API Reference Python

Python Incubed client

This library is based on the C version of Incubed, which limits the compatibility for Cython, so please contribute by compiling it to your own platform and sending us a pull-request!

Go to our readthedocs page for more.


Install with pip

pip install in3

In3 Client API

import in3

in3_client = in3.Client()
# Sends a request to the Incubed Network, that in turn will collect proofs from the Ethereum client,
# attest and sign the response, then send back to the client, that will verify signatures and proofs.
block_number = in3_client.eth.block_number()
print(block_number) # Mainnet's block number

in3_client  # incubed network api
in3_client.eth  # ethereum api
in3_client.eth.account  # ethereum account api
in3_client.eth.contract  # ethereum smart-contract api

Developing & Tests

Install dev dependencies, IDEs should automatically recognize interpreter if done like this.

python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Compile local libraries and run tests. Make sure you have cmake installed.



Explanation of this source code architecture and how it is organized. For more on design-patterns see here or on Martin Fowler’s Catalog of Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture.

  • in3.init.py: Library entry point, imports organization. Standard for any pipy package.
  • in3.client: Incubed Client and API.
  • in3.model: MVC Model classes for the Incubed client module domain.
  • in3.transport: HTTP Transport function and error handling.
  • in3.wallet: WiP - Wallet API.
  • in3.exception: Custom exceptions.
  • in3.eth: Ethereum module.
  • in3.eth.api: Ethereum API.
  • in3.eth.account: Ethereum accounts.
  • in3.eth.contract: Ethereum smart-contracts API.
  • in3.eth.model: MVC Model classes for the Ethereum client module domain. Manages serialization.
  • in3.eth.factory: Ethereum Object Factory. Manages deserialization.
  • in3.libin3: Module for the libin3 runtime. Libin3 is written in C and can be found here.
  • in3.libin3.shared: Native shared libraries for multiple operating systems and platforms.
  • in3.libin3.enum: Enumerations mapping C definitions to python.
  • in3.libin3.lib_loader: Bindings using Ctypes.
  • in3.libin3.runtime: Runtime object, bridging the remote procedure calls to the libin3 instances.



source : in3-c/python/examples/connect_to_ethereum.py

Connects to Ethereum and fetches attested information from each chain.
import in3

if __name__ == '__main__':

    client = in3.Client()
        print('\nEthereum Main Network')
        latest_block = client.eth.block_number()
        gas_price = client.eth.gas_price()
        print('Latest BN: {}\nGas Price: {} Wei'.format(latest_block, gas_price))
    except in3.ClientException as e:
        print('Network might be unstable, try again later.\n Reason: ', str(e))

    goerli_client = in3.Client('goerli')
        print('\nEthereum Goerli Test Network')
        latest_block = goerli_client.eth.block_number()
        gas_price = goerli_client.eth.gas_price()
        print('Latest BN: {}\nGas Price: {} Wei'.format(latest_block, gas_price))
    except in3.ClientException as e:
        print('Network might be unstable, try again later.\n Reason: ', str(e))

# Produces
Ethereum Main Network
Latest BN: 9801135
Gas Price: 2000000000 Wei

Ethereum Goerli Test Network
Latest BN: 2460853
Gas Price: 4610612736 Wei


source : in3-c/python/examples/incubed_network.py

Shows Incubed Network Nodes Stats
import in3

if __name__ == '__main__':

    print('\nEthereum Goerli Test Network')
    client = in3.Client('goerli')
        node_list = client.refresh_node_list()
        print('\nIncubed Registry:')
        print('\ttotal servers:', node_list.totalServers)
        print('\tlast updated in block:', node_list.lastBlockNumber)
        print('\tregistry ID:', node_list.registryId)
        print('\tcontract address:', node_list.contract)
        print('\nNodes Registered:\n')
        for node in node_list.nodes:
            print('\turl:', node.url)
            print('\tdeposit:', node.deposit)
            print('\tweight:', node.weight)
            print('\tregistered in block:', node.registerTime)
    except in3.ClientException as e:
        print('Network might be unstable, try again later.\n Reason: ', str(e))

# Produces
Ethereum Goerli Test Network

Incubed Registry:
    total servers: 7
    last updated in block: 2320627
    registry ID: 0x67c02e5e272f9d6b4a33716614061dd298283f86351079ef903bf0d4410a44ea
    contract address: 0x5f51e413581dd76759e9eed51e63d14c8d1379c8

