Getting Started

INCUBED can be used in different ways.


Stack Size Code Base Use Case
TS/JS 2.7MB (browserified) TypeScript WebApplication (Client in the Browser) or Mobile Applications
C/C++ 200kB C IoT-Devices, can be integrated nicely on many micro controllers (like [zephyr-supported boards] ( ) or anny other C/C++ -Application
Java 205kB C Java-Implementation of a native-wrapper
Docker 74MB TypeScript For replacing existing clients with this docker and connect to incubed via localhost:8545 without the need to change the architecture
bash 200kB C the commandline utils can be used directly as executable within bash-script or on the shell

other Languages will be supported soon (or can simply use the shared library directly).


Installing incubes is as easy as installing any other module:

npm install --save in3

As Provider in Web3

The Incubed Client also implements the Provider-Interface used in the web3-Library and can be used directly.

// import in3-Module
import In3Client from 'in3'
import * as web3 from 'web3'

// use the In3Client as Http-Provider
const web3 = new Web3(new In3Client({
    proof         : 'standard',
    signatureCount: 1,
    requestCount  : 2,
    chainId       : 'mainnet'

// use the web3
const block = await web.eth.getBlockByNumber('latest')

Direct API

Incubed includes a light API, allowinng not only to use all RPC-Methods in a typesafe way, but also to sign transactions and call funnctions of a contract without the web3-library.

For more details see the API-Doc

// import in3-Module
import In3Client from 'in3'

// use the In3Client
const in3 = new In3Client({
    proof         : 'standard',
    signatureCount: 1,
    requestCount  : 2,
    chainId       : 'mainnet'

// use the api to call a funnction..
const myBalance = await in3.eth.callFn(myTokenContract, 'balanceOf(address):uint', myAccount)

// ot to send a transaction..
const receipt = await in3.eth.sendTransaction({ 
  to           : myTokenContract, 
  method       : 'transfer(address,uint256)',
  args         : [target,amount],
  confirmations: 2,
  pk           : myKey


As Docker-Container

In order to start the incubed-client as a standalone client (allowing others none-js-application to connect to it), you can start the container as

docker run -d -p 8545:8545  slockit/in3:latest --chainId=mainnet

The application would then accept the following arguments:

the limit of nodes to store in the client.
if true, the in3-section of thr response will be kept. Otherwise it will be removed after validating the data. This is useful for debugging or if the proof should be used afterwards.
the format for sending the data to the client. Default is json, but using cbor means using only 30-40% of the payload since it is using binary encoding.
if true the config will be adjusted depending on the request
if true the request may be handled without proof in case of an error. (use with care!)
if true, the request should include the codes of all accounts. otherwise only the codeHash is returned. In this case the client may ask by calling eth_getCode() afterwards
number of max bytes used to cache the code in memory
number of number of blocks cached in memory
‘none’ for no verification, ‘standard’ for verifying all important fields, ‘full’ veryfying all fields even if this means a high payload.
number of signatures requested
percenage of validators signed blockheaders - this is used for PoA (aura)
min stake of the server. Only nodes owning at least this amount will be chosen.
if specified, the blocknumber latest will be replaced by blockNumber- specified value
the number of request send when getting a first answer
specifies the number of milliseconds before the request times out. increasing may be helpful if the device uses a slow connection.
servers to filter for the given chain. The chain-id based on EIP-155.
main chain-registry contract
main chain-id, where the chain registry is running.
if true the nodelist will be automaticly updated if the lastBlock is newer
a url of RES-Endpoint, the client will log all errors to. The client will post to this endpoint JSON like { id?, level, message, meta? }

C - Implementation

The C-Implemetation will be released soon!

