API Reference Node/Server

The term in3-server and in3-node are used interchangeably.

Nodes are the backend of Incubed. Each node serves RPC requests to Incubed clients. The node itself runs like a proxy for an Ethereum client (Geth, Parity, etc.), but instead of simply passing the raw response, it will add the required proof needed by the client to verify the response.

To run such a node, you need to have an Ethereum client running where you want to forward the request to. At the moment, the minimum requirement is that this client needs to support eth_getProof (see http://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-1186).

You can create your own docker compose file/docker command using our command line descriptions below. But you can also use our tool in3-server-setup to help you through the process.

Command-line Arguments

 If true, this node is able to deliver multiple chains.
 If true, this node is able to deliver proofs.
 Max number of parallel requests.
 The deposit you want to store.
 Unit of the deposit value.
 The public URL to reach this node.
--cache Cache Merkle tries.
--chain ChainId.
--clientKeys A comma-separated list of client keys to use for simulating clients for the watchdog.
--db-database Name of the database.
--db-host Db-host (default: local host).
--db-password Password for db-access.
--db-user Username for the db.
--defaultChain The default chainId in case the request does not contain one.
--freeScore The score for requests without a valid signature.
--handler The implementation used to handle the calls.
--help Output usage information.
--id An identifier used in log files for reading the configuration from the database.
--ipfsUrl The URL of the IPFS client.
 If true, colors will be used.
--logging-file The path to the log file.
--logging-host The host for custom logging.
 Log level.
--logging-name The name of the provider.
--logging-type The module of the provider.
--maxThreads The maximal number of threads running parallel to the processes.
 The Score for one client able to use within one minute, which is used as DOS-Protection.
 The max number of blocks signed per in3_sign-request
 The max number of signatures to sign per request
 The minimal block height needed to sign.
 The file name of the file keeping track of the last handled blockNumber.
--privateKey The path to the keystore-file for the signer key used to sign blockhashes.
 The password used to decrypt the private key.
 Comments for the node.
--profile-icon URL to an icon or logo of a company offering this node.
--profile-name Name of the node or company.
 If active, the stats will not be shown (default: false).
--profile-url URL of the website of the company.
 URL of the prometheus gateway to report stats
--registry The address of the server registry used to update the NodeList.
--registryRPC The URL of the client in case the registry is not on the same chain.
--rpcUrl The URL of the client.
--startBlock BlockNumber to start watching the registry.
--timeout Number of milliseconds needed to wait before a request times out.
--version Output of the version number.
 The number of seconds before a new event.
 Average time between sending requests to the same node. 0 turns it off (default).

in3-server-setup tool

The in3-server-setup tool can be found both [online](https://in3-setup.slock.it) and on [DockerHub](https://hub.docker.com/r/slockit/in3-server-setup). The DockerHub version can be used to avoid relying on our online service, a full source will be released soon.

The tool can be used to generate the private key as well as the docker-compose file for use on the server.

Note: The below guide is a basic example of how to setup and in3 node, no assurances are made as to the security of the setup. Please take measures to protect your private key and server.

Setting up a server on AWS:
  1. Create an account on AWS and create a new EC2 instance

  2. Save the key and SSH into the machine with `ssh -i "SSH_KEY.pem" user@IP`

  3. Install docker and docker-compose on the EC2 instance `apt-get install docker docker-compose`

  4. Use scp to transfer the docker-compose file and private key, `scp -i "SSH_KEY" FILE  user@IP:.`

  5. Run the Ethereum client, for example parity and allow it to sync

  6. Once the client is synced, run the docker-compose file with `docker-compose up`

  7. Test the in3 node by making a request to the address
    curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type:application/json' \
    --data '{"id":1,"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"in3_nodeList", \
    "params":[],"in3":{"version": "0x2","chainId":"0x1","verification":"proof"}}' \
  8. Consider using tools such as AWS Shield to protect your server from DOS attacks

Registering Your Own Incubed Node

If you want to participate in this network and register a node, you need to send a transaction to the registry contract, calling registerServer(string _url, uint _props).

To run an Incubed node, you simply use docker-compose:

First run partiy, and allow the client to sync:
version: '2'
    image: parity:latest                                    # Parity image with the proof function implemented.
    - --auto-update=none                                    # Do not automatically update the client.
    - --pruning=archive
    - --pruning-memory=30000                                # Limit storage.
    - --jsonrpc-experimental                                # Currently still needed until EIP 1186 is finalized.
Then run in3 with the below docker-compose file:
version: '2'
          image: slockit/in3-server:latest
          - $PWD/keys:/secure                                     # Directory where the private key is stored.
          - 8500:8500/tcp                                         # Open the port 8500 to be accessed by the public.
          - --privateKey=/secure/myKey.json                       # Internal path to the key.
          - --privateKeyPassphrase=dummy                          # Passphrase to unlock the key.
          - --chain=0x1                                           # Chain (Kovan).
          - --rpcUrl=http://incubed-parity:8545                   # URL of the Kovan client.
          - --registry=0xFdb0eA8AB08212A1fFfDB35aFacf37C3857083ca # URL of the Incubed registry.
          - --autoRegistry-url=http://in3.server:8500             # Check or register this node for this URL.
          - --autoRegistry-deposit=2                              # Deposit to use when registering.