81f171bcc55a6ff8345e692c0f86e5b48e01b996cadc001622fb5e363b421",
          "storageProof": []
# ---- Request -----

method: eth_getTransactionCount
  - "0x2e333ec090f1028df0a3c39a918063443be82b2b"
  - latest
  verification: proof

//---- Response -----

result: "0x5"
    type: accountProof
    block: 0xf90212a0af...5643f426d
    signatures: []
        address: "0x2e333ec090f1028df0a3c39a918063443be82b2b"
          - 0xf90211a099a5e...6d9f924480
          - 0xf90211a052b61...b19ff23445180
          - 0xf90211a0cc125...7e7afd9170280
          - 0xf90211a088c91...555f0b76fc6ec80
          - 0xf90211a0641a3...477d355d557a180
          - 0xf90211a0619e5...5977318c9487280
          - 0xf90111a0e25a1...641683d34adae808080
          - 0xf86e9d3f681a18...2273b7bfad8045d85a470
        balance: "0x20599832af6ec00"
        codeHash: "0xc5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a470"
        nonce: "0x5"
        storageHash: "0x56e81f171bcc55a6ff8345e692c0f86e5b48e01b996cadc001622fb5e363b421"
        storageProof: []


The Receipt of a Transaction. For Details, see eth_getTransactionReceipt.


  1. txHash : bytes32 - the transactionHash

Returns: eth_transactionReceipt?

the TransactionReceipt or null if it does not exist.

The return value contains the following properties :

  • blockNumber : uint64 - the blockNumber
  • blockHash : bytes32 - blockhash if ther containing block
  • contractAddress : address? (optional) - the deployed contract in case the tx did deploy a new contract
  • cumulativeGasUsed : uint64 - gas used for all transaction up to this one in the block
  • gasUsed : uint64 - gas used by this transaction.
  • effectiveGasPrice : uint256? (optional) - the efficte gas price
  • logs : ethlog[] - array of events created during execution of the tx The logs object supports the following properties :
    • address : address - the address triggering the event.
    • blockNumber : uint64 - the blockNumber
    • blockHash : bytes32 - blockhash if ther containing block
    • data : bytes - abi-encoded data of the event (all non indexed fields)
    • logIndex : int - the index of the even within the block.
    • removed : bool - the reorg-status of the event.
    • topics : bytes32[] - array of 32byte-topics of the indexed fields.
    • transactionHash : bytes32 - requested transactionHash
    • transactionIndex : int - transactionIndex within the containing block.
    • transactionLogIndex : int? (optional) - index of the event within the transaction.
    • type : string? (optional) - mining-status
  • logsBloom : bytes128 - bloomfilter used to detect events for eth_getLogs
  • status : int - error-status of the tx. 0x1 = success 0x0 = failure
  • transactionHash : bytes32 - requested transactionHash
  • transactionIndex : int - transactionIndex within the containing block.
  • from : address - address of the sender.
  • type : int? (optional) - the transaction type (0 = legacy tx, 1 = EIP-2930, 2= EIP-1559)
  • to : address? (optional) - address of the receiver. null when its a contract creation transaction.


digraph minimal_nonplanar_graphs {

  subgraph all {

    node [ fontsize = "12", style="", color=black fontname="Helvetica", shape=record ]

    subgraph blockheader {
        label="blocheader" style="" color=black

        bheader[ label="parentHash|...|transactionRoot|<tr>receiptRoot|stateRoot"]
        troot:a -> bheader:tr 

    subgraph cluster_client_registry {
        label="Receipt Trie"  color=lightblue  style=filled

        tval[label="transaction receipt"]  

        ta:a -> troot:a
        tb:a -> troot:a 
        tval:a -> ta:a


The proof works similiar to the transaction proof.

In order to create the proof we need to serialize all transaction receipts

transactionReceipt = rlp.encode([
  uint( r.status || r.root ),
  uint( r.cumulativeGasUsed ),
  bytes256( r.logsBloom ),
  r.logs.map(l => [
    address( l.address ),
    l.topics.map( bytes32 ),
    bytes( l.data )
].slice(r.status === null && r.root === null ? 1 : 0))

and store them in a merkle tree with rlp.encode(transactionIndex) as key or path, since the blockheader only contains the receiptRoot, which is the root-hash of the resulting merkle tree. A merkle proof with the transactionIndex of the target transaction receipt will then be created from this tree.

Since the merkle proof is only proving the value for the given transactionIndex, we also need to prove that the transactionIndex matches the transactionHash requested. This is done by adding another MerkleProof for the transaction itself as described in the Transaction Proof.

If the request requires proof (verification: proof) the node will provide an Transaction Proof as part of the in3-section of the response. This proof section contains the following properties:

  • type : constant : receiptProof
  • block : the serialized blockheader of the requested transaction.
  • signatures : a array of signatures from the signers (if requested) of the above block.
  • txIndex : The TransactionIndex as used in the MerkleProof
  • txProof : the serialized nodes of the Transaction trie starting with the root node. This is needed in order to proof that the required transactionHash matches the receipt.
  • merkleProof: the serialized nodes of the Transaction Receipt trie starting with the root node.
  • merkleProofPrev: the serialized nodes of the previous Transaction Receipt (if txInxdex>0) trie starting with the root node. This is only needed if full-verification is requested. With a verified previous Receipt we can proof the usedGas.
  • finalityBlocks: a array of blockHeaders which were mined after the requested block. The number of blocks depends on the request-property finality. If this is not specified, this property will not be defined.


> in3 eth_getTransactionReceipt 0x5dc2a9ec73abfe0640f27975126bbaf14624967e2b0b7c2b3a0fb6111f0d3c5e | jq
  "blockHash": "0xea6ee1e20d3408ad7f6981cfcc2625d80b4f4735a75ca5b20baeb328e41f0304",
  "blockNumber": "0x8c1e39",
  "contractAddress": null,
  "cumulativeGasUsed": "0x2466d",
  "gasUsed": "0x2466d",
  "logs": [
      "address": "0x85ec283a3ed4b66df4da23656d4bf8a507383bca",
      "blockHash": "0xea6ee1e20d3408ad7f6981cfcc2625d80b4f4735a75ca5b20baeb328e41f0304",
      "blockNumber": "0x8c1e39",
      "data": "0x00000000000...",
      "logIndex": "0x0",
      "removed": false,
      "topics": [
      "transactionHash": "0x5dc2a9ec73abfe0640f27975126bbaf14624967e2b0b7c2b3a0fb6111f0d3c5e",
      "transactionIndex": "0x0",
      "transactionLogIndex": "0x0",
      "type": "mined"
  "logsBloom": "0x00000000000000000000200000...",
  "root": null,
  "status": "0x1",
  "transactionHash": "0x5dc2a9ec73abfe0640f27975126bbaf14624967e2b0b7c2b3a0fb6111f0d3c5e",
  "transactionIndex": "0x0"
//---- Request -----

  "method": "eth_getTransactionReceipt",
  "params": [
  "in3": {
    "verification": "proof"

//---- Response -----

  "result": {
    "blockHash": "0xea6ee1e20d3408ad7f6981cfcc2625d80b4f4735a75ca5b20baeb328e41f0304",
    "blockNumber": "0x8c1e39",
    "contractAddress": null,
    "cumulativeGasUsed": "0x2466d",
    "gasUsed": "0x2466d",
    "logs": [
        "address": "0x85ec283a3ed4b66df4da23656d4bf8a507383bca",
        "blockHash": "0xea6ee1e20d3408ad7f6981cfcc2625d80b4f4735a75ca5b20baeb328e41f0304",
        "blockNumber": "0x8c1e39",
        "data": "0x00000000000...",
        "logIndex": "0x0",
        "removed": false,
        "topics": [
        "transactionHash": "0x5dc2a9ec73abfe0640f27975126bbaf14624967e2b0b7c2b3a0fb6111f0d3c5e",
        "transactionIndex": "0x0",
        "transactionLogIndex": "0x0",
        "type": "mined"
    "logsBloom": "0x00000000000000000000200000...",
    "root": null,
    "status": "0x1",
    "transactionHash": "0x5dc2a9ec73abfe0640f27975126bbaf14624967e2b0b7c2b3a0fb6111f0d3c5e",
    "transactionIndex": "0x0"
  "in3": {
    "proof": {
      "type": "receiptProof",
      "block": "0xf9023fa019e9d929ab...",
      "txProof": [
      "merkleProof": [
      "txIndex": 0,
      "signatures": [
      "merkleProofPrev": [
# ---- Request -----

method: eth_getTransactionReceipt
  - "0x5dc2a9ec73abfe0640f27975126bbaf14624967e2b0b7c2b3a0fb6111f0d3c5e"
  verification: proof

//---- Response -----

  blockHash: "0xea6ee1e20d3408ad7f6981cfcc2625d80b4f4735a75ca5b20baeb328e41f0304"
  blockNumber: "0x8c1e39"
  contractAddress: null
  cumulativeGasUsed: "0x2466d"
  gasUsed: "0x2466d"
    - address: "0x85ec283a3ed4b66df4da23656d4bf8a507383bca"
      blockHash: "0xea6ee1e20d3408ad7f6981cfcc2625d80b4f4735a75ca5b20baeb328e41f0304"
      blockNumber: "0x8c1e39"
      data: 0x00000000000...
      logIndex: "0x0"
      removed: false
        - "0x9123e6a7c5d144bd06140643c88de8e01adcbb24350190c02218a4435c7041f8"
        - "0xa2f7689fc12ea917d9029117d32b9fdef2a53462c853462ca86b71b97dd84af6"
        - "0x55a6ef49ec5dcf6cd006d21f151f390692eedd839c813a150000000000000000"
      transactionHash: "0x5dc2a9ec73abfe0640f27975126bbaf14624967e2b0b7c2b3a0fb6111f0d3c5e"
      transactionIndex: "0x0"
      transactionLogIndex: "0x0"
      type: mined
  logsBloom: 0x00000000000000000000200000...
  root: null
  status: "0x1"
  transactionHash: "0x5dc2a9ec73abfe0640f27975126bbaf14624967e2b0b7c2b3a0fb6111f0d3c5e"
  transactionIndex: "0x0"
    type: receiptProof
    block: 0xf9023fa019e9d929ab...
      - 0xf851a083c8446ab932130...
      - 0xf851a0b0f5b7429a54b10...
    txIndex: 0
      - ...
      - 0xf851a0b0f5b7429a54b10...


returns the number of uncles. For Spec, see eth_getUncleCountByBlockHash.


  1. blockHash : bytes32 - the blockHash of the block

Returns: int?

the number of uncles


The proof will be calculated as described in eth_getUncleCountByBlockNumber. See Details there.


returns the number of uncles. For Spec, see eth_getUncleCountByBlockNumber.


  1. blockNumber : uint64 - the blockNumber of the block

Returns: int?

the number of uncles


Requests requiring proof for blocks will return a proof of type blockProof. Depending on the request, the proof will contain the following properties:

  • type : constant : blockProof
  • signatures : a array of signatures from the signers (if requested) of the requested block.
  • block : the serialized blockheader
  • transactions: a array of raw transactions of the block. This is only needed if the number of transactions are requested.
  • finalityBlocks: a array of blockHeaders which were mined after the requested block. The number of blocks depends on the request-property finality. If this is not specified, this property will not be defined.
  • uncles: a array of blockheaders of the uncles of the block. This is only needed if the number of uncles are requested.


sends or broadcasts a prviously signed raw transaction. See eth_sendRawTransaction


  1. tx : bytes - the raw signed transactiondata to send

Returns: bytes32

the transactionhash


signs and sends a Transaction


  1. tx : eth_transaction - the transactiondata to send The tx object supports the following properties :
    • to : address? (optional) - receipient of the transaction.
    • from : address? (optional) - sender of the address (if not sepcified, the first signer will be the sender)
    • wallet : address? (optional) - if specified, the transaction will be send through the specified wallet.
    • value : uint256? (optional) - value in wei to send
    • gas : uint64? (optional) - the gas to be send along (default: 21000)
    • gasPrice : uint64? (optional) - the price in wei for one gas-unit. If not specified it will be fetched using eth_gasPrice
    • type : uint32? (optional) - the transaction type ( See EIP- 1559 ) , 0 (default), 1 or 2
    • maxFeePerGas : uint64? (optional) - the max fees per gas ( See EIP- 1559 )
    • maxPriorityFeePerGas : uint64? (optional) - the max Prioritiyfees per gas ( See EIP- 1559 )
    • accessList : eth_accesslist[]? (optional) - the access list of storage values The accessList object supports the following properties :
      • address : address - the address of the contract
      • storageKeys : bytes32[] - list of storageKeys
    • nonce : uint64? (optional) - the current nonce of the sender. If not specified it will be fetched using eth_getTransactionCount
    • data : bytes? (optional) - the data-section of the transaction
    • signatures : bytes? (optional) - additional signatures which should be used when sending through a multisig


the transactionHash


No proof from the nodes are required, because the client can generate the TransactionHash itself. This means to ensure the success of a transaction the receipt needs to be verified.


signs and sends a Transaction, but then waits until the transaction receipt can be verified. Depending on the finality of the nodes, this may take a while, since only final blocks will be signed by the nodes.