#include <stdio.h>
#include <in3/client.h>  // the core client
#include <eth_full.h>    // the full ethereum verifier containing the EVM
#include <in3/eth_api.h> // wrapper for easier use
#include <in3_curl.h>    // transport implementation

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {

  // register a chain-verifier for full Ethereum-Support

  // create new incubed client
  in3_t* c        = in3_new();

  // set your config
  c->transport    = send_curl; // use curl to handle the requests
  c->requestCount = 1;         // number of requests to send
  c->chainId      = 0x1;       // use main chain

  // use a ethereum-api instead of pure JSON-RPC-Requests
  eth_block_t* block = eth_getBlockByNumber(c, atoi(argv[1]), true);
  if (!block)
    printf("Could not find the Block: %s", eth_last_error());
  else {
    printf("Number of verified transactions in block: %i", block->tx_count);


More Details are comming soon…


The Java-Implementation uses a wrapper of the C-Implemenation. That’s why you need to make sure the or in3.dll or libin3.dylib can be found in the java.library.path, like

java -Djava.library.path=”path_to_in3;${env_var:PATH}” HelloIN3.class

import org.json.*;
import in3.IN3;

public class HelloIN3 {  
   public static void main(String[] args) {
       String blockNumber = args[0]; 
       IN3 in3 = new IN3();
       JSONObject result = new JSONObject(in3.sendRPC("eth_getBlockByNumber",{ blockNumberm ,true})));

Commandline Tool

Based on the C-Implementation a Commandline-Util is build, which executes a JSON-RPC-Request and only delivers the result. This can be used within bash-scripts:

CURRENT_BLOCK = `in3 -c kovan eth_blockNumber`

#or to send a transaction

IN3_PK=`cat mysecret_key.txt` in3 eth_sendTransaction '{"from":"0x5338d77B5905CdEEa7c55a1F3A88d03559c36D73", "to":"0xb5049E77a70c4ea06355E3bcbfcF8fDADa912481", "value":"0x10000"}'

Supported Chains

Currently incubed is deployed on the following chains:


Registry : 0x2736D225f85740f42D17987100dc8d58e9e16252

ChainId : 0x1 (alias mainnet)

Status :



Registry : 0x27a37a1210df14f7e058393d026e2fb53b7cf8c1

ChainId : 0x2a (alias kovan)

Status :



Registry : 0x845E484b505443814B992Bf0319A5e8F5e407879

ChainId : 0x44d (alias tobalaba)

Status :



Registry : 0x85613723dB1Bc29f332A37EeF10b61F8a4225c7e

ChainId : 0x4b1 (alias evan)

Status :



Registry : 0x85613723dB1Bc29f332A37EeF10b61F8a4225c7e

ChainId : 0x5 (alias goerli)

Status :



Registry : 0xf0fb87f4757c77ea3416afe87f36acaa0496c7e9

ChainId : 0x7d0 (alias ipfs)

Status :


Registering a own in3-node

If you want to participate in this network and also register a node, you need to send a transaction to the registry-contract calling registerServer(string _url, uint _props).

ABI of the registry:


To run a incubed node, you simply use docker-compose:

version: '2'
    image: slockit/in3-server:latest
    - $PWD/keys:/secure                                     # directory where the private key is stored 
    - 8500:8500/tcp                                         # open the port 8500 to be accessed by public
    - --privateKey=/secure/myKey.json                       # internal path to the key
    - --privateKeyPassphrase=dummy                          # passphrase to unlock the key
    - --chain=0x1                                           # chain (kovan)
    - --rpcUrl=http://incubed-parity:8545                   # url of the kovan-client
    - --registry=0xFdb0eA8AB08212A1fFfDB35aFacf37C3857083ca # url of the incubed-registry 
    - --autoRegistry-url=http://in3.server:8500             # check or register this node for this url
    - --autoRegistry-deposit=2                              # deposit to use when registering

    image: slockit/parity-in3:v2.2                          # parity-image with the getProof-function implemented
    - --auto-update=none                                    # do not automaticly update the client
    - --pruning=archive 
    - --pruning-memory=30000                                # limit storage