Nodes Registered:

    url: https://in3-v2.slock.it/goerli/nd-1
    deposit: 10000000000000000
    weight: 2000
    registered in block: 1576227711

    url: https://in3-v2.slock.it/goerli/nd-2
    deposit: 10000000000000000
    weight: 2000
    registered in block: 1576227741

    url: https://in3-v2.slock.it/goerli/nd-3
    deposit: 10000000000000000
    weight: 2000
    registered in block: 1576227801

    url: https://in3-v2.slock.it/goerli/nd-4
    deposit: 10000000000000000
    weight: 2000
    registered in block: 1576227831

    url: https://in3-v2.slock.it/goerli/nd-5
    deposit: 10000000000000000
    weight: 2000
    registered in block: 1576227876

    url: https://tincubeth.komputing.org/
    deposit: 10000000000000000
    weight: 1
    registered in block: 1578947320

    url: https://h5l45fkzz7oc3gmb.onion/
    deposit: 10000000000000000
    weight: 1
    registered in block: 1578954071


source : in3-c/python/examples/resolve_eth_names.py

Resolves ENS domains to Ethereum addresses
ENS is a smart-contract system that registers and resolves `.eth` domains.
import in3

# Find ENS for the desired chain or the address of your own ENS resolver. https://docs.ens.domains/ens-deployments
# Instantiate In3 Client for the Ethereum main net disabling cache to get the freshest address.
client = in3.Client(cache_enabled=False)
domain = 'depraz.eth'

if __name__ == '__main__':

        print('\nEthereum Name Service')
        address = client.ens_address(domain)
        owner = client.ens_owner(domain)
        print('\nAddress for {} @ {}: {}'.format(domain, 'mainnet', address))
        print('Owner for {} @ {}: {}'.format(domain, 'mainnet', owner))
    except in3.ClientException as e:
        print('Network might be unstable, try again later.\n Reason: ', str(e))

# Produces
Ethereum Name Service

Address for depraz.eth @ mainnet: 0x0b56ae81586d2728ceaf7c00a6020c5d63f02308
Owner for depraz.eth @ mainnet: 0x6fa33809667a99a805b610c49ee2042863b1bb83


source : in3-c/python/examples/send_transaction.py

Sends Ethereum transactions using Incubed.
Incubed send Transaction does all necessary automation to make sending a transaction a breeze.
Works with included `data` field for smart-contract calls.
import json
import in3
import time

# On Metamask, be sure to be connected to the correct chain, click on the `...` icon on the right corner of
# your Account name, select `Account Details`. There, click `Export Private Key`, copy the value to use as secret.
# By reading the terminal input, this value will stay in memory only. Don't forget to cls or clear terminal after ;)
sender_secret = input("Sender secret: ")
receiver = input("Receiver address: ")
#     1000000000000000000 == 1 ETH
#              1000000000 == 1 Gwei Check https://etherscan.io/gasTracker.
value_in_wei = 1463926659
# None for Eth mainnet
chain = 'goerli'
client = in3.Client(chain if chain else 'mainnet')
# A transaction is only final if a certain number of blocks are mined on top of it.
# This number varies with the chain's consensus algorithm. Time can be calculated over using:
# wait_time = blocks_for_consensus * avg_block_time_in_secs
# For mainnet and paying low gas, it might take 10 minutes.
confirmation_wait_time_in_seconds = 30
etherscan_link_mask = 'https://{}{}etherscan.io/tx/{}'

if __name__ == '__main__':

        print('-= Ethereum Transaction using Incubed =- \n')
        sender = client.eth.account.recover(sender_secret)
        tx = in3.eth.NewTransaction(to=receiver, value=value_in_wei)
        print('[.] Sending {} Wei from {} to {}. Please wait.\n'.format(tx.value, sender.address, tx.to))
        tx_hash = client.eth.account.send_transaction(sender, tx)
        print('[.] Transaction accepted with hash {}.'.format(tx_hash))
        add_dot_if_chain = '.' if chain else ''
        print(etherscan_link_mask.format(chain, add_dot_if_chain, tx_hash))
        while True:
                print('\n[.] Waiting {} seconds for confirmation.\n'.format(confirmation_wait_time_in_seconds))
                receipt: in3.eth.TransactionReceipt = client.eth.transaction_receipt(tx_hash)
                print('[.] Transaction was sent successfully!\n')
                print(json.dumps(receipt.to_dict(), indent=4, sort_keys=True))
                print('[.] Mined on block {} used {} GWei.'.format(receipt.blockNumber, receipt.gasUsed))
            except Exception:
                print('[!] Transaction not mined yet, check https://etherscan.io/gasTracker.')
                print('[!] Just wait some minutes longer than the average for the price paid!')
    except in3.PrivateKeyNotFoundException as e:
    except in3.ClientException as e:
        print('Client returned error: ', str(e))
        print('Please try again.')

# Response
Ethereum Transaction using Incubed

Sending 1463926659 Wei from 0x0b56Ae81586D2728Ceaf7C00A6020C5D63f02308 to 0x6fa33809667a99a805b610c49ee2042863b1bb83.