  1. tx : eth_transaction - the transactiondata to send The tx object supports the following properties :
    • to : address? (optional) - receipient of the transaction.
    • from : address? (optional) - sender of the address (if not sepcified, the first signer will be the sender)
    • wallet : address? (optional) - if specified, the transaction will be send through the specified wallet.
    • value : uint256? (optional) - value in wei to send
    • gas : uint64? (optional) - the gas to be send along (default: 21000)
    • gasPrice : uint64? (optional) - the price in wei for one gas-unit. If not specified it will be fetched using eth_gasPrice
    • type : uint32? (optional) - the transaction type ( See EIP- 1559 ) , 0 (default), 1 or 2
    • maxFeePerGas : uint64? (optional) - the max fees per gas ( See EIP- 1559 )
    • maxPriorityFeePerGas : uint64? (optional) - the max Prioritiyfees per gas ( See EIP- 1559 )
    • accessList : eth_accesslist[]? (optional) - the access list of storage values The accessList object supports the following properties :
      • address : address - the address of the contract
      • storageKeys : bytes32[] - list of storageKeys
    • nonce : uint64? (optional) - the current nonce of the sender. If not specified it will be fetched using eth_getTransactionCount
    • data : bytes? (optional) - the data-section of the transaction
    • signatures : bytes? (optional) - additional signatures which should be used when sending through a multisig

Returns: eth_transactionReceipt

the transactionReceipt

The return value contains the following properties :

  • blockNumber : uint64 - the blockNumber
  • blockHash : bytes32 - blockhash if ther containing block
  • contractAddress : address? (optional) - the deployed contract in case the tx did deploy a new contract
  • cumulativeGasUsed : uint64 - gas used for all transaction up to this one in the block
  • gasUsed : uint64 - gas used by this transaction.
  • effectiveGasPrice : uint256? (optional) - the efficte gas price
  • logs : ethlog[] - array of events created during execution of the tx The logs object supports the following properties :
    • address : address - the address triggering the event.
    • blockNumber : uint64 - the blockNumber
    • blockHash : bytes32 - blockhash if ther containing block
    • data : bytes - abi-encoded data of the event (all non indexed fields)
    • logIndex : int - the index of the even within the block.
    • removed : bool - the reorg-status of the event.
    • topics : bytes32[] - array of 32byte-topics of the indexed fields.
    • transactionHash : bytes32 - requested transactionHash
    • transactionIndex : int - transactionIndex within the containing block.
    • transactionLogIndex : int? (optional) - index of the event within the transaction.
    • type : string? (optional) - mining-status
  • logsBloom : bytes128 - bloomfilter used to detect events for eth_getLogs
  • status : int - error-status of the tx. 0x1 = success 0x0 = failure
  • transactionHash : bytes32 - requested transactionHash
  • transactionIndex : int - transactionIndex within the containing block.
  • from : address - address of the sender.
  • type : int? (optional) - the transaction type (0 = legacy tx, 1 = EIP-2930, 2= EIP-1559)
  • to : address? (optional) - address of the receiver. null when its a contract creation transaction.


A Node supporting IPFS must support these 2 RPC-Methods for uploading and downloading IPFS-Content. The node itself will run a ipfs-client to handle them.

Fetching ipfs-content can be easily verified by creating the ipfs-hash based on the received data and comparing it to the requested ipfs-hash. Since there is no chance of manipulating the data, there is also no need to put a deposit or convict a node. That’s why the registry-contract allows a zero-deposit fot ipfs-nodes.


Fetches the data for a requested ipfs-hash. If the node is not able to resolve the hash or find the data a error should be reported.


  1. ipfshash : string - the ipfs multi hash
  2. encoding : string - the encoding used for the response. ( hex , base64 or utf8)


the content matching the requested hash encoded in the defined encoding.


No proof or verification needed on the server side. All the verification are done in the client by creating the ipfs multihash and comparing to the requested hash.


> in3 ipfs_get QmSepGsypERjq71BSm4Cjq7j8tyAUnCw6ZDTeNdE8RUssD utf8
I love Incubed
//---- Request -----

  "method": "ipfs_get",
  "params": [
  "in3": {
    "verification": "proof"

//---- Response -----

  "result": "I love Incubed"
# ---- Request -----

method: ipfs_get
  - QmSepGsypERjq71BSm4Cjq7j8tyAUnCw6ZDTeNdE8RUssD
  - utf8
  verification: proof

//---- Response -----

result: I love Incubed


Stores ipfs-content to the ipfs network. Important! As a client there is no garuantee that a node made this content available. ( just like eth_sendRawTransaction will only broadcast it). Even if the node stores the content there is no gurantee it will do it forever.


  1. data : bytes | string - the content encoded with the specified encoding.
  2. encoding : string - the encoding used for the request. ( hex , base64 or utf8)


the ipfs multi hash


> in3 ipfs_put '"I love Incubed"' utf8
//---- Request -----

  "method": "ipfs_put",
  "params": [
    "I love Incubed",

//---- Response -----

  "result": "QmSepGsypERjq71BSm4Cjq7j8tyAUnCw6ZDTeNdE8RUssD"
# ---- Request -----

method: ipfs_put
  - I love Incubed
  - utf8

//---- Response -----

result: QmSepGsypERjq71BSm4Cjq7j8tyAUnCw6ZDTeNdE8RUssD


special Incubed nodelist-handling functions. Most of those are only used internally.


fetches and verifies the nodeList from a node


  1. limit : int? (optional) - if the number is defined and >0 this method will return a partial nodeList limited to the given number.
  2. seed : bytes32? (optional) - this 32byte hex integer is used to calculate the indexes of the partial nodeList. It is expected to be a random value choosen by the client in order to make the result deterministic.
  3. addresses : address[]? (optional) - a optional array of addresses of signers the nodeList must include.

Returns: object

the current nodelist

The return value contains the following properties :

  • nodes : object[] - a array of node definitions. The nodes object supports the following properties :
    • url : string - the url of the node. Currently only http/https is supported, but in the future this may even support onion-routing or any other protocols.
    • address : address - the address of the signer
    • index : uint64 - the index within the nodeList of the contract
    • deposit : uint256 - the stored deposit
    • props : hex - the bitset of capabilities as described in the Node Structure
    • timeout : uint64 - the time in seconds describing how long the deposit would be locked when trying to unregister a node.
    • registerTime : uint64 - unix timestamp in seconds when the node has registered.
    • weight : uint64 - the weight of a node ( not used yet ) describing the amount of request-points it can handle per second.
    • proofHash : bytes32 - a hash value containing the above values. This hash is explicitly stored in the contract, which enables the client to have only one merkle proof per node instead of verifying each property as its own storage value. The proof hash is build keccak256( abi.encodePacked( deposit, timeout, registerTime, props, signer, url ))
  • contract : address - the address of the Incubed-storage-contract. The client may use this information to verify that we are talking about the same contract or throw an exception otherwise.
  • registryId : bytes32 - the registryId (32 bytes) of the contract, which is there to verify the correct contract.
  • lastBlockNumber : uint64 - the blockNumber of the last change of the list (usually the last event).
  • totalServer : uint64 - the total numbers of nodes.


if proof is requested, the proof will have the type accountProof. In the proof-section only the storage-keys of the proofHash will be included. The required storage keys are calcualted :

  • 0x00 - the length of the nodeList or total numbers of nodes.
  • 0x01 - the registryId
  • per node : 0x290decd9548b62a8d60345a988386fc84ba6bc95484008f6362f93160ef3e563 + index * 5 + 4

The blockNumber of the proof must be the latest final block (latest- minBlockHeight) and always greater or equal to the lastBlockNumber

Partial NodeLists

if the client requests a partial nodeList and the given limit is smaller then the total amount of nodes, the server needs to pick nodes in a deterministic way. This is done by using the given seed.

  1. add all required addresses (if any) to the list.

  2. iterate over the indexes until the limit is reached:

    function createIndexes(total: number, limit: number, seed: Buffer): number[] {
      const result: number[] = []              // the result as a list of indexes
      let step = seed.readUIntBE(0, 6)         // first 6 bytes define the step size
      let pos  = seed.readUIntBE(6, 6) % total // next 6 bytes define the offset
      while (result.length < limit) {
        if (result.indexOf(pos) >= 0) {        // if the index is already part of the result
          seed = keccak256(seed)               // we create a new seed by hashing the seed.
          step = seed.readUIntBE(0, 6)         // and change the step-size
        pos = (pos + step) % total             // use the modulo operator to calculate the next position.
      return result

This proof section contains the following properties:

  • type : accountProof - the proofType
  • block : bytes - the serialized blockheader of the latest final block
  • signatures : bytes[] - a array of signatures from the signers (if requested) of the above block.
  • accounts : {key:object} - a Object with the addresses of the db-contract as key and Proof as value. The Data Structure of the Proof is exactly the same as the result of - eth_getProof, but it must contain the above described keys. with accountAdr as keys in the object The accounts object supports the following properties :
    • address : address - the address of the account
    • balance : uint256 - current Balance
    • codeHash : bytes32 - hash of the contract code
    • nonce : uint256 - nonce of the account
    • storageHash : bytes32 - MerkleRoot of the Storage Trie
    • accountProof : bytes[] - MerkleProof of this account-node
    • storageProof : object - Array of Proofs for all required storage values The storageProof object supports the following properties :
      • key : bytes32 - the storage key (or hash)
      • value : bytes32 - the storage value
      • proof : bytes[] - the merkleProof of the value down to the storageHash as MerkleRoot


> in3 in3_nodeList 2 0xe9c15c3b26342e3287bb069e433de48ac3fa4ddd32a31b48e426d19d761d7e9b '[]' | jq
  "totalServers": 5,
  "contract": "0x64abe24afbba64cae47e3dc3ced0fcab95e4edd5",
  "registryId": "0x423dd84f33a44f60e5d58090dcdcc1c047f57be895415822f211b8cd1fd692e3",
  "lastBlockNumber": 8669495,
  "nodes": [
      "url": "https://in3-v2.slock.it/mainnet/nd-3",
      "address": "0x945F75c0408C0026a3CD204d36f5e47745182fd4",
      "index": 2,
      "deposit": "10000000000000000",
      "props": 29,
      "timeout": 3600,
      "registerTime": 1570109570,
      "weight": 2000,
      "proofHash": "0x27ffb9b7dc2c5f800c13731e7c1e43fb438928dd5d69aaa8159c21fb13180a4c"
      "url": "https://in3-v2.slock.it/mainnet/nd-5",
      "address": "0xbcdF4E3e90cc7288b578329efd7bcC90655148d2",
      "index": 4,
      "deposit": "10000000000000000",
      "props": 29,
      "timeout": 3600,
      "registerTime": 1570109690,
      "weight": 2000,
      "proofHash": "0xd0dbb6f1e28a8b90761b973e678cf8ecd6b5b3a9d61fb9797d187be011ee9ec7"
//---- Request -----

  "method": "in3_nodeList",
  "params": [
  "in3": {
    "verification": "proof"

//---- Response -----

  "result": {
    "totalServers": 5,
    "contract": "0x64abe24afbba64cae47e3dc3ced0fcab95e4edd5",
    "registryId": "0x423dd84f33a44f60e5d58090dcdcc1c047f57be895415822f211b8cd1fd692e3",
    "lastBlockNumber": 8669495,
    "nodes": [
        "url": "https://in3-v2.slock.it/mainnet/nd-3",
        "address": "0x945F75c0408C0026a3CD204d36f5e47745182fd4",
        "index": 2,
        "deposit": "10000000000000000",
        "props": 29,
        "timeout": 3600,
        "registerTime": 1570109570,
        "weight": 2000,
        "proofHash": "0x27ffb9b7dc2c5f800c13731e7c1e43fb438928dd5d69aaa8159c21fb13180a4c"
        "url": "https://in3-v2.slock.it/mainnet/nd-5",
        "address": "0xbcdF4E3e90cc7288b578329efd7bcC90655148d2",
        "index": 4,
        "deposit": "10000000000000000",
        "props": 29,
        "timeout": 3600,
        "registerTime": 1570109690,
        "weight": 2000,
        "proofHash": "0xd0dbb6f1e28a8b90761b973e678cf8ecd6b5b3a9d61fb9797d187be011ee9ec7"
  "in3": {
    "proof": {
      "type": "accountProof",
      "block": "0xf9021ca01....",
      "accounts": {
        "0x64abe24afbba64cae47e3dc3ced0fcab95e4edd5": {
          "address": "0x64abe24afbba64cae47e3dc3ced0fcab95e4edd5",
          "balance": "0xb1a2bc2ec50000",
          "codeHash": "0x18e64869905158477a607a68e9c0074d78f56a9dd5665a5254f456f89d5be398",
          "nonce": "0x1",
          "storageHash": "0x4386ec93bd665ea07d7ed488e8b495b362a31dc4100cf762b22f4346ee925d1f",
          "accountProof": [
          "storageProof": [
              "key": "0x0",
              "proof": [
              "value": "0x5"
              "key": "0x1",
              "proof": [
              "value": "0x423dd84f33a44f60e5d58090dcdcc1c047f57be895415822f211b8cd1fd692e3"
# ---- Request -----

method: in3_nodeList
  - 2
  - "0xe9c15c3b26342e3287bb069e433de48ac3fa4ddd32a31b48e426d19d761d7e9b"
  - []
  verification: proof

//---- Response -----

  totalServers: 5
  contract: "0x64abe24afbba64cae47e3dc3ced0fcab95e4edd5"
  registryId: "0x423dd84f33a44f60e5d58090dcdcc1c047f57be895415822f211b8cd1fd692e3"
  lastBlockNumber: 8669495
    - url: https://in3-v2.slock.it/mainnet/nd-3
      address: "0x945F75c0408C0026a3CD204d36f5e47745182fd4"
      index: 2
      deposit: "10000000000000000"
      props: 29
      timeout: 3600
      registerTime: 1570109570
      weight: 2000
      proofHash: "0x27ffb9b7dc2c5f800c13731e7c1e43fb438928dd5d69aaa8159c21fb13180a4c"
    - url: https://in3-v2.slock.it/mainnet/nd-5
      address: "0xbcdF4E3e90cc7288b578329efd7bcC90655148d2"
      index: 4
      deposit: "10000000000000000"
      props: 29
      timeout: 3600
      registerTime: 1570109690
      weight: 2000
      proofHash: "0xd0dbb6f1e28a8b90761b973e678cf8ecd6b5b3a9d61fb9797d187be011ee9ec7"
    type: accountProof
    block: 0xf9021ca01....
        address: "0x64abe24afbba64cae47e3dc3ced0fcab95e4edd5"
        balance: "0xb1a2bc2ec50000"
        codeHash: "0x18e64869905158477a607a68e9c0074d78f56a9dd5665a5254f456f89d5be398"
        nonce: "0x1"
        storageHash: "0x4386ec93bd665ea07d7ed488e8b495b362a31dc4100cf762b22f4346ee925d1f"
          - 0xf90211a0e822...
          - 0xf90211a0f6d0...
          - 0xf90211a04d7b...
          - 0xf90211a0e749...
          - 0xf90211a059cb...
          - 0xf90211a0568f...
          - 0xf8d1a0ac2433...
          - 0xf86d9d33b981...
          - key: "0x0"
              - 0xf90211a0ccb6d2d5786...
              - 0xf871808080808080800...
              - 0xe2a0200decd9548b62a...05
            value: "0x5"
          - key: "0x1"
              - 0xf90211a0ccb6d2d5786...
              - 0xf871808080808080800...
              - 0xf843a0200e2d5276120...423dd84f33a44f60e5d58090dcdcc1c047f57be895415822f211b8cd1fd692e3
            value: "0x423dd84f33a44f60e5d58090dcdcc1c047f57be895415822f211b8cd1fd692e3"


requests a signed blockhash from the node. In most cases these requests will come from other nodes, because the client simply adds the addresses of the requested signers and the processising nodes will then aquire the signatures with this method from the other nodes.