Transaction accepted with hash 0xbeebda39e31e42d2a26476830fdcdc2d21e9df090af203e7601d76a43074d8d3.

Waiting 25 seconds for confirmation.

Transaction was sent successfully!
    "From": "0x0b56Ae81586D2728Ceaf7C00A6020C5D63f02308",
    "blockHash": "0x9693714c9d7dbd31f36c04fbd262532e68301701b1da1a4ee8fc04e0386d868b",
    "blockNumber": 2615346,
    "cumulativeGasUsed": 21000,
    "gasUsed": 21000,
    "logsBloom": "0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
    "status": 1,
    "to": "0x6FA33809667A99A805b610C49EE2042863b1bb83",
    "transactionHash": "0xbeebda39e31e42d2a26476830fdcdc2d21e9df090af203e7601d76a43074d8d3",
    "transactionIndex": 0

Mined on block 2615346 used 21000 GWei.


source : in3-c/python/examples/smart_contract.py

Manually calling the ENS smart-contract
![UML Sequence Diagram of how Ethereum Name Service ENS resolves a name.](https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/_OPPzaxTxKggx9HuxloeWtK8ggEfIIBKRCEA6BKMwZdzAfUpIY6cz7NK5CFmiuw7TwknbhFNVRCJsswHLqkxUEJ5KdRzpeNbyg8_H9d2RZdG28kgipT64JyPZUP--bAizozaDcxCq34)
import in3

client = in3.Client('goerli')

if __name__ == '__main__':

        print('-= Smart-Contract Call on Ethereum using Incubed =- \n')
        domain_name = client.ens_namehash('depraz.eth')
        ens_registry_addr = '0x00000000000c2e074ec69a0dfb2997ba6c7d2e1e'
        ens_resolver_abi = 'resolver(bytes32):address'

        # Find resolver contract for ens name
        resolver_tx = {
            "to": ens_registry_addr,
            "data": client.eth.contract.encode(ens_resolver_abi, domain_name)
        tx = in3.eth.NewTransaction(**resolver_tx)
    except in3.ClientException as e:
            print('Something went wrong converting data.\n Reason: ', str(e))
        # Make the smart contract call
        print('Calling the ENS registry contract.')
        encoded_resolver_addr = client.eth.contract.call(tx)
        resolver_address = client.eth.contract.decode(ens_resolver_abi, encoded_resolver_addr)
    except in3.ClientException as e:
        print('Network might be unstable, try again later.\n Reason: ', str(e))
        # Resolve name
        ens_addr_abi = 'addr(bytes32):address'
        name_tx = {
            "to": resolver_address,
            "data": client.eth.contract.encode(ens_addr_abi, domain_name)
    except in3.ClientException as e:
        print('Something went wrong converting data.\n Reason: ', str(e))
        print('Calling the ENS resolver contract.')
        encoded_domain_address = client.eth.contract.call(in3.eth.NewTransaction(**name_tx))
        domain_address = client.eth.contract.decode(ens_addr_abi, encoded_domain_address)

        print('\nENS domain:\n{}\nResolved by:\n{}\nTo address:\n{}'.format(domain_name, resolver_address,
    except in3.ClientException as e:
        print('Network might be unstable, try again later.\n Reason: ', str(e))

# Produces
END domain:
Resolved by:
To address:

Running the examples

To run an example, you need to install in3 first:

pip install in3

This will install the library system-wide. Please consider using virtualenv or pipenv for a project-wide install.

Then copy one of the examples and paste into a file, i.e. example.py:


pbpaste > example.py

Execute the example with python:

python example.py

Incubed Modules


chain: str = 'mainnet',
in3_config: ClientConfig = None,
transport=<function https_transport at 0x101cd8430>,
cache_enabled: bool = True,
test_instance: bool = False)

Incubed network client. Connect to the blockchain via a list of bootnodes, then gets the latest list of nodes in the network and ask a certain number of the to sign the block header of given list, putting their deposit at stake. Once with the latest list at hand, the client can request any other on-chain information using the same scheme.


  • chain str - Ethereum chain to connect to. Defaults to mainnet. Options: ‘mainnet’, ‘goerli’, ‘ewc’, ‘btc’, ‘ipfs’.
  • in3_config ClientConfig or str - (optional) Configuration for the client. If not provided, default is loaded.
  • transport function - Transport function for custom request routing. Defaults to https.
  • cache_enabled bool - False will disable local storage caching.
  • test_instance bool - True will create a test instance of IN3. HIGH SECURITY RISK - USE FOR TESTS ONLY.



Gets the list of Incubed nodes registered in the selected chain registry contract.


  • node_list NodeList - List of registered in3 nodes and metadata.



Client configuration dictionary.


  • config dict - Client configuration keys and values.