Since each node has a risk of signing a wrong blockhash and getting convicted and losing its deposit, per default nodes will and should not sign blockHash of the last minBlockHeight (default: 6) blocks!


  1. blocks : object - array of requested blocks. The blocks object supports the following properties :
    • blockNumber : uint64 - the blockNumber to sign
    • hash : bytes32? (optional) - the expected hash. This is optional and can be used to check if the expected hash is correct, but as a client you should not rely on it, but only on the hash in the signature.

Returns: object

the Array with signatures of all the requires blocks.

The return value contains the following properties :

  • blockHash : bytes32 - the blockhash which was signed.
  • block : uint64 - the blocknumber
  • r : bytes32 - r-value of the signature
  • s : bytes32 - s-value of the signature
  • v : byte - v-value of the signature
  • msgHash : bytes32 - the msgHash signed. This Hash is created with keccak256( abi.encodePacked( _blockhash, _blockNumber, registryId ))


> in3 in3_sign '{"blockNumber":8770580}' | jq
    "blockHash": "0xd8189793f64567992eaadefc51834f3d787b03e9a6850b8b9b8003d8d84a76c8",
    "block": 8770580,
    "r": "0x954ed45416e97387a55b2231bff5dd72e822e4a5d60fa43bc9f9e49402019337",
    "s": "0x277163f586585092d146d0d6885095c35c02b360e4125730c52332cf6b99e596",
    "v": 28,
    "msgHash": "0x40c23a32947f40a2560fcb633ab7fa4f3a96e33653096b17ec613fbf41f946ef"
//---- Request -----

  "method": "in3_sign",
  "params": [
      "blockNumber": 8770580

//---- Response -----

  "result": [
      "blockHash": "0xd8189793f64567992eaadefc51834f3d787b03e9a6850b8b9b8003d8d84a76c8",
      "block": 8770580,
      "r": "0x954ed45416e97387a55b2231bff5dd72e822e4a5d60fa43bc9f9e49402019337",
      "s": "0x277163f586585092d146d0d6885095c35c02b360e4125730c52332cf6b99e596",
      "v": 28,
      "msgHash": "0x40c23a32947f40a2560fcb633ab7fa4f3a96e33653096b17ec613fbf41f946ef"
# ---- Request -----

method: in3_sign
  - blockNumber: 8770580

//---- Response -----

  - blockHash: "0xd8189793f64567992eaadefc51834f3d787b03e9a6850b8b9b8003d8d84a76c8"
    block: 8770580
    r: "0x954ed45416e97387a55b2231bff5dd72e822e4a5d60fa43bc9f9e49402019337"
    s: "0x277163f586585092d146d0d6885095c35c02b360e4125730c52332cf6b99e596"
    v: 28
    msgHash: "0x40c23a32947f40a2560fcb633ab7fa4f3a96e33653096b17ec613fbf41f946ef"


Returns whitelisted in3-nodes addresses. The whitelist addressed are accquired from whitelist contract that user can specify in request params.


  1. address : address - address of whitelist contract

Returns: object

the whitelisted addresses

The return value contains the following properties :

  • nodes : address - array of whitelisted nodes addresses.
  • lastWhiteList : uint64 - the blockNumber of the last change of the in3 white list event.
  • contract : address - whitelist contract address.
  • lastBlockNumber : uint64 - the blockNumber of the last change of the list (usually the last event).
  • totalServer : uint64 - the total numbers of whitelist nodes.


if proof is requested, the proof will have the type accountProof. In the proof-section only the storage-keys of the addresses and the length (0x0) will be included.

The blockNumber of the proof must be the latest final block (latest- minBlockHeight) and always greater or equal to the lastBlockNumber

This proof section contains the following properties:

  • type : accountProof - the proofType
  • block : bytes - the serialized blockheader of the latest final block
  • signatures : bytes[] - a array of signatures from the signers (if requested) of the above block.
  • accounts : {key:object} - a Object with the addresses of the db-contract as key and Proof as value. The Data Structure of the Proof is exactly the same as the result of - eth_getProof, but it must contain the above described keys. with the account Adress as keys in the object The accounts object supports the following properties :
    • address : address - the address of the account
    • balance : uint256 - current Balance
    • codeHash : bytes32 - hash of the contract code
    • nonce : uint256 - nonce of the account
    • storageHash : bytes32 - MerkleRoot of the Storage Trie
    • accountProof : bytes[] - MerkleProof of this account-node
    • storageProof : object - Array of Proofs for all required storage values The storageProof object supports the following properties :
      • key : bytes32 - the storage key (or hash)
      • value : bytes32 - the storage value
      • proof : bytes[] - the merkleProof of the value down to the storageHash as MerkleRoot


> in3 in3_whitelist 0x08e97ef0a92EB502a1D7574913E2a6636BeC557b | jq
  "totalServers": 2,
  "contract": "0x08e97ef0a92EB502a1D7574913E2a6636BeC557b",
  "lastBlockNumber": 1546354,
  "nodes": [
//---- Request -----

  "method": "in3_whitelist",
  "params": [
  "in3": {
    "verification": "proof"

//---- Response -----

  "result": {
    "totalServers": 2,
    "contract": "0x08e97ef0a92EB502a1D7574913E2a6636BeC557b",
    "lastBlockNumber": 1546354,
    "nodes": [
  "in3": {
    "proof": {
      "type": "accountProof",
      "block": "0xf9021ca01....",
      "accounts": {
        "0x08e97ef0a92EB502a1D7574913E2a6636BeC557b": {
          "address": "0x08e97ef0a92EB502a1D7574913E2a6636BeC557b",
          "balance": "0xb1a2bc2ec50000",
          "codeHash": "0x18e64869905158477a607a68e9c0074d78f56a9dd5665a5254f456f89d5be398",
          "nonce": "0x1",
          "storageHash": "0x4386ec93bd665ea07d7ed488e8b495b362a31dc4100cf762b22f4346ee925d1f",
          "accountProof": [
          "storageProof": [
              "key": "0x0",
              "proof": [
              "value": "0x5"
              "key": "0x1",
              "proof": [
              "value": "0x6aa7bbfbb1778efa33da1ba032cc3a79b9ef57b428441b4de4f1c38c3f258874"
# ---- Request -----

method: in3_whitelist
  - "0x08e97ef0a92EB502a1D7574913E2a6636BeC557b"
  verification: proof

//---- Response -----

  totalServers: 2
  contract: "0x08e97ef0a92EB502a1D7574913E2a6636BeC557b"
  lastBlockNumber: 1546354
    - "0x1fe2e9bf29aa1938859af64c413361227d04059a"
    - "0x45d45e6ff99e6c34a235d263965910298985fcfe"
    type: accountProof
    block: 0xf9021ca01....
        address: "0x08e97ef0a92EB502a1D7574913E2a6636BeC557b"
        balance: "0xb1a2bc2ec50000"
        codeHash: "0x18e64869905158477a607a68e9c0074d78f56a9dd5665a5254f456f89d5be398"
        nonce: "0x1"
        storageHash: "0x4386ec93bd665ea07d7ed488e8b495b362a31dc4100cf762b22f4346ee925d1f"
          - 0xf90211a0e822...
          - 0xf90211a0f6d0...
          - 0xf90211a04d7b...
          - 0xf90211a0e749...
          - 0xf90211a059cb...
          - 0xf90211a0568f...
          - 0xf8d1a0ac2433...
          - 0xf86d9d33b981...
          - key: "0x0"
              - 0xf90211a0ccb6d2d5786...
              - 0xf871808080808080800...
              - 0xe2a0200decd9548b62a...05
            value: "0x5"
          - key: "0x1"
              - 0xf90211a0ccb6d2d5786...
              - 0xf871808080808080800...
              - 0xf843a0200e2d5276120...423dd84f33a44f60e5d58090dcdcc1c047f57be895415822f211b8cd1fd692e3
            value: "0x6aa7bbfbb1778efa33da1ba032cc3a79b9ef57b428441b4de4f1c38c3f258874"


a Collection of utility-function.


based on the ABI-encoding used by solidity, this function decodes the bytes given and returns it as array of values.


  1. signature : string - the signature of the function. e.g. uint256, (address,string,uint256) or getBalance(address):uint256. If the complete functionhash is given, only the return-part will be used.
  2. data : bytes - the data to decode (usually the result of a eth_call)
  3. topics : bytes? (optional) - in case of an even the topics (concatinated to max 4x32bytes). This is used if indexed.arguments are used.

Returns: any[]

a array with the values after decodeing.


> in3 in3_abiDecode (address,uint256) 0x00000000000000000000000012345678901234567890123456789012345678900000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000005 | jq
//---- Request -----

  "method": "in3_abiDecode",
  "params": [

//---- Response -----

  "result": [
# ---- Request -----

method: in3_abiDecode
  - (address,uint256)
  - "0x000000000000000000000000123456789012345678901234567890123456789000000000\

//---- Response -----

  - "0x1234567890123456789012345678901234567890"
  - "0x05"


based on the ABI-encoding used by solidity, this function encodes the value given and returns it as hexstring.


  1. signature : string - the signature of the function. e.g. getBalance(uint256). The format is the same as used by solidity to create the functionhash. optional you can also add the return type, which in this case is ignored.
  2. params : any[] - a array of arguments. the number of arguments must match the arguments in the signature.

Returns: hex

the ABI-encoded data as hex including the 4 byte function-signature. These data can be used for eth_call or to send a transaction.


> in3 in3_abiEncode getBalance(address) '["0x1234567890123456789012345678901234567890"]'
//---- Request -----

  "method": "in3_abiEncode",
  "params": [

//---- Response -----

  "result": "0xf8b2cb4f0000000000000000000000001234567890123456789012345678901234567890"
# ---- Request -----

method: in3_abiEncode
  - getBalance(address)
  - - "0x1234567890123456789012345678901234567890"

//---- Response -----

result: "0xf8b2cb4f0000000000000000000000001234567890123456789012345678901234567890"


clears the incubed cache (usually found in the .in3-folder)

Parameters: -


true indicating the success


> in3 in3_cacheClear 
//---- Request -----

  "method": "in3_cacheClear",
  "params": []

//---- Response -----

  "result": true
# ---- Request -----

method: in3_cacheClear
params: []

//---- Response -----

result: true


calculates the address of a contract about to deploy. The address depends on the senders nonce.


  1. sender : address - the sender of the transaction
  2. nonce : uint64? (optional) - the nonce of the sender during deployment

Returns: address

the address of the deployed contract


> in3 in3_calcDeployAddress 0x5a0b54d5dc17e0aadc383d2db43b0a0d3e029c4c 6054986
//---- Request -----

  "method": "in3_calcDeployAddress",
  "params": [

//---- Response -----

  "result": "0xba866e7bd2573be3eaf5077b557751bb6d58076e"
# ---- Request -----

method: in3_calcDeployAddress
  - "0x5a0b54d5dc17e0aadc383d2db43b0a0d3e029c4c"
  - 6054986

//---- Response -----

result: "0xba866e7bd2573be3eaf5077b557751bb6d58076e"


Will convert an upper or lowercase Ethereum address to a checksum address. (See EIP55 )


  1. address : address - the address to convert.
  2. useChainId : bool? (optional) - if true, the chainId is integrated as well (See EIP1191 )


the address-string using the upper/lowercase hex characters.


> in3 in3_checksumAddress 0x1fe2e9bf29aa1938859af64c413361227d04059a false
//---- Request -----

  "method": "in3_checksumAddress",
  "params": [

//---- Response -----

  "result": "0x1Fe2E9bf29aa1938859Af64C413361227d04059a"
# ---- Request -----

method: in3_checksumAddress
  - "0x1fe2e9bf29aa1938859af64c413361227d04059a"
  - false

//---- Response -----

result: "0x1Fe2E9bf29aa1938859Af64C413361227d04059a"


decodes a raw transaction and returns the values. The transaction may be a signed or unsigned tx. In case of a signed transaction, the from-address will be calculated along with many other helpful values.


  1. data : bytes - input data

Returns: eth_tx_decoded

the decoded transaction.

The return value contains the following properties :

  • hash : bytes32 - the hash of the raw transaction. In case of a signed tx, this is the the tx-hash
  • type : uint32 - the eth-transaction-type (0=legacy, 1 or 2 EIP1559)
  • to : address - receipient of the transaction or a 0x for a deployment tx.
  • from : address? (optional) - address of the sender (only available if the tx is signed)
  • value : uint256 - value in wei to send
  • gas : uint64 - the gas to be send along
  • gasPrice : uint64? (optional) - the price in wei for one gas-unit. only available for tx type 1 and 2.
  • maxFeePerGas : uint64? (optional) - the max fees per gas ( See EIP- 1559 )
  • maxPriorityFeePerGas : uint64? (optional) - the max Prioritiyfees per gas ( See EIP- 1559 )
  • accessList : eth_accesslist[]? (optional) - the access list of storage values The accessList object supports the following properties :
    • address : address - the address of the contract
    • storageKeys : bytes32[] - list of storageKeys
  • nonce : uint64 - the used nonce of the sender.
  • data : bytes - the data-section of the transaction
  • signature : bytes? (optional) - the 65 bytes signature
  • chainId : uint64? (optional) - the chainId as encoded in the transaction. (only missing in legacy tx if EIP-155 is not used)
  • v : bytes? (optional) - the recovery-byte. For legacy-tx ( this will be either + 27 or chain_id*2 + 35 - See EIP 155)
  • r : bytes32? (optional) - r-value of the sifgnature ( the R.y value)
  • s : bytes32? (optional) - s-value of the sifgnature
  • publicKey : bytes? (optional) - the public Key of the sender as 64 bytes
  • unsigned : bytes? (optional) - the raw unsigned transaction to extract the hash for the signature


> in3 in3_decodeTx 0x02f8b0013f8459682f008518c2cdf18982bcbb940...edbc296ce | jq
  "type": 2,
  "hash": "0x0a7f5daa71ad3e0115cae737559d14cdf914510a6a19c16267b8d5142d82de42",
  "chainId": "0x1",
  "nonce": "0x3f",
  "maxPriorityFeePerGas": "0x59682f00",
  "maxFeePerGas": "0x18c2cdf189",
  "gas": "0xbcbb",
  "to": "0x00000000000c2e074ec69a0dfb2997ba6c7d2e1e",
  "value": "0x0",
  "data": "0x1896f70a978895d45a43dc4d455ecd98702a630d6acce4393cec9bdd412ffebe687ddf820000000000000000000000004976fb03c32e5b8cfe2b6ccb31c09ba78ebaba41",
  "accessList": [],
  "v": "0x",
  "r": "0x22b7c68abd0d362b0682fb5047e82d4b47acd4f5dc1f1b3556af0a8b06587798",
  "s": "0x37b4f0d22ec65fad0920d9b24ef1b6b0c088afa20ace41f79188bd1edbc296ce",
  "unsigned": "0x02f86d013f8459682f008518c2cdf18982bcbb9400000000000c2e074ec69a0dfb2997ba6c7d2e1e80b8441896f70a978895d45a43dc4d455ecd98702a630d6acce4393cec9bdd412ffebe687ddf820000000000000000000000004976fb03c32e5b8cfe2b6ccb31c09ba78ebaba41c0",
  "signature": "0x22b7c68abd0d362b0682fb5047e82d4b47acd4f5dc1f1b3556af0a8b0658779837b4f0d22ec65fad0920d9b24ef1b6b0c088afa20ace41f79188bd1edbc296ce00",
  "publicKey": "0x63cfcd2900a37247214361d0ca3637980af8e4b64acdf2f1e1b11573b502b576df4387cbf6f94c6cdc750e3aaa23026c5b0cef0f3bb2f5bb42c093ec394fd1bb",
  "from": "0xd034648eaea1d29f4e9cfa8312feff9783f31fd4"
//---- Request -----

  "method": "in3_decodeTx",
  "params": [

//---- Response -----

  "result": {
    "type": 2,
    "hash": "0x0a7f5daa71ad3e0115cae737559d14cdf914510a6a19c16267b8d5142d82de42",
    "chainId": "0x1",
    "nonce": "0x3f",
    "maxPriorityFeePerGas": "0x59682f00",
    "maxFeePerGas": "0x18c2cdf189",
    "gas": "0xbcbb",
    "to": "0x00000000000c2e074ec69a0dfb2997ba6c7d2e1e",
    "value": "0x0",
    "data": "0x1896f70a978895d45a43dc4d455ecd98702a630d6acce4393cec9bdd412ffebe687ddf820000000000000000000000004976fb03c32e5b8cfe2b6ccb31c09ba78ebaba41",
    "accessList": [],
    "v": "0x",
    "r": "0x22b7c68abd0d362b0682fb5047e82d4b47acd4f5dc1f1b3556af0a8b06587798",
    "s": "0x37b4f0d22ec65fad0920d9b24ef1b6b0c088afa20ace41f79188bd1edbc296ce",
    "unsigned": "0x02f86d013f8459682f008518c2cdf18982bcbb9400000000000c2e074ec69a0dfb2997ba6c7d2e1e80b8441896f70a978895d45a43dc4d455ecd98702a630d6acce4393cec9bdd412ffebe687ddf820000000000000000000000004976fb03c32e5b8cfe2b6ccb31c09ba78ebaba41c0",
    "signature": "0x22b7c68abd0d362b0682fb5047e82d4b47acd4f5dc1f1b3556af0a8b0658779837b4f0d22ec65fad0920d9b24ef1b6b0c088afa20ace41f79188bd1edbc296ce00",
    "publicKey": "0x63cfcd2900a37247214361d0ca3637980af8e4b64acdf2f1e1b11573b502b576df4387cbf6f94c6cdc750e3aaa23026c5b0cef0f3bb2f5bb42c093ec394fd1bb",
    "from": "0xd034648eaea1d29f4e9cfa8312feff9783f31fd4"
# ---- Request -----

method: in3_decodeTx
  - 0x02f8b0013f8459682f008518c2cdf18982bcbb940...edbc296ce

//---- Response -----

  type: 2
  hash: "0x0a7f5daa71ad3e0115cae737559d14cdf914510a6a19c16267b8d5142d82de42"
  chainId: "0x1"
  nonce: "0x3f"
  maxPriorityFeePerGas: "0x59682f00"
  maxFeePerGas: "0x18c2cdf189"
  gas: "0xbcbb"
  to: "0x00000000000c2e074ec69a0dfb2997ba6c7d2e1e"
  value: "0x0"
  data: "0x1896f70a978895d45a43dc4d455ecd98702a630d6acce4393cec9bdd412ffebe687ddf\
  accessList: []
  v: 0x
  r: "0x22b7c68abd0d362b0682fb5047e82d4b47acd4f5dc1f1b3556af0a8b06587798"
  s: "0x37b4f0d22ec65fad0920d9b24ef1b6b0c088afa20ace41f79188bd1edbc296ce"
  unsigned: "0x02f86d013f8459682f008518c2cdf18982bcbb9400000000000c2e074ec69a0dfb\
  signature: "0x22b7c68abd0d362b0682fb5047e82d4b47acd4f5dc1f1b3556af0a8b065877983\
  publicKey: "0x63cfcd2900a37247214361d0ca3637980af8e4b64acdf2f1e1b11573b502b576d\
  from: "0xd034648eaea1d29f4e9cfa8312feff9783f31fd4"


converts a given uint (also as hex) with a wei-value into a specified unit.


  1. value : uint256 - the value in wei

    Example : value: “0x234324abdef”

  2. unit : string - the unit of the target value, which must be one of wei, kwei, Kwei, babbage, femtoether, mwei, Mwei, lovelace, picoether, gwei, Gwei, shannon, nanoether, nano, szabo, microether, micro, finney, milliether, milli, ether, eth, kether, grand, mether, gether or tether

  3. digits : int? (optional) - fix number of digits after the comma. If left out, only as many as needed will be included.

Returns: float

the value as string.


> in3 in3_fromWei 0x234324abadefdef eth 3
//---- Request -----

  "method": "in3_fromWei",
  "params": [

//---- Response -----

  "result": 0.158
# ---- Request -----

method: in3_fromWei
  - "0x234324abadefdef"
  - eth
  - 3

//---- Response -----

result: 0.158


parse a ethereum-url based on EIP 681 (https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-681)


  1. url : string - the url with the tx-params

Returns: tx_input



> in3 in3_parse_tx_url ethereum:0x89205a3a3b2a69de6dbf7f01ed13b2108b2c43e7/transfer?address=0x8e23ee67d1332ad560396262c48ffbb01f93d052&uint256=1 | jq
  "to": "0x89205a3a3b2a69de6dbf7f01ed13b2108b2c43e7",
  "fn_sig": "transfer(address,uint256)",
  "fn_args": [
//---- Request -----

  "method": "in3_parse_tx_url",
  "params": [

//---- Response -----

  "result": {
    "to": "0x89205a3a3b2a69de6dbf7f01ed13b2108b2c43e7",
    "fn_sig": "transfer(address,uint256)",
    "fn_args": [
# ---- Request -----

method: in3_parse_tx_url
  - ethereum:0x89205a3a3b2a69de6dbf7f01ed13b2108b2c43e7/transfer?address=0x8e23ee67d1332ad560396262c48ffbb01f93d052&uint256=1

//---- Response -----

  to: "0x89205a3a3b2a69de6dbf7f01ed13b2108b2c43e7"
  fn_sig: transfer(address,uint256)
    - "0x8e23ee67d1332ad560396262c48ffbb01f93d052"
    - 1


rlp decode the data


  1. data : bytes - input data

Returns: any[]

a array with the values after decodeing. The result is either a hex-string or an array.


> in3 in3_rlpDecode 0xf83b808508e1409836829c40a86161616135663833353262373034623139653362616338373262343866326537663639356662653681ff82bbbb018080 | jq
//---- Request -----

  "method": "in3_rlpDecode",
  "params": [

//---- Response -----

  "result": [
# ---- Request -----

method: in3_rlpDecode
  - "0xf83b808508e1409836829c40a86161616135663833353262373034623139653362616338\

//---- Response -----

  - 0x
  - "0x08e1409836"
  - "0x9c40"
  - "0x616161613566383335326237303462313965336261633837326234386632653766363935\
  - "0xff"
  - "0xbbbb"
  - "0x01"
  - 0x
  - 0x


converts the given value into wei.


  1. value : string | uint - the value, which may be floating number as string

    Example : value: “0.9”

  2. unit : string? (optional) - the unit of the value, which must be one of wei, kwei, Kwei, babbage, femtoether, mwei, Mwei, lovelace, picoether, gwei, Gwei, shannon, nanoether, nano, szabo, microether, micro, finney, milliether, milli, ether, eth, kether, grand, mether, gether or tether (default: "eth")

Returns: uint256

the value in wei as hex.


> in3 in3_toWei 20.0009123 eth
//---- Request -----

  "method": "in3_toWei",
  "params": [

//---- Response -----

  "result": "0x01159183c4793db800"
# ---- Request -----

method: in3_toWei
  - "20.0009123"
  - eth

//---- Response -----

result: "0x01159183c4793db800"


keccak is just an alias for web3_sha3.See Details there.


Returns the current network id.

Parameters: -

Returns: uint64

the network id


Returns sha-256 of the given data.

No proof needed, since the client will execute this locally.


  1. data : bytes - data to hash


the 32byte hash of the data


> in3 sha256 0x1234567890
//---- Request -----

  "method": "sha256",
  "params": [

//---- Response -----

  "result": "0x6c450e037e79b76f231a71a22ff40403f7d9b74b15e014e52fe1156d3666c3e6"
# ---- Request -----

method: sha256
  - "0x1234567890"

//---- Response -----

result: "0x6c450e037e79b76f231a71a22ff40403f7d9b74b15e014e52fe1156d3666c3e6"


Returns the underlying client version. See web3_clientversion for spec.

Parameters: -


when connected to the incubed-network, Incubed/<Version> will be returned, but in case of a direct enpoint, its’s version will be used.


Returns Keccak-256 (not the standardized SHA3-256) of the given data.

See web3_sha3 for spec.

No proof needed, since the client will execute this locally.


  1. data : bytes - data to hash


the 32byte hash of the data


> in3 web3_sha3 0x1234567890
//---- Request -----

  "method": "web3_sha3",
  "params": [

//---- Response -----

  "result": "0x3a56b02b60d4990074262f496ac34733f870e1b7815719b46ce155beac5e1a41"
# ---- Request -----

method: web3_sha3
  - "0x1234567890"

//---- Response -----

result: "0x3a56b02b60d4990074262f496ac34733f870e1b7815719b46ce155beac5e1a41"


Important: This feature is still experimental and not considered stable yet. In order to use it, you need to set the experimental-flag (-x on the comandline or "experimental":true!

the zksync-plugin is able to handle operations to use zksync like deposit transfer or withdraw. Also see the #in3-config on how to configure the zksync-server or account.

Also in order to sign messages you need to set a signer!

All zksync-methods can be used with zksync_ or zk_ prefix.


returns the address of the account used.

Parameters: -

Returns: address

the account used.


> in3 -x -pk 0xe41d2489571d322189246dafa5ebde1f4699f498000000000000000000000000 zksync_account_address 
//---- Request -----

  "method": "zksync_account_address",
  "params": []

//---- Response -----

  "result": "0x3b2a1bd631d9d7b17e87429a8e78dbbd9b4de292"
# ---- Request -----

method: zksync_account_address
params: []

//---- Response -----

result: "0x3b2a1bd631d9d7b17e87429a8e78dbbd9b4de292"


returns the history of transaction for a given account.


  1. account : address - the address of the account
  2. ref : string? (optional) - the reference or start. this could be a tx_id prefixed with < or >for newer or older than the specified tx or pending returning all pending tx.
  3. limit : int? (optional) - the max number of entries to return

Returns: zk_history[]

the data and state of the requested tx.