Client.ens_namehash(domain_name: str)

Name format based on EIP-137


  • domain_name - ENS supported domain. mydomain.ens, mydomain.xyz, etc


  • node str - Formatted string referred as node in ENS documentation


Client.ens_address(domain_name: str, registry: str = None)

Resolves ENS domain name to what account that domain points to.


  • domain_name - ENS supported domain. mydomain.ens, mydomain.xyz, etc
  • registry - ENS registry contract address. i.e. 0x00000000000C2E074eC69A0dFb2997BA6C7d2e1e


  • address str - Ethereum address corresponding to what account that domain points to.


Client.ens_owner(domain_name: str, registry: str = None)

Resolves ENS domain name to Ethereum address of domain owner.


  • domain_name - ENS supported domain. i.e mydomain.eth
  • registry - ENS registry contract address. i.e. 0x00000000000C2E074eC69A0dFb2997BA6C7d2e1e


  • owner_address str - Ethereum address corresponding to domain owner.


Client.ens_resolver(domain_name: str, registry: str = None)

Resolves ENS domain name to Smart-contract address of the resolver registered for that domain.


  • domain_name - ENS supported domain. i.e mydomain.eth
  • registry - ENS registry contract address. i.e. 0x00000000000C2E074eC69A0dFb2997BA6C7d2e1e


  • resolver_contract_address str - Smart-contract address of the resolver registered for that domain.


chain_finality_threshold: int = None,
account_secret: str = None,
latest_block_stall: int = None,
node_signatures: int = None,
node_signature_consensus: int = None,
node_min_deposit: int = None,
debug: bool = None,
node_list_auto_update: bool = None,
node_limit: int = None,
request_timeout: int = None,
request_retries: int = None,
response_proof_level: str = None,
response_includes_code: bool = None,
response_keep_proof: bool = None,
transport_binary_format: bool = None,
transport_ignore_tls: bool = None,
boot_weights: bool = None,
experimental: bool = None,
in3_registry: dict = None)

Determines the behavior of the in3 client, which chain to connect to and how to manage information security policies.

Considering integrity is guaranteed and confidentiality is not available on public blockchains, these settings will provide a balance between availability, and financial stake in case of repudiation.

The newer the block is, higher are the chances it gets repudiated by a fork in the chain. In3 nodes will decide individually to sign on repudiable information, reducing the availability. If the application needs the very latest block, consider using a calculated value in node_signature_consensus and set node_signatures to zero. This setting is as secure as a light-client.

The older the block gets, the highest is its availability because of the close-to-zero repudiation risk, but blocks older than circa one year are stored in Archive Nodes, expensive computers, so, despite of the low risk, there are not many nodes available with such information, and they must search for the requested block in its database, lowering the availability as well. If the application needs access to old blocks, consider setting request_timeout and request_retries to accomodate the time the archive nodes take to fetch the inforamtion.

The verification policy enforces an extra step of security, adding a financial stake in case of repudiation or false/broken proof. For high security application, consider setting a calculated value in node_min_deposit and request as much signatures as necessary in node_signatures. Setting chain_finality_threshold high will guarantee non-repudiability.

All args are Optional. Defaults connect to Ethereum main network with regular security levels.


  • chain_finality_threshold int - Behavior depends on the chain consensus algorithm: POA - percent of signers needed in order reach finality (% of the validators) i.e.: 60 %. POW - mined blocks on top of the requested, i.e. 8 blocks. Defaults are defined in enum.Chain.
  • latest_block_stall int - Distance considered safe, consensus wise, from the very latest block. Higher values exponentially increases state finality, and therefore data security, as well guaranteeded responses from in3 nodes. example: 10 - will ask for the state from (latestBlock-10).
  • account_secret str - Account SK to sign all in3 requests. (Experimental use set_account_sk) example: 0x387a8233c96e1fc0ad5e284353276177af2186e7afa85296f106336e376669f7
  • node_signatures int - Node signatures attesting the response to your request. Will send a separate request for each. example: 3 nodes will have to sign the response.
  • node_signature_consensus int - Useful when node_signatures <= 1. The client will check for consensus in responses. example: 10 - will ask for 10 different nodes and compare results looking for a consensus in the responses.
  • node_min_deposit int - Only nodes owning at least this amount will be chosen to sign responses to your requests. i.e. 1000000000000000000 Wei
  • node_list_auto_update bool - If true the nodelist will be automatically updated. False may compromise data security.
  • node_limit int - Limit nodes stored in the client. example: 150 nodes
  • request_timeout int - Milliseconds before a request times out. example: 100000 ms
  • request_retries int - Maximum times the client will retry to contact a certain node. example: 10 retries
  • response_proof_level str - ‘none’|’standard’|’full’ Full gets the whole block Patricia-Merkle-Tree, Standard only verifies the specific tree branch concerning the request, None only verifies the root hashes, like a light-client does.
  • response_includes_code bool - If true, every request with the address field will include the data, if existent, that is stored in that wallet/smart-contract. If false, only the code digest is included.
  • response_keep_proof bool - If true, proof data will be kept in every rpc response. False will remove this data after using it to verify the responses. Useful for debugging and manually verifying the proofs.
  • transport_binary_format - If true, the client will communicate with the server using a binary payload instead of json.
  • transport_ignore_tls - The client usually verify https tls certificates. To communicate over insecure http, turn this on.
  • boot_weights bool - if true, the first request (updating the nodelist) will also fetch the current health status and use it for blacklisting unhealthy nodes. This is used only if no nodelist is availabkle from cache.
  • experimental bool - if true the client allows features marked as experimental to be used.
  • in3_registry dict - In3 Registry Smart Contract configuration data