The return value contains the following properties :

  • tx_id : string - the transaction id based on the block-number and the index
  • hash : string - the transaction hash
  • eth_block : uint64? (optional) - the blockNumber of a priority-operation like Deposit otherwise this is null
  • pq_id : uint64? (optional) - the priority-operation id (for tx like Deposit) otherwise this is null
  • success : bool? (optional) - the result of the operation
  • fail_reason : string? (optional) - the error message if failed, otherwise null
  • commited : bool - true if the tx was received and verified by the zksync-server
  • verified : bool - true if the tx was received and verified by the zksync-server
  • created_at : string - UTC-Time when the transaction was created
  • tx : object - the transaction data The tx object supports the following properties :
    • type : string - Type of the transaction. Transfer, ChangePubKey or Withdraw
    • from : address? (optional) - The sender of the address
    • to : address? (optional) - The recipient of the address
    • token : string? (optional) - The token id
    • amount : uint256? (optional) - the amount sent
    • account : address? (optional) - the account sent from
    • accountId : uint64? (optional) - the account id used
    • newPkHash : string? (optional) - the new public Key Hash (only used if the type is CHangePubKey)
    • validFrom : uint64? (optional) - timestamp set by the sender when the valid range starts
    • validUntil : uint64? (optional) - timestamp set by the sender when the valid range ends
    • signature : object? (optional) - the sync signature The signature object supports the following properties :
      • pubKey : bytes32 - the public key of the signer
      • signature : bytes - the signature
    • fee : uint256? (optional) - the fee payed
    • feeToken : uint64? (optional) - the token the fee was payed
    • nonce : uint64? (optional) - the nonce of the account
    • priority_op : object? (optional) - the description of a priority operation like Deposit The priority_op object supports the following properties :
      • from : address - The sender of the address
      • to : address - The recipient of the address
      • token : string - The token id
      • amount : uint256 - the amount sent
    • ethAuthData : object? (optional) - the 2fa euth authorition The ethAuthData object supports the following properties :
      • type : string - the type which should be CREATE2, ECDSA
      • saltArg : bytes32? (optional) - the hash component (only if type=CREATE2)
      • codeHash : bytes32? (optional) - the hash of the deployment-data (only if type=CREATE2)
      • creatorAddress : address? (optional) - the address of the the deploying contract (only if type=CREATE2)


> in3 -x -zkr https://rinkeby-api.zksync.io/api/v0.1 zksync_account_history 0x9df215737e137acddd0ad99e32f9a6b980ea526d | jq
    "tx_id": "29411,1",
    "hash": "sync-tx:e83b1b982b4d8a08a21f87717e85a268e3b3a5305bdf5efc465e7fd8f0ad5335",
    "eth_block": null,
    "pq_id": null,
    "tx": {
      "to": "0xb7b2af693a2362c5c7575841ca6eb72ad2aed77f",
      "fee": "11060000000000",
      "from": "0x9df215737e137acddd0ad99e32f9a6b980ea526d",
      "type": "Transfer",
      "nonce": 1,
      "token": "ETH",
      "amount": "1000000000000000",
      "accountId": 161418,
      "signature": {
        "pubKey": "74835ee6dd9009b67fd4e4aef4a6f63ee2a597ced5e59f33b019905d1df70d91",
        "signature": "407314ebce8ce0217b41a6cf992c7359645215c35afbdf7e18e76c957a14ed20135b7e8e5ca24fb132640141c0b3168b3939571e2363e41639e18b1637f26d02"
      "validFrom": 0,
      "validUntil": 4294967295
    "success": true,
    "fail_reason": null,
    "commited": true,
    "verified": true,
    "created_at": "2021-05-31T11:54:56.248569Z"
    "tx_id": "29376,10",
    "hash": "sync-tx:5f92999f7bbc5d84fe0d34ebe8b7a0c38f977caece844686d3007bc48e5944e0",
    "eth_block": null,
    "pq_id": null,
    "tx": {
      "to": "0xc98fc74a085cd7ecd91d9e8d860a18ef6769d873",
      "fee": "10450000000000",
      "from": "0xb7b2af693a2362c5c7575841ca6eb72ad2aed77f",
      "type": "Transfer",
      "nonce": 1,
      "token": "ETH",
      "amount": "10000000000000000",
      "accountId": 161391,
      "signature": {
        "pubKey": "06cce677912252a9eb87090b795e5bd84a079cb398dfec7f6a6645ee456dc721",
        "signature": "ef83b1519a737107798aa5740998a515c406510b61f176fbbac6f703231968a563551f74f37bf96c2220fd18a68aca128a155b5083333a13cfbbd348c0a75003"
      "validFrom": 0,
      "validUntil": 4294967295
    "success": true,
    "fail_reason": null,
    "commited": true,
    "verified": true,
    "created_at": "2021-05-31T08:11:17.250144Z"
    "tx_id": "29376,5",
    "hash": "sync-tx:78550bbcaefdfd4cc4275bd1a0168dd73efb1953bb17a9689381fea6729c924e",
    "eth_block": null,
    "pq_id": null,
    "tx": {
      "fee": "37500000000000",
      "type": "ChangePubKey",
      "nonce": 0,
      "account": "0xb7b2af693a2362c5c7575841ca6eb72ad2aed77f",
      "feeToken": 0,
      "accountId": 161391,
      "newPkHash": "sync:1ae5a093f285ddd23b54bea2780ef4e9a4e348ea",
      "signature": {
        "pubKey": "06cce677912252a9eb87090b795e5bd84a079cb398dfec7f6a6645ee456dc721",
        "signature": "27f42a850de4dcc6527fea0a9baa5991dabf3c2ce30dae5a6112f03cf614da03bdc2ef7ac107337d17f9e4047e5b18b3e4c46acb6af41f8cfbb2fce43247d500"
      "validFrom": 0,
      "validUntil": 4294967295,
      "ethAuthData": {
        "type": "CREATE2",
        "saltArg": "0xd32a7ec6157d2433c9ae7f4fdc35dfac9bba6f92831d1ca20b09d04d039d8dd7",
        "codeHash": "0x96657bf6bdcbffce06518530907d2d729e4659ad3bc7b5cc1f5c5567d964272c",
        "creatorAddress": "0xaa8c54c65c14f132804f0809bdbef19970673709"
      "ethSignature": null
    "success": true,
    "fail_reason": null,
    "commited": true,
    "verified": true,
    "created_at": "2021-05-31T08:09:11.249472Z"
    "tx_id": "29376,0",
    "hash": "0xc63566212c1569a0e64b255a07320483ed8476cd36b54aa37d3bd6f93b70f7f8",
    "eth_block": 8680840,
    "pq_id": 57181,
    "tx": {
      "type": "Deposit",
      "account_id": 161391,
      "priority_op": {
        "to": "0xb7b2af693a2362c5c7575841ca6eb72ad2aed77f",
        "from": "0x9d646b325787c6d7d612eb37915ca3023eea4dac",
        "token": "ETH",
        "amount": "500000000000000000"
    "success": true,
    "fail_reason": null,
    "commited": true,
    "verified": true,
    "created_at": "2021-05-31T08:07:31.237817Z"
//---- Request -----

  "method": "zksync_account_history",
  "params": [

//---- Response -----

  "result": [
      "tx_id": "29411,1",
      "hash": "sync-tx:e83b1b982b4d8a08a21f87717e85a268e3b3a5305bdf5efc465e7fd8f0ad5335",
      "eth_block": null,
      "pq_id": null,
      "tx": {
        "to": "0xb7b2af693a2362c5c7575841ca6eb72ad2aed77f",
        "fee": "11060000000000",
        "from": "0x9df215737e137acddd0ad99e32f9a6b980ea526d",
        "type": "Transfer",
        "nonce": 1,
        "token": "ETH",
        "amount": "1000000000000000",
        "accountId": 161418,
        "signature": {
          "pubKey": "74835ee6dd9009b67fd4e4aef4a6f63ee2a597ced5e59f33b019905d1df70d91",
          "signature": "407314ebce8ce0217b41a6cf992c7359645215c35afbdf7e18e76c957a14ed20135b7e8e5ca24fb132640141c0b3168b3939571e2363e41639e18b1637f26d02"
        "validFrom": 0,
        "validUntil": 4294967295
      "success": true,
      "fail_reason": null,
      "commited": true,
      "verified": true,
      "created_at": "2021-05-31T11:54:56.248569Z"
      "tx_id": "29376,10",
      "hash": "sync-tx:5f92999f7bbc5d84fe0d34ebe8b7a0c38f977caece844686d3007bc48e5944e0",
      "eth_block": null,
      "pq_id": null,
      "tx": {
        "to": "0xc98fc74a085cd7ecd91d9e8d860a18ef6769d873",
        "fee": "10450000000000",
        "from": "0xb7b2af693a2362c5c7575841ca6eb72ad2aed77f",
        "type": "Transfer",
        "nonce": 1,
        "token": "ETH",
        "amount": "10000000000000000",
        "accountId": 161391,
        "signature": {
          "pubKey": "06cce677912252a9eb87090b795e5bd84a079cb398dfec7f6a6645ee456dc721",
          "signature": "ef83b1519a737107798aa5740998a515c406510b61f176fbbac6f703231968a563551f74f37bf96c2220fd18a68aca128a155b5083333a13cfbbd348c0a75003"
        "validFrom": 0,
        "validUntil": 4294967295
      "success": true,
      "fail_reason": null,
      "commited": true,
      "verified": true,
      "created_at": "2021-05-31T08:11:17.250144Z"
      "tx_id": "29376,5",
      "hash": "sync-tx:78550bbcaefdfd4cc4275bd1a0168dd73efb1953bb17a9689381fea6729c924e",
      "eth_block": null,
      "pq_id": null,
      "tx": {
        "fee": "37500000000000",
        "type": "ChangePubKey",
        "nonce": 0,
        "account": "0xb7b2af693a2362c5c7575841ca6eb72ad2aed77f",
        "feeToken": 0,
        "accountId": 161391,
        "newPkHash": "sync:1ae5a093f285ddd23b54bea2780ef4e9a4e348ea",
        "signature": {
          "pubKey": "06cce677912252a9eb87090b795e5bd84a079cb398dfec7f6a6645ee456dc721",
          "signature": "27f42a850de4dcc6527fea0a9baa5991dabf3c2ce30dae5a6112f03cf614da03bdc2ef7ac107337d17f9e4047e5b18b3e4c46acb6af41f8cfbb2fce43247d500"
        "validFrom": 0,
        "validUntil": 4294967295,
        "ethAuthData": {
          "type": "CREATE2",
          "saltArg": "0xd32a7ec6157d2433c9ae7f4fdc35dfac9bba6f92831d1ca20b09d04d039d8dd7",
          "codeHash": "0x96657bf6bdcbffce06518530907d2d729e4659ad3bc7b5cc1f5c5567d964272c",
          "creatorAddress": "0xaa8c54c65c14f132804f0809bdbef19970673709"
        "ethSignature": null
      "success": true,
      "fail_reason": null,
      "commited": true,
      "verified": true,
      "created_at": "2021-05-31T08:09:11.249472Z"
      "tx_id": "29376,0",
      "hash": "0xc63566212c1569a0e64b255a07320483ed8476cd36b54aa37d3bd6f93b70f7f8",
      "eth_block": 8680840,
      "pq_id": 57181,
      "tx": {
        "type": "Deposit",
        "account_id": 161391,
        "priority_op": {
          "to": "0xb7b2af693a2362c5c7575841ca6eb72ad2aed77f",
          "from": "0x9d646b325787c6d7d612eb37915ca3023eea4dac",
          "token": "ETH",
          "amount": "500000000000000000"
      "success": true,
      "fail_reason": null,
      "commited": true,
      "verified": true,
      "created_at": "2021-05-31T08:07:31.237817Z"
# ---- Request -----

method: zksync_account_history
  - "0x9df215737e137acddd0ad99e32f9a6b980ea526d"

//---- Response -----

  - tx_id: 29411,1
    hash: sync-tx:e83b1b982b4d8a08a21f87717e85a268e3b3a5305bdf5efc465e7fd8f0ad5335
    eth_block: null
    pq_id: null
      to: "0xb7b2af693a2362c5c7575841ca6eb72ad2aed77f"
      fee: "11060000000000"
      from: "0x9df215737e137acddd0ad99e32f9a6b980ea526d"
      type: Transfer
      nonce: 1
      token: ETH
      amount: "1000000000000000"
      accountId: 161418
        pubKey: 74835ee6dd9009b67fd4e4aef4a6f63ee2a597ced5e59f33b019905d1df70d91
        signature: 407314ebce8ce0217b41a6cf992c7359645215c35afbdf7e18e76c957a14ed20135b7e8e5ca24fb132640141c0b3168b3939571e2363e41639e18b1637f26d02
      validFrom: 0
      validUntil: 4294967295
    success: true
    fail_reason: null
    commited: true
    verified: true
    created_at: 2021-05-31T11:54:56.248569Z
  - tx_id: 29376,10
    hash: sync-tx:5f92999f7bbc5d84fe0d34ebe8b7a0c38f977caece844686d3007bc48e5944e0
    eth_block: null
    pq_id: null
      to: "0xc98fc74a085cd7ecd91d9e8d860a18ef6769d873"
      fee: "10450000000000"
      from: "0xb7b2af693a2362c5c7575841ca6eb72ad2aed77f"
      type: Transfer
      nonce: 1
      token: ETH
      amount: "10000000000000000"
      accountId: 161391
        pubKey: 06cce677912252a9eb87090b795e5bd84a079cb398dfec7f6a6645ee456dc721
        signature: ef83b1519a737107798aa5740998a515c406510b61f176fbbac6f703231968a563551f74f37bf96c2220fd18a68aca128a155b5083333a13cfbbd348c0a75003
      validFrom: 0
      validUntil: 4294967295
    success: true
    fail_reason: null
    commited: true
    verified: true
    created_at: 2021-05-31T08:11:17.250144Z
  - tx_id: 29376,5
    hash: sync-tx:78550bbcaefdfd4cc4275bd1a0168dd73efb1953bb17a9689381fea6729c924e
    eth_block: null
    pq_id: null
      fee: "37500000000000"
      type: ChangePubKey
      nonce: 0
      account: "0xb7b2af693a2362c5c7575841ca6eb72ad2aed77f"
      feeToken: 0
      accountId: 161391
      newPkHash: sync:1ae5a093f285ddd23b54bea2780ef4e9a4e348ea
        pubKey: 06cce677912252a9eb87090b795e5bd84a079cb398dfec7f6a6645ee456dc721
        signature: 27f42a850de4dcc6527fea0a9baa5991dabf3c2ce30dae5a6112f03cf614da03bdc2ef7ac107337d17f9e4047e5b18b3e4c46acb6af41f8cfbb2fce43247d500
      validFrom: 0
      validUntil: 4294967295
        type: CREATE2
        saltArg: "0xd32a7ec6157d2433c9ae7f4fdc35dfac9bba6f92831d1ca20b09d04d039d8dd7"
        codeHash: "0x96657bf6bdcbffce06518530907d2d729e4659ad3bc7b5cc1f5c5567d964272c"
        creatorAddress: "0xaa8c54c65c14f132804f0809bdbef19970673709"
      ethSignature: null
    success: true
    fail_reason: null
    commited: true
    verified: true
    created_at: 2021-05-31T08:09:11.249472Z
  - tx_id: 29376,0
    hash: "0xc63566212c1569a0e64b255a07320483ed8476cd36b54aa37d3bd6f93b70f7f8"
    eth_block: 8680840
    pq_id: 57181
      type: Deposit
      account_id: 161391
        to: "0xb7b2af693a2362c5c7575841ca6eb72ad2aed77f"
        from: "0x9d646b325787c6d7d612eb37915ca3023eea4dac"
        token: ETH
        amount: "500000000000000000"
    success: true
    fail_reason: null
    commited: true
    verified: true
    created_at: 2021-05-31T08:07:31.237817Z


returns account_info from the server


  1. address : address? (optional) - the account-address. if not specified, the client will try to use its own address based on the signer config.

Returns: object

the current state of the requested account.

The return value contains the following properties :

  • address : address - the address of the account
  • committed : object - the state of the zksync operator after executing transactions successfully, but not not verified on L1 yet. The committed object supports the following properties :
    • balances : {key:uint256} - the token-balance with the token as keys in the object
    • nonce : uint64 - the nonce or transaction count.
    • pubKeyHash : address - the pubKeyHash set for the requested account or 0x0000... if not set yet.
    • mintedNfts : {key:uint256} - the minted NFTs with the token as keys in the object
    • nfts : {key:uint256} - the minted NFTs with the token as keys in the object
  • depositing : object - the state of all depositing-tx. The depositing object supports the following properties :
    • balances : {key:uint256} - the token-values. with the token as keys in the object
  • id : uint64? (optional) - the assigned id of the account, which will be used when encoding it into the rollup.
  • verified : object - the state after the rollup was verified in L1. The verified object supports the following properties :
    • balances : {key:uint256} - the token-balances. with the token as keys in the object
    • nonce : uint64 - the nonce or transaction count.
    • pubKeyHash : address - the pubKeyHash set for the requested account or 0x0000... if not set yet.
    • mintedNfts : {key:uint256} - the minted NFTs with the token as keys in the object
    • nfts : {key:uint256} - the minted NFTs with the token as keys in the object


> in3 -x -pk 0xe41d2489571d322189246dafa5ebde1f4699f498000000000000000000000000 zksync_account_info  | jq
  "address": "0x3b2a1bd631d9d7b17e87429a8e78dbbd9b4de292",
  "committed": {
    "balances": {},
    "nonce": 0,
    "pubKeyHash": "sync:0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
  "depositing": {
    "balances": {}
  "id": null,
  "verified": {
    "balances": {},
    "nonce": 0,
    "pubKeyHash": "sync:0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
//---- Request -----

  "method": "zksync_account_info",
  "params": []

//---- Response -----

  "result": {
    "address": "0x3b2a1bd631d9d7b17e87429a8e78dbbd9b4de292",
    "committed": {
      "balances": {},
      "nonce": 0,
      "pubKeyHash": "sync:0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
    "depositing": {
      "balances": {}
    "id": null,
    "verified": {
      "balances": {},
      "nonce": 0,
      "pubKeyHash": "sync:0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
# ---- Request -----

method: zksync_account_info
params: []

//---- Response -----

  address: "0x3b2a1bd631d9d7b17e87429a8e78dbbd9b4de292"
    balances: {}
    nonce: 0
    pubKeyHash: sync:0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
    balances: {}
  id: null
    balances: {}
    nonce: 0
    pubKeyHash: sync:0000000000000000000000000000000000000000


calculate the public key based on multiple public keys signing together using schnorr musig signatures.


  1. pubkeys : bytes - concatinated packed publickeys of the signers. the length of the bytes must be num_keys * 32

Returns: bytes32

the compact public Key


> in3 -x zksync_aggregate_pubkey 0x0f61bfe164cc43b5a112bfbfb0583004e79dbfafc97a7daad14c5d511fea8e2435065ddd04329ec94be682bf004b03a5a4eeca9bf50a8b8b6023942adc0b3409
//---- Request -----

  "method": "zksync_aggregate_pubkey",
  "params": [

//---- Response -----

  "result": "0x9ce5b6f8db3fbbe66a3bdbd3b4731f19ec27f80ee03ead3c0708798dd949882b"
# ---- Request -----

method: zksync_aggregate_pubkey
  - "0x0f61bfe164cc43b5a112bfbfb0583004e79dbfafc97a7daad14c5d511fea8e2435065ddd\

//---- Response -----

result: "0x9ce5b6f8db3fbbe66a3bdbd3b4731f19ec27f80ee03ead3c0708798dd949882b"


returns the contract address

Parameters: -

Returns: object

fetches the contract addresses from the zksync server. This request also caches them and will return the results from cahe if available.

The return value contains the following properties :

  • govContract : address - the address of the govement contract
  • mainContract : address - the address of the main contract


> in3 -x zksync_contract_address  | jq
  "govContract": "0x34460C0EB5074C29A9F6FE13b8e7E23A0D08aF01",
  "mainContract": "0xaBEA9132b05A70803a4E85094fD0e1800777fBEF"
//---- Request -----

  "method": "zksync_contract_address",
  "params": []

//---- Response -----

  "result": {
    "govContract": "0x34460C0EB5074C29A9F6FE13b8e7E23A0D08aF01",
    "mainContract": "0xaBEA9132b05A70803a4E85094fD0e1800777fBEF"
# ---- Request -----

method: zksync_contract_address
params: []

//---- Response -----

  govContract: "0x34460C0EB5074C29A9F6FE13b8e7E23A0D08aF01"
  mainContract: "0xaBEA9132b05A70803a4E85094fD0e1800777fBEF"


sends a deposit-transaction and returns the opId, which can be used to tradck progress.


  1. amount : uint256 - the value to deposit in wei (or smallest token unit)
  2. token : string - the token as symbol or address
  3. approveDepositAmountForERC20 : bool? (optional) - if true and in case of an erc20-token, the client will send a approve transaction first, otherwise it is expected to be already approved.
  4. account : address? (optional) - address of the account to send the tx from. if not specified, the first available signer will be used.

Returns: object

the receipt and the receipopId. You can use zksync_ethop_info to follow the state-changes.

The return value contains the following properties :

  • receipt : eth_transactionReceipt - the transactionreceipt The receipt object supports the following properties :
    • blockNumber : uint64 - the blockNumber
    • blockHash : bytes32 - blockhash if ther containing block
    • contractAddress : address? (optional) - the deployed contract in case the tx did deploy a new contract
    • cumulativeGasUsed : uint64 - gas used for all transaction up to this one in the block
    • gasUsed : uint64 - gas used by this transaction.
    • effectiveGasPrice : uint256? (optional) - the efficte gas price
    • logs : ethlog[] - array of events created during execution of the tx The logs object supports the following properties :
      • address : address - the address triggering the event.
      • blockNumber : uint64 - the blockNumber
      • blockHash : bytes32 - blockhash if ther containing block
      • data : bytes - abi-encoded data of the event (all non indexed fields)
      • logIndex : int - the index of the even within the block.
      • removed : bool - the reorg-status of the event.
      • topics : bytes32[] - array of 32byte-topics of the indexed fields.
      • transactionHash : bytes32 - requested transactionHash
      • transactionIndex : int - transactionIndex within the containing block.
      • transactionLogIndex : int? (optional) - index of the event within the transaction.
      • type : string? (optional) - mining-status
    • logsBloom : bytes128 - bloomfilter used to detect events for eth_getLogs
    • status : int - error-status of the tx. 0x1 = success 0x0 = failure
    • transactionHash : bytes32 - requested transactionHash
    • transactionIndex : int - transactionIndex within the containing block.
    • from : address - address of the sender.
    • type : int? (optional) - the transaction type (0 = legacy tx, 1 = EIP-2930, 2= EIP-1559)
    • to : address? (optional) - address of the receiver. null when its a contract creation transaction.
  • priorityOpId : uint64 - the operationId to rack to progress


> in3 -x -pk 0xb0f60e4783ccc1f6234deed9e21f16d460c4176fd7adbd4f31d17e283b8cfb1c zksync_deposit 1000 WBTC | jq
  "receipt": {
    "blockHash": "0xea6ee1e20d3408ad7f6981cfcc2625d80b4f4735a75ca5b20baeb328e41f0304",
    "blockNumber": "0x8c1e39",
    "contractAddress": null,
    "cumulativeGasUsed": "0x2466d",
    "gasUsed": "0x2466d",
    "logs": [
        "address": "0x85ec283a3ed4b66df4da23656d4bf8a507383bca",
        "blockHash": "0xea6ee1e20d3408ad7f6981cfcc2625d80b4f4735a75ca5b20baeb328e41f0304",
        "blockNumber": "0x8c1e39",
        "data": "0x00000000000...",
        "logIndex": "0x0",
        "removed": false,
        "topics": [
        "transactionHash": "0x5dc2a9ec73abfe0640f27975126bbaf14624967e2b0b7c2b3a0fb6111f0d3c5e",
        "transactionIndex": "0x0",
        "transactionLogIndex": "0x0",
        "type": "mined"
    "logsBloom": "0x00000000000000000000200000...",
    "root": null,
    "status": "0x1",
    "transactionHash": "0x5dc2a9ec73abfe0640f27975126bbaf14624967e2b0b7c2b3a0fb6111f0d3c5e",
    "transactionIndex": "0x0"
  "priorityOpId": 74
//---- Request -----

  "method": "zksync_deposit",
  "params": [

//---- Response -----

  "result": {
    "receipt": {
      "blockHash": "0xea6ee1e20d3408ad7f6981cfcc2625d80b4f4735a75ca5b20baeb328e41f0304",
      "blockNumber": "0x8c1e39",
      "contractAddress": null,
      "cumulativeGasUsed": "0x2466d",
      "gasUsed": "0x2466d",
      "logs": [
          "address": "0x85ec283a3ed4b66df4da23656d4bf8a507383bca",
          "blockHash": "0xea6ee1e20d3408ad7f6981cfcc2625d80b4f4735a75ca5b20baeb328e41f0304",
          "blockNumber": "0x8c1e39",
          "data": "0x00000000000...",
          "logIndex": "0x0",
          "removed": false,
          "topics": [
          "transactionHash": "0x5dc2a9ec73abfe0640f27975126bbaf14624967e2b0b7c2b3a0fb6111f0d3c5e",
          "transactionIndex": "0x0",
          "transactionLogIndex": "0x0",
          "type": "mined"
      "logsBloom": "0x00000000000000000000200000...",
      "root": null,
      "status": "0x1",
      "transactionHash": "0x5dc2a9ec73abfe0640f27975126bbaf14624967e2b0b7c2b3a0fb6111f0d3c5e",
      "transactionIndex": "0x0"
    "priorityOpId": 74
# ---- Request -----

method: zksync_deposit
  - 1000
  - WBTC

//---- Response -----

    blockHash: "0xea6ee1e20d3408ad7f6981cfcc2625d80b4f4735a75ca5b20baeb328e41f0304"
    blockNumber: "0x8c1e39"
    contractAddress: null
    cumulativeGasUsed: "0x2466d"
    gasUsed: "0x2466d"
      - address: "0x85ec283a3ed4b66df4da23656d4bf8a507383bca"
        blockHash: "0xea6ee1e20d3408ad7f6981cfcc2625d80b4f4735a75ca5b20baeb328e41f0304"
        blockNumber: "0x8c1e39"
        data: 0x00000000000...
        logIndex: "0x0"
        removed: false
          - "0x9123e6a7c5d144bd06140643c88de8e01adcbb24350190c02218a4435c7041f8"
          - "0xa2f7689fc12ea917d9029117d32b9fdef2a53462c853462ca86b71b97dd84af6"
          - "0x55a6ef49ec5dcf6cd006d21f151f390692eedd839c813a150000000000000000"
        transactionHash: "0x5dc2a9ec73abfe0640f27975126bbaf14624967e2b0b7c2b3a0fb6111f0d3c5e"
        transactionIndex: "0x0"
        transactionLogIndex: "0x0"
        type: mined
    logsBloom: 0x00000000000000000000200000...
    root: null
    status: "0x1"
    transactionHash: "0x5dc2a9ec73abfe0640f27975126bbaf14624967e2b0b7c2b3a0fb6111f0d3c5e"
    transactionIndex: "0x0"
  priorityOpId: 74


withdraws all tokens for the specified token as a onchain-transaction. This is useful in case the zksync-server is offline or tries to be malicious.


  1. token : string - the token as symbol or address

Returns: eth_transactionReceipt

the transactionReceipt

The return value contains the following properties :

  • blockNumber : uint64 - the blockNumber
  • blockHash : bytes32 - blockhash if ther containing block
  • contractAddress : address? (optional) - the deployed contract in case the tx did deploy a new contract
  • cumulativeGasUsed : uint64 - gas used for all transaction up to this one in the block
  • gasUsed : uint64 - gas used by this transaction.
  • effectiveGasPrice : uint256? (optional) - the efficte gas price
  • logs : ethlog[] - array of events created during execution of the tx The logs object supports the following properties :
    • address : address - the address triggering the event.
    • blockNumber : uint64 - the blockNumber
    • blockHash : bytes32 - blockhash if ther containing block
    • data : bytes - abi-encoded data of the event (all non indexed fields)
    • logIndex : int - the index of the even within the block.
    • removed : bool - the reorg-status of the event.
    • topics : bytes32[] - array of 32byte-topics of the indexed fields.
    • transactionHash : bytes32 - requested transactionHash
    • transactionIndex : int - transactionIndex within the containing block.
    • transactionLogIndex : int? (optional) - index of the event within the transaction.
    • type : string? (optional) - mining-status
  • logsBloom : bytes128 - bloomfilter used to detect events for eth_getLogs
  • status : int - error-status of the tx. 0x1 = success 0x0 = failure
  • transactionHash : bytes32 - requested transactionHash
  • transactionIndex : int - transactionIndex within the containing block.
  • from : address - address of the sender.
  • type : int? (optional) - the transaction type (0 = legacy tx, 1 = EIP-2930, 2= EIP-1559)
  • to : address? (optional) - address of the receiver. null when its a contract creation transaction.