In3Node(self, url: str, address: Account, index: int, deposit: int,
props: int, timeout: int, registerTime: int, weight: int)

Registered remote verifier that attest, by signing the block hash, that the requested block and transaction were indeed mined are in the correct chain fork.


  • url str - Endpoint to post to example: https://in3.slock.it
  • index int - Index within the contract example: 13
  • address in3.Account - Address of the node, which is the public address it is signing with. example: 0x6C1a01C2aB554930A937B0a2E8105fB47946c679
  • deposit int - Deposit of the node in wei example: 12350000
  • props int - Properties of the node. example: 3
  • timeout int - Time (in seconds) until an owner is able to receive his deposit back after he unregisters himself example: 3600
  • registerTime int - When the node was registered in (unixtime?)
  • weight int - Score based on qualitative metadata to base which nodes to ask signatures from.


NodeList(self, nodes: [<class 'in3.model.In3Node'>], contract: Account,
registryId: str, lastBlockNumber: int, totalServers: int)

List of incubed nodes and its metadata, in3 registry contract from which the list was taken, network/registry id, and last block number in the selected chain.


  • nodes [In3Node] - list of incubed nodes
  • contract Account - incubed registry contract from which the list was taken
  • registryId str - uuid of this incubed network. one chain could contain more than one incubed networks.
  • lastBlockNumber int - last block signed by the network
  • totalServers int - Total servers number (for integrity?)


EthAccountApi(self, runtime: In3Runtime, factory: EthObjectFactory)

Manages accounts and smart-contracts



Creates a new Ethereum account and saves it in the wallet.


  • qrng bool - True uses a Quantum Random Number Generator api for generating the private key.


  • account Account - Newly created Ethereum account.


EthAccountApi.recover(secret: str)

Recovers an account from a secret.


  • secret str - Account private key in hexadecimal string


  • account Account - Recovered Ethereum account.


EthAccountApi.parse_mnemonics(mnemonics: str)

Recovers an account secret from mnemonics phrase


  • mnemonics str - BIP39 mnemonics phrase.


  • secret str - Account secret. Use recover_account to create a new account with this secret.


EthAccountApi.sign(private_key: str, message: str)

Use ECDSA to sign a message.


  • private_key str - Must be either an address(20 byte) or an raw private key (32 byte)”}}’
  • message str - Data to be hashed and signed. Dont input hashed data unless you know what you are doing.


  • signed_message str - ECDSA calculated r, s, and parity v, concatenated. v = 27 + (r % 2)


EthAccountApi.balance(address: str, at_block: int = 'latest')

Returns the balance of the account of given address.


  • address str - address to check for balance
  • at_block int or str - block number IN3BlockNumber or EnumBlockStatus


  • balance int - integer of the current balance in wei.


EthAccountApi.send_transaction(sender: Account,
transaction: NewTransaction)

Signs and sends the assigned transaction. Requires account.secret value set. Transactions change the state of an account, just the balance, or additionally, the storage and the code. Every transaction has a cost, gas, paid in Wei. The transaction gas is calculated over estimated gas times the gas cost, plus an additional miner fee, if the sender wants to be sure that the transaction will be mined in the latest block.


  • sender Account - Sender Ethereum account. Senders generally pay the gas costs, so they must have enough balance to pay gas + amount sent, if any.
  • transaction NewTransaction - All information needed to perform a transaction. Minimum is to and value. Client will add the other required fields, gas and chaindId.


  • tx_hash hex - Transaction hash, used to get the receipt and check if the transaction was mined.


EthAccountApi.send_raw_transaction(signed_transaction: str)

Sends a signed and encoded transaction.


  • signed_transaction - Signed keccak hash of the serialized transaction Client will add the other required fields, gas and chaindId.


  • tx_hash hex - Transaction hash, used to get the receipt and check if the transaction was mined.


EthAccountApi.estimate_gas(transaction: NewTransaction)

Gas estimation for transaction. Used to fill transaction.gas field. Check RawTransaction docs for more on gas.