> in3 -x -pk 0xb0f60e4783ccc1f6234deed9e21f16d460c4176fd7adbd4f31d17e283b8cfb1c zksync_emergency_withdraw WBTC | jq
  "blockHash": "0xea6ee1e20d3408ad7f6981cfcc2625d80b4f4735a75ca5b20baeb328e41f0304",
  "blockNumber": "0x8c1e39",
  "contractAddress": null,
  "cumulativeGasUsed": "0x2466d",
  "gasUsed": "0x2466d",
  "logs": [
      "address": "0x85ec283a3ed4b66df4da23656d4bf8a507383bca",
      "blockHash": "0xea6ee1e20d3408ad7f6981cfcc2625d80b4f4735a75ca5b20baeb328e41f0304",
      "blockNumber": "0x8c1e39",
      "data": "0x00000000000...",
      "logIndex": "0x0",
      "removed": false,
      "topics": [
      "transactionHash": "0x5dc2a9ec73abfe0640f27975126bbaf14624967e2b0b7c2b3a0fb6111f0d3c5e",
      "transactionIndex": "0x0",
      "transactionLogIndex": "0x0",
      "type": "mined"
  "logsBloom": "0x00000000000000000000200000...",
  "root": null,
  "status": "0x1",
  "transactionHash": "0x5dc2a9ec73abfe0640f27975126bbaf14624967e2b0b7c2b3a0fb6111f0d3c5e",
  "transactionIndex": "0x0"
//---- Request -----

  "method": "zksync_emergency_withdraw",
  "params": [

//---- Response -----

  "result": {
    "blockHash": "0xea6ee1e20d3408ad7f6981cfcc2625d80b4f4735a75ca5b20baeb328e41f0304",
    "blockNumber": "0x8c1e39",
    "contractAddress": null,
    "cumulativeGasUsed": "0x2466d",
    "gasUsed": "0x2466d",
    "logs": [
        "address": "0x85ec283a3ed4b66df4da23656d4bf8a507383bca",
        "blockHash": "0xea6ee1e20d3408ad7f6981cfcc2625d80b4f4735a75ca5b20baeb328e41f0304",
        "blockNumber": "0x8c1e39",
        "data": "0x00000000000...",
        "logIndex": "0x0",
        "removed": false,
        "topics": [
        "transactionHash": "0x5dc2a9ec73abfe0640f27975126bbaf14624967e2b0b7c2b3a0fb6111f0d3c5e",
        "transactionIndex": "0x0",
        "transactionLogIndex": "0x0",
        "type": "mined"
    "logsBloom": "0x00000000000000000000200000...",
    "root": null,
    "status": "0x1",
    "transactionHash": "0x5dc2a9ec73abfe0640f27975126bbaf14624967e2b0b7c2b3a0fb6111f0d3c5e",
    "transactionIndex": "0x0"
# ---- Request -----

method: zksync_emergency_withdraw
  - WBTC

//---- Response -----

  blockHash: "0xea6ee1e20d3408ad7f6981cfcc2625d80b4f4735a75ca5b20baeb328e41f0304"
  blockNumber: "0x8c1e39"
  contractAddress: null
  cumulativeGasUsed: "0x2466d"
  gasUsed: "0x2466d"
    - address: "0x85ec283a3ed4b66df4da23656d4bf8a507383bca"
      blockHash: "0xea6ee1e20d3408ad7f6981cfcc2625d80b4f4735a75ca5b20baeb328e41f0304"
      blockNumber: "0x8c1e39"
      data: 0x00000000000...
      logIndex: "0x0"
      removed: false
        - "0x9123e6a7c5d144bd06140643c88de8e01adcbb24350190c02218a4435c7041f8"
        - "0xa2f7689fc12ea917d9029117d32b9fdef2a53462c853462ca86b71b97dd84af6"
        - "0x55a6ef49ec5dcf6cd006d21f151f390692eedd839c813a150000000000000000"
      transactionHash: "0x5dc2a9ec73abfe0640f27975126bbaf14624967e2b0b7c2b3a0fb6111f0d3c5e"
      transactionIndex: "0x0"
      transactionLogIndex: "0x0"
      type: mined
  logsBloom: 0x00000000000000000000200000...
  root: null
  status: "0x1"
  transactionHash: "0x5dc2a9ec73abfe0640f27975126bbaf14624967e2b0b7c2b3a0fb6111f0d3c5e"
  transactionIndex: "0x0"


returns the state or receipt of the the PriorityOperation


  1. opId : uint64 - the opId of a layer-operstion (like depositing)

Returns: object

state of the PriorityOperation

The return value contains the following properties :

  • block : object? (optional) - the block The block object supports the following properties :
    • committed : bool - state of the operation
    • verified : bool - if the opteration id has been included in the rollup block
    • blockNumber : uint64? (optional) - the blocknumber of the block that included the operation
  • executed : bool - if the operation was executed


> in3 -x zksync_ethop_info 1 | jq
  "block": {
    "committed": true,
    "blockNumber": 4,
    "verified": true
  "executed": true
//---- Request -----

  "method": "zksync_ethop_info",
  "params": [

//---- Response -----

  "result": {
    "block": {
      "committed": true,
      "blockNumber": 4,
      "verified": true
    "executed": true
# ---- Request -----

method: zksync_ethop_info
  - 1

//---- Response -----

    committed: true
    blockNumber: 4
    verified: true
  executed: true


returns current token-price


  1. token : string - Symbol or address of the token

Returns: float

the token price


> in3 -x zksync_get_token_price WBTC
//---- Request -----

  "method": "zksync_get_token_price",
  "params": [

//---- Response -----

  "result": 11320.002167
# ---- Request -----

method: zksync_get_token_price
  - WBTC

//---- Response -----

result: 11320.002167


calculates the fees for a transaction.


  1. txType : string - The Type of the transaction “Withdraw” or “Transfer”
  2. address : address - the address of the receipient
  3. token : string - the symbol or address of the token to pay

Returns: object

the fees split up into single values

The return value contains the following properties :

  • feeType : string - Type of the transaaction
  • gasFee : uint64 - the gas for the core-transaction
  • gasPriceWei : uint64 - current gasPrice
  • gasTxAmount : uint64 - gasTxAmount
  • totalFee : uint64 - total of all fees needed to pay in order to execute the transaction
  • zkpFee : uint64 - zkpFee


> in3 -x zksync_get_tx_fee Transfer 0xabea9132b05a70803a4e85094fd0e1800777fbef BAT | jq
  "feeType": "TransferToNew",
  "gasFee": "47684047990828528",
  "gasPriceWei": "116000000000",
  "gasTxAmount": "350",
  "totalFee": "66000000000000000",
  "zkpFee": "18378682992117666"
//---- Request -----

  "method": "zksync_get_tx_fee",
  "params": [

//---- Response -----

  "result": {
    "feeType": "TransferToNew",
    "gasFee": "47684047990828528",
    "gasPriceWei": "116000000000",
    "gasTxAmount": "350",
    "totalFee": "66000000000000000",
    "zkpFee": "18378682992117666"
# ---- Request -----

method: zksync_get_tx_fee
  - Transfer
  - "0xabea9132b05a70803a4e85094fd0e1800777fbef"
  - BAT

//---- Response -----

  feeType: TransferToNew
  gasFee: "47684047990828528"
  gasPriceWei: "116000000000"
  gasTxAmount: "350"
  totalFee: "66000000000000000"
  zkpFee: "18378682992117666"


returns the current packed PubKey based on the config set.

If the config contains public keys for musig-signatures, the keys will be aggregated, otherwise the pubkey will be derrived from the signing key set.

Parameters: -

Returns: bytes32

the pubKey


> in3 -x -pk 0xe41d2489571d322189246dafa5ebde1f4699f498000000000000000000000000 zksync_pubkey 
//---- Request -----

  "method": "zksync_pubkey",
  "params": []

//---- Response -----

  "result": "0xfca80a469dbb53f8002eb1e2569d66f156f0df24d71bd589432cc7bc647bfc04"
# ---- Request -----

method: zksync_pubkey
params: []

//---- Response -----

result: "0xfca80a469dbb53f8002eb1e2569d66f156f0df24d71bd589432cc7bc647bfc04"


returns the current PubKeyHash based on the configuration set.


  1. pubKey : bytes32? (optional) - the packed public key to hash ( if given the hash is build based on the given hash, otherwise the hash is based on the config)

Returns: address

the pubKeyHash


> in3 -x -pk 0xe41d2489571d322189246dafa5ebde1f4699f498000000000000000000000000 zksync_pubkeyhash 
//---- Request -----

  "method": "zksync_pubkeyhash",
  "params": []

//---- Response -----

  "result": "sync:4dcd9bb4463121470c7232efb9ff23ec21398e58"
# ---- Request -----

method: zksync_pubkeyhash
params: []

//---- Response -----

result: sync:4dcd9bb4463121470c7232efb9ff23ec21398e58


sets the signerkey based on the current pk or as configured in the config. You can specify the key by either

  • setting a signer ( the sync key will be derrived through a signature )
  • setting the seed directly ( sync_key in the config)
  • setting the musig_pub_keys to generate the pubKeyHash based on them
  • setting the create2 options and the sync-key will generate the account based on the pubKeyHash

we support 3 different signer types (signer_type in the zksync config) :

  1. pk - Simple Private Key If a signer is set (for example by setting the pk), incubed will derrive the sync-key through a signature and use it
  2. contract - Contract Signature In this case a preAuth-tx will be send on L1 using the signer. If this contract is a mutisig, you should make sure, you have set the account explicitly in the config and also activate the multisig-plugin, so the transaction will be send through the multisig.
  3. create2 - Create2 based Contract


  1. token : string - the token to pay the gas (either the symbol or the address)

Returns: address

the pubKeyHash, if it was executed successfully


> in3 -x -pk 0xe41d2489571d322189246dafa5ebde1f4699f498000000000000000000000000 zksync_set_key eth
//---- Request -----

  "method": "zksync_set_key",
  "params": [

//---- Response -----

  "result": "sync:e41d2489571d322189246dafa5ebde1f4699f498"
# ---- Request -----

method: zksync_set_key
  - eth

//---- Response -----

result: sync:e41d2489571d322189246dafa5ebde1f4699f498


returns the schnorr musig signature based on the current config.

This also supports signing with multiple keys. In this case the configuration needs to sets the urls of the other keys, so the client can then excange all data needed in order to create the combined signature. when exchanging the data with other keys, all known data will be send using zk_sign as method, but instead of the raw message a object with those data will be passed.


  1. message : bytes - the message to sign

Returns: bytes96

The return value are 96 bytes of signature:

  • [0...32] packed public key
  • [32..64] r-value
  • [64..96] s-value


> in3 -x -pk 0xe41d2489571d322189246dafa5ebde1f4699f498000000000000000000000000 zksync_sign 0xaabbccddeeff
//---- Request -----

  "method": "zksync_sign",
  "params": [

//---- Response -----

  "result": "0xfca80a469dbb53f8002eb1e2569d66f156f0df24d71bd589432cc7bc647bfc0493f69034c3980e7352741afa6c171b8e18355e41ed7427f6e706f8432e32e920c3e61e6c3aa00cfe0c202c29a31b69cd0910a432156a0977c3a5baa404547e01"
# ---- Request -----

method: zksync_sign
  - "0xaabbccddeeff"

//---- Response -----

result: "0xfca80a469dbb53f8002eb1e2569d66f156f0df24d71bd589432cc7bc647bfc0493f6\


returns private key used for signing zksync-transactions

Parameters: -


the raw private key configured based on the signers seed


> in3 -x -pk 0xb0f60e4783ccc1f6234deed9e21f16d460c4176fd7adbd4f31d17e283b8cfb1c zksync_sync_key 
//---- Request -----

  "method": "zksync_sync_key",
  "params": []

//---- Response -----

  "result": "0x019125314fda133d5bf62cb454ee8c60927d55b68eae8b8b8bd13db814389cd6"
# ---- Request -----

method: zksync_sync_key
params: []

//---- Response -----

result: "0x019125314fda133d5bf62cb454ee8c60927d55b68eae8b8b8bd13db814389cd6"


returns the list of all available tokens

Parameters: -

Returns: {key:object}

a array of tokens-definitions. This request also caches them and will return the results from cahe if available.

The return value contains the following properties :

  • address : address - the address of the ERC2-Contract or 0x00000..000 in case of the native token (eth)
  • decimals : int - decimals to be used when formating it for human readable representation.
  • id : uint64 - id which will be used when encoding the token.
  • symbol : string - symbol for the token


> in3 -x zksync_tokens  | jq
  "BAT": {
    "address": "0x0d8775f648430679a709e98d2b0cb6250d2887ef",
    "decimals": 18,
    "id": 8,
    "symbol": "BAT"
  "BUSD": {
    "address": "0x4fabb145d64652a948d72533023f6e7a623c7c53",
    "decimals": 18,
    "id": 6,
    "symbol": "BUSD"
  "DAI": {
    "address": "0x6b175474e89094c44da98b954eedeac495271d0f",
    "decimals": 18,
    "id": 1,
    "symbol": "DAI"
  "ETH": {
    "address": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
    "decimals": 18,
    "id": 0,
    "symbol": "ETH"
//---- Request -----

  "method": "zksync_tokens",
  "params": []

//---- Response -----

  "result": {
    "BAT": {
      "address": "0x0d8775f648430679a709e98d2b0cb6250d2887ef",
      "decimals": 18,
      "id": 8,
      "symbol": "BAT"
    "BUSD": {
      "address": "0x4fabb145d64652a948d72533023f6e7a623c7c53",
      "decimals": 18,
      "id": 6,
      "symbol": "BUSD"
    "DAI": {
      "address": "0x6b175474e89094c44da98b954eedeac495271d0f",
      "decimals": 18,
      "id": 1,
      "symbol": "DAI"
    "ETH": {
      "address": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
      "decimals": 18,
      "id": 0,
      "symbol": "ETH"
# ---- Request -----

method: zksync_tokens
params: []

//---- Response -----

    address: "0x0d8775f648430679a709e98d2b0cb6250d2887ef"
    decimals: 18
    id: 8
    symbol: BAT
    address: "0x4fabb145d64652a948d72533023f6e7a623c7c53"
    decimals: 18
    id: 6
    symbol: BUSD
    address: "0x6b175474e89094c44da98b954eedeac495271d0f"
    decimals: 18
    id: 1
    symbol: DAI
    address: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
    decimals: 18
    id: 0
    symbol: ETH


sends a zksync-transaction and returns data including the transactionHash.