  • transaction - Unsent transaction to be estimated. Important that the fields data or/and value are filled in.


  • gas int - Calculated gas in Wei.


EthAccountApi.transaction_count(address: str, at_block: int = 'latest')

Number of transactions mined from this address. Used to set transaction nonce. Nonce is a value that will make a transaction fail in case it is different from (transaction count + 1). It exists to mitigate replay attacks.


  • address str - Ethereum account address
  • at_block int - Block number


  • tx_count int - Number of transactions mined from this address.


EthAccountApi.checksum_address(address: str, add_chain_id: bool = True)

Will convert an upper or lowercase Ethereum address to a checksum address, that uses case to encode values. See EIP55.


  • address - Ethereum address string or object.
  • add_chain_id bool - Will append the chain id of the address, for multi-chain support, canonical for Eth.


  • checksum_address - EIP-55 compliant, mixed-case address object.


EthContractApi(self, runtime: In3Runtime, factory: EthObjectFactory)

Manages smart-contract data and transactions


EthContractApi.call(transaction: NewTransaction,
block_number: int = 'latest')

Calls a smart-contract method. Will be executed locally by Incubed’s EVM or signed and sent over to save the state changes. Check https://ethereum.stackexchange.com/questions/3514/how-to-call-a-contract-method-using-the-eth-call-json-rpc-api for more.


transaction (NewTransaction):

  • block_number int or str - Desired block number integer or ‘latest’, ‘earliest’, ‘pending’.


  • method_returned_value - A hexadecimal. For decoding use in3.abi_decode.


EthContractApi.storage_at(address: str,
position: int = 0,
at_block: int = 'latest')

Stored value in designed position at a given address. Storage can be used to store a smart contract state, constructor or just any data. Each contract consists of a EVM bytecode handling the execution and a storage to save the state of the contract. The storage is essentially a key/value store. Use get_code to get the smart-contract code.


  • address str - Ethereum account address
  • position int - Position index, 0x0 up to 0x64
  • at_block int or str - Block number


  • storage_at str - Stored value in designed position. Use decode(’hex’) to see ascii format of the hex data.


EthContractApi.code(address: str, at_block: int = 'latest')

Smart-Contract bytecode in hexadecimal. If the account is a simple wallet the function will return ‘0x’.


  • address str - Ethereum account address
  • at_block int or str - Block number


  • bytecode str - Smart-Contract bytecode in hexadecimal.


EthContractApi.encode(fn_signature: str, *fn_args)

Smart-contract ABI encoder. Used to serialize a rpc to the EVM. Based on the Solidity specification. Note: Parameters refers to the list of variables in a method declaration. Arguments are the actual values that are passed in when the method is invoked. When you invoke a method, the arguments used must match the declaration’s parameters in type and order.


  • fn_signature str - Function name, with parameters. i.e. getBalance(uint256):uint256, can contain the return types but will be ignored.
  • fn_args tuple - Function parameters, in the same order as in passed on to method_name.


  • encoded_fn_call str - i.e. “0xf8b2cb4f0000000000000000000000001234567890123456789012345678901234567890”


EthContractApi.decode(fn_signature: str, encoded_value: str)

Smart-contract ABI decoder. Used to parse rpc responses from the EVM. Based on the Solidity specification.


  • fn_signature - Function signature. e.g. (address,string,uint256) or getBalance(address):uint256. In case of the latter, the function signature will be ignored and only the return types will be parsed.
  • encoded_value - Abi encoded values. Usually the string returned from a rpc to the EVM.


  • decoded_return_values tuple - “0x1234567890123456789012345678901234567890”, “0x05”


EthereumApi(self, runtime: In3Runtime)

Module based on Ethereum’s api and web3.js


EthereumApi.keccak256(message: str)

Keccak-256 digest of the given data. Compatible with Ethereum but not with SHA3-256.


  • message str - Message to be hashed.


  • digest str - The message digest.



The current gas price in Wei (1 ETH equals 1000000000000000000 Wei ).


  • price int - minimum gas value for the transaction to be mined



Returns the number of the most recent block the in3 network can collect signatures to verify. Can be changed by Client.Config.replaceLatestBlock. If you need the very latest block, change Client.Config.signatureCount to zero.


block_number (int) : Number of the most recent block


EthereumApi.block_by_hash(block_hash: str, get_full_block: bool = False)

Blocks can be identified by root hash of the block merkle tree (this), or sequential number in which it was mined (get_block_by_number).


  • block_hash str - Desired block hash
  • get_full_block bool - If true, returns the full transaction objects, otherwise only its hashes.


  • block Block - Desired block, if exists.


EthereumApi.block_by_number(block_number: [<class 'int'>],
get_full_block: bool = False)

Blocks can be identified by sequential number in which it was mined, or root hash of the block merkle tree (this) (get_block_by_hash).