  1. to : address - the receipient of the tokens
  2. amount : uint256 - the value to transfer in wei (or smallest token unit)
  3. token : string - the token as symbol or address
  4. account : address? (optional) - address of the account to send the tx from. if not specified, the first available signer will be used.

Returns: zk_receipt

the transactionReceipt. use zksync_tx_info to check the progress.

The return value contains the following properties :

  • type : string - the Transaction-Type (Withdraw or Transfer)
  • accountId : uint64 - the id of the sender account
  • from : address - the address of the sender
  • to : address - the address of the receipient
  • token : uint64 - the id of the token used
  • amount : uint256 - the amount sent
  • fee : uint256 - the fees paid
  • nonce : uint64 - the fees paid
  • txHash : string - the transactionHash, which can be used to track the tx
  • tokenId : uint64 - the token id
  • validFrom : uint64 - valid from
  • validUntil : uint64 - valid until


> in3 -x -pk 0xb0f60e4783ccc1f6234deed9e21f16d460c4176fd7adbd4f31d17e283b8cfb1c zksync_transfer 9.814684447173249e+47 100 WBTC | jq
  "type": "Transfer",
  "accountId": 1,
  "from": "0x8a91dc2d28b689474298d91899f0c1baf62cb85b",
  "to": "0x8a91dc2d28b689474298d91899f0c1baf62cb85b",
  "token": 0,
  "amount": 10,
  "fee": 3780000000000000,
  "nonce": 4,
  "txHash": "sync-tx:40008d91ab92f7c539e45b06e708e186a4b906ad10c4b7a29f855fe02e7e7668"
//---- Request -----

  "method": "zksync_transfer",
  "params": [

//---- Response -----

  "result": {
    "type": "Transfer",
    "accountId": 1,
    "from": "0x8a91dc2d28b689474298d91899f0c1baf62cb85b",
    "to": "0x8a91dc2d28b689474298d91899f0c1baf62cb85b",
    "token": 0,
    "amount": 10,
    "fee": 3780000000000000,
    "nonce": 4,
    "txHash": "sync-tx:40008d91ab92f7c539e45b06e708e186a4b906ad10c4b7a29f855fe02e7e7668"
# ---- Request -----

method: zksync_transfer
  - 9.814684447173249e+47
  - 100
  - WBTC

//---- Response -----

  type: Transfer
  accountId: 1
  from: "0x8a91dc2d28b689474298d91899f0c1baf62cb85b"
  to: "0x8a91dc2d28b689474298d91899f0c1baf62cb85b"
  token: 0
  amount: 10
  fee: 3780000000000000
  nonce: 4
  txHash: sync-tx:40008d91ab92f7c539e45b06e708e186a4b906ad10c4b7a29f855fe02e7e7668


returns the full input data of a transaction. In order to use this, the rest_api needs to be set in the config.


  1. tx : bytes32 - the txHash of the send tx

Returns: object

the data and state of the requested tx.

The return value contains the following properties :

  • block_number : uint64? (optional) - the blockNumber containing the tx or null if still pending
  • tx_type : string - Type of the transaction. Transfer, ChangePubKey or Withdraw
  • from : address - The sender of the address
  • to : address - The recipient of the address
  • token : uint64 - The token id
  • amount : uint256 - the amount sent
  • fee : uint256 - the fee payed
  • nonce : uint64 - the nonce of the account
  • created_at : string - the timestamp as UTC
  • tx : zk_tx - the tx input data The tx object supports the following properties :
    • accountId : uint64 - the id of the sender account
    • from : address - the address of the sender
    • to : address - the address of the receipient
    • token : uint64 - the id of the token used
    • amount : uint256 - the amount sent
    • fee : uint256 - the fees paid
    • nonce : uint64 - the fees paid
    • validFrom : uint64 - timestamp set by the sender when the valid range starts
    • validUntil : uint64 - timestamp set by the sender when the valid range ends
    • signature : object - the sync signature The signature object supports the following properties :
      • pubKey : bytes32 - the public key of the signer
      • signature : bytes - the signature
    • type : string? (optional) - the transaction type
  • fail_reason : string? (optional) - the fail reason


> in3 -x -zkr https://rinkeby-api.zksync.io/api/v0.1 zksync_tx_data 0xc06ddc1c0914e8f9ca4d5bc98f609f7d758f6de2733fdcb8e3ec | jq
  "tx_type": "Transfer",
  "from": "0x627d8e8c1a663cfea17432ec6dbbd3cc2c8a1f9a",
  "to": "0x03e2c10b74a260f46ab5cf881938c5888a6142df",
  "token": 1,
  "amount": "5000000",
  "fee": "2190",
  "block_number": 29588,
  "nonce": 20,
  "created_at": "2021-06-01T10:32:16.248564",
  "fail_reason": null,
  "tx": {
    "to": "0x03e2c10b74a260f46ab5cf881938c5888a6142df",
    "fee": "2190",
    "from": "0x627d8e8c1a663cfea17432ec6dbbd3cc2c8a1f9a",
    "type": "Transfer",
    "nonce": 20,
    "token": 1,
    "amount": "5000000",
    "accountId": 161578,
    "signature": {
      "pubKey": "91b533af2c430d7ad48db3ccc4ccb54befaff48307180c9a19a369099331d0a6",
      "signature": "d17637db375a7a587474c8fee519fd7520f6ef98e1370e7a13d5de8176a6d0a22309e24a19dae50dad94ac9634ab3398427cf67abe8408e6c965c6b350b80c02"
    "validFrom": 0,
    "validUntil": 4294967295
//---- Request -----

  "method": "zksync_tx_data",
  "params": [

//---- Response -----

  "result": {
    "tx_type": "Transfer",
    "from": "0x627d8e8c1a663cfea17432ec6dbbd3cc2c8a1f9a",
    "to": "0x03e2c10b74a260f46ab5cf881938c5888a6142df",
    "token": 1,
    "amount": "5000000",
    "fee": "2190",
    "block_number": 29588,
    "nonce": 20,
    "created_at": "2021-06-01T10:32:16.248564",
    "fail_reason": null,
    "tx": {
      "to": "0x03e2c10b74a260f46ab5cf881938c5888a6142df",
      "fee": "2190",
      "from": "0x627d8e8c1a663cfea17432ec6dbbd3cc2c8a1f9a",
      "type": "Transfer",
      "nonce": 20,
      "token": 1,
      "amount": "5000000",
      "accountId": 161578,
      "signature": {
        "pubKey": "91b533af2c430d7ad48db3ccc4ccb54befaff48307180c9a19a369099331d0a6",
        "signature": "d17637db375a7a587474c8fee519fd7520f6ef98e1370e7a13d5de8176a6d0a22309e24a19dae50dad94ac9634ab3398427cf67abe8408e6c965c6b350b80c02"
      "validFrom": 0,
      "validUntil": 4294967295
# ---- Request -----

method: zksync_tx_data
  - "0xc06ddc1c0914e8f9ca4d5bc98f609f7d758f6de2733fdcb8e3ec"

//---- Response -----

  tx_type: Transfer
  from: "0x627d8e8c1a663cfea17432ec6dbbd3cc2c8a1f9a"
  to: "0x03e2c10b74a260f46ab5cf881938c5888a6142df"
  token: 1
  amount: "5000000"
  fee: "2190"
  block_number: 29588
  nonce: 20
  created_at: 2021-06-01T10:32:16.248564
  fail_reason: null
    to: "0x03e2c10b74a260f46ab5cf881938c5888a6142df"
    fee: "2190"
    from: "0x627d8e8c1a663cfea17432ec6dbbd3cc2c8a1f9a"
    type: Transfer
    nonce: 20
    token: 1
    amount: "5000000"
    accountId: 161578
      pubKey: 91b533af2c430d7ad48db3ccc4ccb54befaff48307180c9a19a369099331d0a6
      signature: d17637db375a7a587474c8fee519fd7520f6ef98e1370e7a13d5de8176a6d0a22309e24a19dae50dad94ac9634ab3398427cf67abe8408e6c965c6b350b80c02
    validFrom: 0
    validUntil: 4294967295


returns the state or receipt of the the zksync-tx


  1. tx : bytes32 - the txHash of the send tx

Returns: object

the current state of the requested tx.

The return value contains the following properties :

  • block : object? (optional) - the block The block object supports the following properties :
    • blockNumber : uint64 - the blockNumber containing the tx or null if still pending
    • committed : bool - true, if the block has been commited
    • verified : bool - true, if the block has been verified
  • executed : bool - true, if the tx has been executed by the operator. If false it is still in the txpool of the operator.
  • success : bool? (optional) - if executed, this property marks the success of the tx.
  • failReason : string? (optional) - if executed and failed this will include an error message


> in3 -x zksync_tx_info sync-tx:e41d2489571d322189246dafa5ebde1f4699f498000000000000000000000000 | jq
  "block": null,
  "executed": false,
  "failReason": null,
  "success": null
//---- Request -----

  "method": "zksync_tx_info",
  "params": [

//---- Response -----

  "result": {
    "block": null,
    "executed": false,
    "failReason": null,
    "success": null
# ---- Request -----

method: zksync_tx_info
  - sync-tx:e41d2489571d322189246dafa5ebde1f4699f498000000000000000000000000

//---- Response -----

  block: null
  executed: false
  failReason: null
  success: null


returns 0 or 1 depending on the successfull verification of the signature.

if the musig_pubkeys are set it will also verify against the given public keys list.


  1. message : bytes - the message which was supposed to be signed
  2. signature : bytes96 - the signature (96 bytes)

Returns: int

1 if the signature(which contains the pubkey as the first 32bytes) matches the message.


> in3 -x zksync_verify 0xaabbccddeeff 0xfca80a469dbb53f8002eb1e2569d66f156f0df24d71bd589432cc7bc647bfc0493f69034c3980e7352741afa6c171b8e18355e41ed7427f6e706f8432e32e920c3e61e6c3aa00cfe0c202c29a31b69cd0910a432156a0977c3a5baa404547e01
//---- Request -----

  "method": "zksync_verify",
  "params": [

//---- Response -----

  "result": 1
# ---- Request -----

method: zksync_verify
  - "0xaabbccddeeff"
  - "0xfca80a469dbb53f8002eb1e2569d66f156f0df24d71bd589432cc7bc647bfc0493f69034\

//---- Response -----

result: 1


withdraws the amount to the given ethAddress for the given token.


  1. ethAddress : address - the receipient of the tokens in L1
  2. amount : uint256 - the value to transfer in wei (or smallest token unit)
  3. token : string - the token as symbol or address
  4. account : address? (optional) - address of the account to send the tx from. if not specified, the first available signer will be used.

Returns: zk_receipt

the transactionReceipt. use zksync_tx_info to check the progress.

The return value contains the following properties :

  • type : string - the Transaction-Type (Withdraw or Transfer)
  • accountId : uint64 - the id of the sender account
  • from : address - the address of the sender
  • to : address - the address of the receipient
  • token : uint64 - the id of the token used
  • amount : uint256 - the amount sent
  • fee : uint256 - the fees paid
  • nonce : uint64 - the fees paid
  • txHash : string - the transactionHash, which can be used to track the tx
  • tokenId : uint64 - the token id
  • validFrom : uint64 - valid from
  • validUntil : uint64 - valid until


> in3 -x -pk 0xb0f60e4783ccc1f6234deed9e21f16d460c4176fd7adbd4f31d17e283b8cfb1c zksync_withdraw 9.814684447173249e+47 100 WBTC | jq
  "type": "Transfer",
  "accountId": 1,
  "from": "0x8a91dc2d28b689474298d91899f0c1baf62cb85b",
  "to": "0x8a91dc2d28b689474298d91899f0c1baf62cb85b",
  "token": 0,
  "amount": 10,
  "fee": 3780000000000000,
  "nonce": 4,
  "txHash": "sync-tx:40008d91ab92f7c539e45b06e708e186a4b906ad10c4b7a29f855fe02e7e7668"
//---- Request -----

  "method": "zksync_withdraw",
  "params": [

//---- Response -----

  "result": {
    "type": "Transfer",
    "accountId": 1,
    "from": "0x8a91dc2d28b689474298d91899f0c1baf62cb85b",
    "to": "0x8a91dc2d28b689474298d91899f0c1baf62cb85b",
    "token": 0,
    "amount": 10,
    "fee": 3780000000000000,
    "nonce": 4,
    "txHash": "sync-tx:40008d91ab92f7c539e45b06e708e186a4b906ad10c4b7a29f855fe02e7e7668"
# ---- Request -----

method: zksync_withdraw
  - 9.814684447173249e+47
  - 100
  - WBTC

//---- Response -----

  type: Transfer
  accountId: 1
  from: "0x8a91dc2d28b689474298d91899f0c1baf62cb85b"
  to: "0x8a91dc2d28b689474298d91899f0c1baf62cb85b"
  token: 0
  amount: 10
  fee: 3780000000000000
  nonce: 4
  txHash: sync-tx:40008d91ab92f7c539e45b06e708e186a4b906ad10c4b7a29f855fe02e7e7668