  • block_number int or str - Desired block number integer or ‘latest’, ‘earliest’, ‘pending’.
  • get_full_block bool - If true, returns the full transaction objects, otherwise only its hashes.


  • block Block - Desired block, if exists.


EthereumApi.transaction_by_hash(tx_hash: str)

Transactions can be identified by root hash of the transaction merkle tree (this) or by its position in the block transactions merkle tree. Every transaction hash is unique for the whole chain. Collision could in theory happen, chances are 67148E-63%.


  • tx_hash - Transaction hash.


  • transaction - Desired transaction, if exists.


EthereumApi.transaction_receipt(tx_hash: str)

After a transaction is received the by the client, it returns the transaction hash. With it, it is possible to gather the receipt, once a miner has mined and it is part of an acknowledged block. Because how it is possible, in distributed systems, that data is asymmetric in different parts of the system, the transaction is only “final” once a certain number of blocks was mined after it, and still it can be possible that the transaction is discarded after some time. But, in general terms, it is accepted that after 6 to 8 blocks from latest, that it is very likely that the transaction will stay in the chain.


  • tx_hash - Transaction hash.


  • tx_receipt - The mined Transaction data including event logs.

Ethereum Objects



Maps marshalling objects transferred to, and from a remote facade, in this case, libin3 rpc api. For more on design-patterns see Martin Fowler’s Catalog of Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture.


Transaction(self, From: str, to: str, gas: int, gasPrice: int, hash: str,
nonce: int, transactionIndex: int, blockHash: str,
value: int, input: str, publicKey: str, standardV: int,
raw: str, creates: str, chainId: int, r: int, s: int,
v: int)


  • From hex str - Address of the sender account.
  • to hex str - Address of the receiver account. Left undefined for a contract creation transaction.
  • gas int - Gas for the transaction miners and execution in wei. Will get multiplied by gasPrice. Use in3.eth.account.estimate_gas to get a calculated value. Set too low and the transaction will run out of gas.
  • value int - Value transferred in wei. The endowment for a contract creation transaction.
  • data hex str - Either a ABI byte string containing the data of the function call on a contract, or in the case of a contract-creation transaction the initialisation code.
  • gasPrice int - Price of gas in wei, defaults to in3.eth.gasPrice. Also know as tx fee price. Set your gas price too low and your transaction may get stuck. Set too high on your own loss. gasLimit (int); Maximum gas paid for this transaction. Set by the client using this rationale if left empty: gasLimit = G(transaction) + G(txdatanonzero) × dataByteLength. Minimum is 21000.
  • nonce int - Number of transactions mined from this address. Nonce is a value that will make a transaction fail in case it is different from (transaction count + 1). It exists to mitigate replay attacks. This allows to overwrite your own pending transactions by sending a new one with the same nonce. Use in3.eth.account.get_transaction_count to get the latest value.
  • hash hex str - Keccak of the transaction bytes, not part of the transaction. Also known as receipt, because this field is filled after the transaction is sent, by eth_sendTransaction
  • blockHash hex str - Block hash that this transaction was mined in. null when its pending.
  • blockHash int - Block number that this transaction was mined in. null when its pending.
  • transactionIndex int - Integer of the transactions index position in the block. null when its pending.
  • signature hex str - ECDSA of transaction.data, calculated r, s and v concatenated. V is parity set by v = 27 + (r % 2).


From: str = None,
to: str = None,
nonce: int = None,
value: int = None,
data: str = None,
gasPrice: int = None,
gasLimit: int = None,
hash: str = None,
signature: str = None)

Unsent transaction. Use to send a new transaction.


  • From hex str - Address of the sender account.
  • to hex str - Address of the receiver account. Left undefined for a contract creation transaction.
  • value int - (optional) Value transferred in wei. The endowment for a contract creation transaction.
  • data hex str - (optional) Either a ABI byte string containing the data of the function call on a contract, or in the case of a contract-creation transaction the initialisation code.
  • gasPrice int - (optional) Price of gas in wei, defaults to in3.eth.gasPrice. Also know as tx fee price. Set your gas price too low and your transaction may get stuck. Set too high on your own loss. gasLimit (int); (optional) Maximum gas paid for this transaction. Set by the client using this rationale if left empty: gasLimit = G(transaction) + G(txdatanonzero) × dataByteLength. Minimum is 21000.
  • nonce int - (optional) Number of transactions mined from this address. Nonce is a value that will make a transaction fail in case it is different from (transaction count + 1). It exists to mitigate replay attacks. This allows to overwrite your own pending transactions by sending a new one with the same nonce. Use in3.eth.account.get_transaction_count to get the latest value.
  • hash hex str - (optional) Keccak of the transaction bytes, not part of the transaction. Also known as receipt, because this field is filled after the transaction is sent.
  • signature hex str - (optional) ECDSA of transaction, r, s and v concatenated. V is parity set by v = 27 + (r % 2).


Filter(self, fromBlock: int, toBlock: int, address: str, topics: list,
blockhash: str)

Filters are event catchers running on the Ethereum Client. Incubed has a client-side implementation. An event will be stored in case it is within to and from blocks, or in the block of blockhash, contains a transaction to the designed address, and has a word listed on topics.


Log(self, address: <built-in function hex>,
blockHash: <built-in function hex>, blockNumber: int,
data: <built-in function hex>, logIndex: int, removed: bool,
topics: [<built-in function hex>],
transactionHash: <built-in function hex>, transactionIndex: int,
transactionLogIndex: int, Type: str)

Transaction Log for events and data returned from smart-contract method calls.


blockHash: <built-in function hex>,
blockNumber: int,
cumulativeGasUsed: int,
From: str,
gasUsed: int,
logsBloom: <built-in function hex>,
status: int,
transactionHash: <built-in function hex>,
transactionIndex: int,
logs: [<class 'in3.eth.model.Log'>] = None,
to: str = None,
contractAddress: str = None)

Receipt from a mined transaction.


blockHash: blockNumber:

  • cumulativeGasUsed - total amount of gas used by block From:
  • gasUsed - amount of gas used by this specific transaction logs: logsBloom:
  • status - 1 if transaction succeeded, 0 otherwise. transactionHash: transactionIndex:
  • to - Account to which this transaction was sent. If the transaction was a contract creation this value is set to None.
  • contractAddress - Contract Account address created, f the transaction was a contract creation, or None otherwise.


address: str,
chain_id: int,
secret: int = None,
domain: str = None)

An Ethereum account.


  • address - Account address. Derived from public key.
  • chain_id - ID of the chain the account is used in.
  • secret - Account private key. A 256 bit number.
  • domain - ENS Domain name. ie. niceguy.eth

Library Runtime

Shared Library Runtime module

Loads libin3 according to host hardware architecture and OS. Maps symbols, methods and types from the library. Encapsulates low-level rpc calls into a comprehensive runtime.


chain_id: int,
cache_enabled: bool = True,
deterministic_node_sel: bool = False)

Instantiate libin3 and frees it when garbage collected.


  • chain_id int - Chain-id based on EIP-155. Default is 0x1 for Ethereum mainNet.
  • transport_fn - Transport function to handle the HTTP Incubed Network requests.
  • cache_enabled bool - False will disable local storage cache.
  • deterministic_node_sel bool - True will make node selection deterministic.


Load libin3 shared library for the current system, map function ABI, sets in3 network transport functions.


libin3_new(chain_id: int,
cache_enabled: bool = True,
deterministic_node_sel: bool = False)

Instantiate new In3 Client instance.


  • chain_id int - Chain id as integer
  • transport_fn - (c.CFUNCTYPE)Transport plugin function for the in3 network requests
  • cache_enabled bool - False will disable local storage cache.
  • deterministic_node_sel - (bool): True will enable in3 node selection to be deterministic


  • instance int - Memory address of the client instance, return value from libin3_new


libin3_free(instance: int)

Free In3 Client objects from memory.


  • instance int - Memory address of the client instance, return value from libin3_new


libin3_call(instance: int, fn_name: bytes, fn_args: bytes)

Make Remote Procedure Call to an arbitrary method of a libin3 instance


  • instance int - Memory address of the client instance, return value from libin3_new
  • fn_name bytes - Name of function that will be called in the client rpc.
  • fn_args - (bytes) Serialized list of arguments, matching the parameters order of this function. i.e. [’0x123’]


  • result int - Function execution status.


libin3_set_pk(instance: int, private_key: bytes)

Register the signer module in the In3 Client instance, with selected private key loaded in memory.


  • instance int - Memory address of the client instance, return value from libin3_new
  • private_key - 256 bit number.



Transport function that registers a response to a request.




libin3_new_bytes_t(value: bytes, length: int)

C Bytes struct


  • length - byte array length
  • value - byte array


  • ptr_addr - address of the instance of this struct


libin3_register_plugin(instance: int,
actions: PluginAction,
action_fn: <function CFUNCTYPE at 0x101bdedc0>,

Registers a plugin. Plugins are extension modules that can perform custom actions like sign transactions, transport it, select nodes from the in3 network, and more.


  • instance - In3 instance
  • actions - Bit mask of actions the plugin can perform
  • action_fn - Function that will handle the plugin calls according to actions
  • data - Context data the plugin needs to know to operate
  • replace_old - Replace old registered action handlers for defined actions


  • in3_rpc_error_code - OK will return 0.